My little girl is off to the Air Force part 2

Badass chick! Good job Mom and Dad.

Congratulations to her and her parents!

Doesn’t seem like it was that long ago she was graduating basic training, it’s been a pleasure to have a front row seat to this adventure through your posts.

On a side note, an important part of Air Force training is staying out of the Army’s way when they’re getting busy in theater! 

So awesome!!! Congrats to Marleen!!!!! And to you 2 as parents. You raised her right!

Well it's official! We are out here in Columbus Mississippi to whach her Graduation from her Flight training,

She got her wings today, so amazing to see this milestone in her life and be a part of it. It has been a long journey and she has grown so much in that time. My little girl is an amazing young woman and it happens so fast!




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Very impressive. Great job of parenting. I Thank her for serving our country. With people like her we are safe and in good hands. 

BOOM !!!!! Super Girl Strikes Again!!!!!!

AWESOME / You are an INCREDIBLE Dad that raised a TRUE CHAMPION!!!!

I love this tread!!!

CONGRATS to ALL of you!


so cool to see...I am very proud to see young people still interested to serve our country and please  keep the pictures coming.i find the military rad and can't Waite to see the bad ass jet she winds up learning to fly.

Awesome news, God bless those who serve our nation.


She is a total stud Randal.  Congratulations brother.  👊❤️👍

2 possible careers that there’s an extreme shortage in. Nicely done! :biggrin:
