Mosquito traps...


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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We are getting hammered with mosquitos this year.  last night they were out in full force.....  and they are tearing me up.    Any of you guys have mosquito traps on your properties? 

I have one of these in the garage & it seems to work OK.  but if the door is open & there is any breeze it does not work too well.


one of the places we stayed @ this past week had one of these on their property & they said it works "ok".


Ive been using "Off bug spray" & while it seems to work OK, seems like spraying deet all over me does not seem like a great idea.  anyone have any other things they use???

We are getting hammered with mosquitos this year.  last night they were out in full force.....  and they are tearing me up.    Any of you guys have mosquito traps on your properties? 

I have one of these in the garage & it seems to work OK.  but if the door is open & there is any breeze it does not work too well.

one of the places we stayed @ this past week had one of these on their property & they said it works "ok".

Ive been using "Off bug spray" & while it seems to work OK, seems like spraying deet all over me does not seem like a great idea.  anyone have any other things they use???
Here in Knoxville, they are akin to piranhas…if you’re sensitive to them.  My wife and son are not.  Me, on the other hand, get chewed up by them….and it’s painful.

I use Vitacilina when bitten.  I use a natural spray that is non-toxic and citrus-based to keep them. I’ll get the name and share.

I’m in the OC at a conference right now and the only thing I’m enjoying about being here is that there are no mosquitoes!

We got the mosquito fog service from our pest guy. 1x/month $75. The first time it was amazing not one bite. As soon as I did get a bite they were due back for the next service. The 2nd service I’m sure helps but still getting bit here and there. If I know I’m gonna be outside my house it’s easier to just spray the off and know I won’t get bit. 

We have them here. I want to murder them all…

Gonna drop some partial pool chlorine tablets in the landscape drains right now, forgot about that

@NIKAL, thanks for the input.  I'm pretty certain your spot on about what is going on here at my place.  The normal big mosquitoes are not much of a problem and most folks know how to deal with them.  We don't normally have issues with them, but the last few days I've seen more.  

Those little bastages....  they really are the biggest problem.  I'm pretty certain the breeding issue is not on my property (neighbors..... ).  We are very diligent with being careful.   I'm to the point now that I think I can't prevent them from breeding so I have to be able to kill them or deter them from coming into my property. (Yea I know... its like getting a politician to tell the truth..).

I've tried the cutter and other sprays, and it's not made a difference which makes me think they are not breeding in my yard.  But they certainly are coming for dinner... LOL 

One of the guys I work with suggested bats.  I did a bit of research and with our location, think that might be an option.  The down side is bat crap.  Anyone try this??? 


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Avon  skin so soft lotion has something in it they don't like....Daughter uses it in the Sierras...says she gets very few bites up there.. and they are worse up there.  They don't like the citronella spray so I just spray my entire house with it.... we stink like citronella....and they still get me in the garage... 

Strange they seem to only bite your ankles...legs, weird, I guess they are afraid of heights.... 

I showed this thread to the wife because we have a problem with these little bastards too! It makes working in the garage impossible! She said this crap works the best and then I asked well, wtf!!! Order it!!

Screenshot_20220924-101752_Amazon Shopping.jpg

From what I've read in the past, mosquitoes are attracted by the CO2 in your breath when you exhale. They make mosquito traps that burn propane and attract the mosquitoes with CO2 and then zaps them when they arrive. I've also used Avon Skin so Soft and it worked as well or better than actual bug sprays to keep them off of you. Good luck!

Avon  skin so soft lotion has something in it they don't like....Daughter uses it in the Sierras...says she gets very few bites up there.. and they are worse up there.  They don't like the citronella spray so I just spray my entire house with it.... we stink like citronella....and they still get me in the garage... 

Strange they seem to only bite your ankles...legs, weird, I guess they are afraid of heights.... 

@NIKAL, thanks for the input.  I'm pretty certain your spot on about what is going on here at my place.  The normal big mosquitoes are not much of a problem and most folks know how to deal with them.  We don't normally have issues with them, but the last few days I've seen more.  

Those little bastages....  they really are the biggest problem.  I'm pretty certain the breeding issue is not on my property (neighbors..... ).  We are very diligent with being careful.   I'm to the point now that I think I can't prevent them from breeding so I have to be able to kill them or deter them from coming into my property. (Yea I know... its like getting a politician to tell the truth..).

I've tried the cutter and other sprays, and it's not made a difference which makes me think they are not breeding in my yard.  But they certainly are coming for dinner... LOL 

One of the guys I work with suggested bats.  I did a bit of research and with our location, think that might be an option.  The down side is bat crap.  Anyone try this??? 

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We have many Bats at our home. We still have the ankle biters and at times they are bad. Bat poop, yes, they do! But the other side is they must be eating to poop, right.

I've tried the skin so soft and it does notnwork for me, I think it's more of a seasoning than anything.  LOL 

I didn't consider they might be too small for the bats...  might have to give that some thought before I hang the bat house... 

This year is weird I haven’t had any mosquito bite. But I’ve had a crap ton of bug bites on my ankles to the point of them swelling.  So I think I’m getting chewed on by the “no see um” that Nikal mentioned.  First time was up in Running Springs and then at a great steakhouse in Palm Springs.  

Thanks that must of been the black bug that I killed on my ankle.  

I heard someone the other day say to slightly open a box of bounce dryer sheets and put in a vent indoors to keep mosquitoes and most other insects out of the house. I haven't tried it but it sounded pretty convincing at least for indoors anyway 
