Joke of the day! (No Memes)

my wife walked into the kitchen seeing me stalking around with a fly swatter, she asks whats up, I reply hunting flys, she asks how its going?

I reply I killed 3 males and 2 females so far, she asks how can you tell them apart?

I reply yet again the males were on a beer can the females were on the phone
The wife and I were standing in line at the bank today when the guy at the front of the line robbed the bank.
As he turned to leave, he ask the first guy in line if he saw him rob the bank. He said yes, so the robber shot him in the head and killed him
He walked to the second guy and asked him, did you see me rob the bank, same response, Yes, I did again the robber shoots and kills the man.
He then walks up to me and asks. Did you see me rob the bank? I say no, but my wife did!