Is AI a threat?


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2021
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Are we in actual danger and if so how soon will we be slaves to AI?

2025 is right around the corner...maybe too late? Open AI with an accessible User interface aka Chat GPT is a wake up call.

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These people keep going down this path because they say they cannot see an apparent risk-that is exactly why there is such a risk.

this should be stopped ASAP.

My .02

Thats NUTS. I don't want to look into my phone anymore. Is a matter of fact, I want to STO typing. Pea

Funny Story...

My sis calls me for advice on asking for a raise at work.  I tell her, DON'T do a "if you pay me more I'll work harder!".  I'd fire an employee if they pull that crap.

So she goes to Chat GPT, asks "IT" to write a letter asking for a raise.  "IT"says... IF YOU PAY ME MORE I'LL WORK HARDER... only in a fancy whole page word salad.  I don't think she even read it. It was obvious when she read it back to me.  I guess she thought since is was ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, it'd do a better job.  I think the keyword is ARTIFICIAL.  Then seems her boss used a Chat bot to answer NO in a whole page word salad letter back... 


The "space race" fostered techology that made things better, and life a bit easier, for the most part. But now I feel that we have reached the point where technology is working against us. YMMV

Deep fake videos are worrisome. They should be illegal. 
Whats crazy is they say you only need 10 seconds of someone talking to make a fake like that. Of course “hey alexa” is already recording everything said, along with amazon fire sticks, your phones, laptops, tv’s, they all have/are recorded you.

People are still programming AI how "they" that want it to respond.  AI has been notorious for being honest/racist/un-PC with views towards crime and beauty.  Those get quickly removed/reprogrammed or hidden.
