Is AI a threat?

In my opinion the big social media platforms have caused so much harm to our society and AI will just take it to another level which will just speed up the decline of our country as well as other western countries.

In my opinion the big social media platforms have caused so much harm to our society and AI will just take it to another level which will just speed up the decline of our country as well as other western countries.
Tinfoil hat on..

I have a feeling in the not so distant future everyone's going to be encouraged unplug their computers and turn off their phones to stop AI.. Another way to control the population.. I'm sure the government's already working on this as we speak..

If AI is for the betterment of the human race than I imagine it'll "brick" the whole internet for our own good.. 🤪

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Whats crazy is they say you only need 10 seconds of someone talking to make a fake like that. Of course “hey alexa” is already recording everything said, along with amazon fire sticks, your phones, laptops, tv’s, they all have/are recorded you.
I'm getting tons of spam calls where no one talks, just total silence.  I usually hang up and block them, but tonight I'm realizing that the entire strategy may be to capture my voice for AI evil doings!!  I need to reinforce my strategy to never talk, no matter what mood I'm in when I get the call.  Yes I'm guilty of saying curse words or sentences when I'm in a bad mood.

Tinfoil hat on..

I have a feeling in the not so distant future everyone's going to be encouraged unplug their computers and turn off their phones to stop AI.. Another way to control the population.. I'm sure the government's already working on this as we speak..

If AI is for the betterment of the human race than I imagine it'll "brick" the whole internet for our own good.. 🤪
It's too late, Skynet wasn't a was EVERYWHERE....

I'm getting tons of spam calls where no one talks, just total silence.  I usually hang up and block them, but tonight I'm realizing that the entire strategy may be to capture my voice for AI evil doings!!  I need to reinforce my strategy to never talk, no matter what mood I'm in when I get the call.  Yes I'm guilty of saying curse words or sentences when I'm in a bad mood.
Did you hear the story of the lady that

got a call and it was her daughters voice

saying she was kidnapped?


Did you hear the story of the lady that

got a call and it was her daughters voice

saying she was kidnapped?
Yes I did hear about that.  There can be identification strategies like having code words agreed upon, or ask them a personal question about family history.

Microsoft’s Bing Chat AI is now open to everyone...

Making it access able to everybody.. there's a strategy.. AI will learn every culture, nuance, situational tendency, whim , etc , and society will be "bringing " all of that varied knowledge to it ...  If you understand the power of AI , with the ability to learn in "exponential", and then use a bit of extrapulation, and then add in  some "ill intent" of whoever is in control of that monster.    Combine all that, and the statement, "this isn't going to end well"    becomes an understatement of exponential proportion. Will make the "Hunger Games" scenario look like a tea party.

Been thinking about why AI is all the rage these days and then someone mentioned that it is likely because Zucks Metaverse, Crypto and NFTs have imploded . . .

AI is centralized Data caches, Crypto is extremely decentralized. That makes it hard to govern or pull a plug on at this time.

It's all very interesting to learn about. I don't care for crypto because you can always dig up more gold.
