Whole thing looks stupid ! Ill be over to add some KISS Army deacals so the neighbors understand an actual biological male resides in the house.
Over rated peg board that will just be home to a bunch of your man Bun Scrunchies......A clean white "garage Fridge" which will houze your soy milk and frapachino / pumpkin latte spice mix and to top it all off a hanger rack that will hang your mountain bike and new spandex cycling shorts that you will use to run around OC - driving all the other bearded jackazz man bun dipchits nuts because you don't even know how to ride!
My suggestion would be to ask the installers if they could build you a small shed in the backyard that is painted all white to use as a place to just sit......Reflect AND ....THINK and really medatate and figure out what the EFF you are doing !
AND NO.....I cant tell from the pics that there is a hint of beige in the flooring, goes great with the butcher block counter tops........
Dear God!!! :what are you saying.......It sounds like you went to see Joana Gains remodel a house and in true Hipster fashion are taking it out on this poor Garage!!!!!!! WHERE IS DALE ???????? WHO Kidnapped Him ???????? Call 911 .....Call 911...........wait, this phone has no eleven !!!!! :scared: OOOHH, an this little ray of hope.....
"The floor is called Dolphin Gray " say that 3X fast with a lisp and man o man you can see where the EFF this country is headed!!!! YIKES!!! ........Paging Dbart,......Paging Dbart ........Clean up in aisle 9 !!!!
You may need a trip to the sand OR maybe it might be good to have @Mac slap you upside the head........I just wanna know,.......Where the HELL is @dbart.........
GEEEEZ, You really hit this one out of the park!!!!
