My little girl is off to the Air Force part 2

Greatest thing about crashing the simulator...........................Reboot and start again. No injuries. Peace
And it doesn't cost us HUNDRES of MILLIONS of dollars...or any lives...LOL

Worked for Northrop engineering some of the information systems on that bird. Tough bastards doing the hard work in theatre. 

Working on one in theatre, got onboard and was greeted by a bunch of guys cuffed to the jumpseats with hoods on. Final destination: GTMO. :rofl:

Heavies keep airfield maintenance companies like the one I work for in biz...

Bring them in....lots of them!
With that...we build one (the only one) that is specifically fitted to be carried by a C-130 that travels around the globe cleaning up all the rubber mess the USAF big birds leave behind while landing..  Bring them in!

Time for an update,

Well the girl is now a a certified C17 pilot. Wrapped up her training at Altus AFB in Ok to be com certified.
She had to do Sere training (Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape) in Washington. From what she told me it's no joke. She was slapped ,punched and basically put through hell for 10 days. Shes a tough one though and handled it like the beast she is.. Next stop Charleston SC where she will be based out of there for about 4 years. They are building a ground up home that should be ready hopefully by New Years. Heading out the on the 17th to help her pack up the house in Mississippi and get it ready for renters.. Her husband is contacting in Iraq at the embassy living his dream driving the motorcade in a armored suburban. He should be finished with the first part of his contract in Oct.


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That's awesome.

Yeah...SERE sucks no matter how you slice it. It would be interesting to talk to her and see how it's changed since I went through 25 years ago.
Congrats to your daughter and you and your wife for raising such an outstanding young woman. That achievement is so awesome thank her for her service for us
That is just wow.
Very cool. Congratulations to Marlene, you and Maria.
Please thank her for her service for me.
Congrats. Puts her in the top fraction of 1 percent accomplishing this.
Proud time, enjoy the fruits of a life well lived and a family well raised.