Its Saturday Sept 2nd 2023!! What is everyone up too this LABOR DAY WEEKEND?


Apr 30, 2021
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Well is Labor day weekend and wondering what everyone is up too? For me it will be a Bunch of work and going to Pick up my sons Quad from the Shop Today. Me and My Granddaughter get the day together today so we will see if I can Keep her entertained while she is Here. Really wanting to teach her how to ride but nothing that small around my house so maybe a cruise in the YXZ down the street who knows.

Y'all have a Blessed and safe weekend

Raining pretty good up here right now

Just put 2 racks of ribs in the smoker.  My brother's coming up to show off his new F250 Tremor.

Need to cut my hair and do some weed whipping.  Gotta work tomorrow and Monday.

Might try to make some Brisket Hash for breakfast on the Blackstone.

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Going to the sister inlaws in Running Springs for a bbq. I’ve got some little things to finish up the CanAm. Then take everything to powder coat on Tuesday.  

everyone be safe this weekend.  Remember the Highway Patrol is on the lookout and on high alert.  

Wife and i went to laholla shores last night to see the bio illumination but there was none. It was 78 degrees down there and we walked the beach a few times and just talked.  We had a bunch to catch up on. 

Slept in this morning.  Finishing  breakfast then off to the mountains for a hike.  

House chores, etc.  Going to pull all of our pictures out of albums then get them scanned in.  Next will be the boxes of vhs and dig 8 movies.  

Maybe bbq sometime.  

And..... dunno

Woke up with a knife stuck in my lower back. WTF!!! I've never had that Psycoattica thing. Sure feels like it. Oil change in the F-350. While I was there fixed one of their doors. Spent money made money. Was planning a Big Weekend until this sharp pain showed up. Now.....I don't know what to do. Push thru it? Maybe Tequila time. Peace

Woke up with a knife stuck in my lower back. WTF!!! I've never had that Psycoattica thing. Sure feels like it. Oil change in the F-350. While I was there fixed one of their doors. Spent money made money. Was planning a Big Weekend until this sharp pain showed up. Now.....I don't know what to do. Push thru it? Maybe Tequila time. Peace
YORE old :ex:   ignore it and have fun and yes on the tequila

Going to watch some REAL College football today..............and do little else.... 

Don't mess with the Schiatica Pain... get to a good Chiro....the longer you wait the worse it can damage the nerves and then it's a biatch.....I wish I would have taken it seriously...time to add more stretching and exercise into your routine. 

Getting old sucks

What hike you decide on?
We went to sunrise highway. To a trail called sunrise trailhead.  There are a couple of little lakes out there Los rasalese and big laguna lake.  It was super nice.  70*, nice breeze.  Some shade from the trees.  Very enjoyable walk.  

Came home to sprinkles and we grass.  


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We are talking aviut doing another one somewhere on Monday.  

Gym, son’s baseball and have been at neighbor’s man cave having a drank (haven’t had one in nearly a year) enjoying watching the Vols destroy Virginia!!!!

Tonight, neighbor’s lake house!

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Woke up with a knife stuck in my lower back. WTF!!! I've never had that Psycoattica thing. Sure feels like it. Oil change in the F-350. While I was there fixed one of their doors. Spent money made money. Was planning a Big Weekend until this sharp pain showed up. Now.....I don't know what to do. Push thru it? Maybe Tequila time. Peace
You sure it’s a knife? Paz.

Shot dove yesterday but the salton sea for the dove opener 

Picking the buggy up today to start prep for Halloween 

Shooting a competition tomorrow 

Working on the house Monday 

Taking it easy today. 
Might be driving an RV back to Ontario from Burning Man tomorrow. 

Taking it easy today. 
Might be driving an RV back to Ontario from Burning Man tomorrow. 
How?  A couple of friends there say it’s a mud pit!  They’re docs and are paying to be choppered out!

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How?  A couple of friends there say it’s a mud pit!  They’re docs and are paying to be choppered out!
Yup. That’s why I said “might be “. 
I’m on standby but it doesn’t look good. They’re supposed to be getting more rain tonight.  So I’m just chilling with some cold ones and listening to Jimmy Buffet. 

Yup. That’s why I said “might be “. 
I’m on standby but it doesn’t look good. They’re supposed to be getting more rain tonight.  So I’m just chilling with some cold ones and listening to Jimmy Buffet. 
Nice!  Cold chillin’

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