Motorhome Life

It was a funny 1hasbeen. The problem with the moho was one cylinder was scarred. Had to repair cylinder four. Peace
Yes, I get it. I was making a futile attempt at humor regarding P Swing and a miss...

It was a funny 1hasbeen. The problem with the moho was one cylinder was scarred. Had to repair cylinder four. Peace


Pulled her back into the driveway today!! Excited to have her back home. The motor ran great the whole way home too. Exactly like I remember. 2000 rpm's at 70-75 mph. No overheating. Climbed well. The temp gauge stayed at the same position entire time. Tried to push it hard a couple times. Seemed to handle it no problem. Next test, load the trailer and make the drive to Glamis. Now when I drive her i'll be much more in tune with temp / RPM's / speed. (Not that I wasn't that way earlier in it's life). Patience needed when I'm excited to get where I want to go FAST. Most of y'all have a 3-5 hr drive to Mother G.  Mine, 22hrs behind the wheel. No matter how fast I drive. So chEFF......Be patient with her. She's 20 yrs old. (But the motor isn't) That's my story, I'm sticking to it. Anyways, it felt good to pull off the Hwy to a Rest Area, watch the Natl Championship Game, eat dinner, enjoy a relaxing evening out. Wake up in the morning, fire up the generator, turn on some highlights, cook breakfast, enjoy the moment. We've always enjoyed the road in the motorhome. Pull over / slide out / and spend time where we are. It's our home away from home. Peaceful. Feels good to finally have her home. The 'Ol saying "This too shall pass" Time for some new memories! Peace  

Pulled her back into the driveway today!! Excited to have her back home. The motor ran great the whole way home too. Exactly like I remember. 2000 rpm's at 70-75 mph. No overheating. Climbed well. The temp gauge stayed at the same position entire time. Tried to push it hard a couple times. Seemed to handle it no problem. Next test, load the trailer and make the drive to Glamis. Now when I drive her i'll be much more in tune with temp / RPM's / speed. (Not that I wasn't that way earlier in it's life). Patience needed when I'm excited to get where I want to go FAST. Most of y'all have a 3-5 hr drive to Mother G.  Mine, 22hrs behind the wheel. No matter how fast I drive. So chEFF......Be patient with her. She's 20 yrs old. (But the motor isn't) That's my story, I'm sticking to it. Anyways, it felt good to pull off the Hwy to a Rest Area, watch the Natl Championship Game, eat dinner, enjoy a relaxing evening out. Wake up in the morning, fire up the generator, turn on some highlights, cook breakfast, enjoy the moment. We've always enjoyed the road in the motorhome. Pull over / slide out / and spend time where we are. It's our home away from home. Peaceful. Feels good to finally have her home. The 'Ol saying "This too shall pass" Time for some new memories! Peace  
Did they add a few more ponies in during the rebuild??

Let me know when you land in 22....... Ill be there!!!!

Glad you got that baby HOME!!!  its such a great rig!


Let me tell you how Da chEFF handles things. You've read about the bitchin, the moaning, the disagreements, the frustrations, the disappointments. Those issues I've had with the Tech's / The Reps and the Head Honcho's. Arrived first thing in the morning to pick the rig up. First Guy I saw was the First guy I met when I was turning the rig in for service.....Joe. Greeted him with a huge smile and an appreciation for handling my problem. Then went directly to Wayne. He was the one who eliminated me from conversation early in the process. Wayne was the man who did all the work. Went to say Thank You for all your effort getting my baby back to life. Wayne was a really cool guy. I couldn't thank him enough. We got a long very well. Total respect for each other. The techs (Joe / Wayne) were cool. They said, "we're glad CAT helped out with the costs." I thanked them for storing the rig inside since It's not winterized. Nor has it ever spent time outdoors. Except in Mother G! Went inside to pay for the repairs. Met Melissa, she was a nice lady. Small talk. Then had to go meet the GM and the other people who were eaves dropping in on the "Who the hell is this guy" conversation with Melissa. One thing that wakes people up in the morning is ENERGY! I could tell this office was yawn yawn yawn. Not anymore, Da chEFF woke em up and made them all laugh. What else could I do? I'm dropping $12k, someone had to laugh. Cause deep down inside, I wasn't laughing! Huge praise for those who fixed my Rig. Let's hope another 17 years of driving to Mother G! Peace 
