How Much $ Would You Sacrifice To Be Happy In Your Career?!?

Have to ask. Why do you hate your job? Are you being treated unfairly/poorly? It is easy to get into the mindset of hating your job when you allow yourself to get wrapped up in company politics and decision making that may or may not affect you. Having a positive mental approach to your workplace (everything actually) and training yourself to not get worked up over issues that do not directly impact you may improve your outlook. Many take the job home with them and cannot disconnect which adds to the stress. Having said that, if you can afford to chase your dream, go for it. Life is short.

I think a lot of us are around the same age and dealing with these thoughts daily right now.  Things/work/life aren't the same as they were 10 years ago for sure.  I am in the same career for the last 30+ years, do I like my job??  I am 56 years old, work is a grind for me, it used to be a blast...but mostly due to the people and our Management.  Covid has really changed everything at work and I see no end in sight.  I personally will have a hard time walking away from this salary, every recruiter that calls me about jobs wants to pay me 2/3's of what I get paid now.  The 401K matching is hard to walk away for me, I want to pad that retirement big time.

To combat this misery at work, I am now volunteering for things outside of work.  Lots of fundraising in the community, join the HOA board (Crazy I know), and trying to create things outside of work to do that doesn't cost me money.  I am also trying to make every fun trip a day longer, a day of relaxing.

I do feel like I am lucky, we are in our retirement house already, my long-term financial situation is good as well.  Just need to get thru these next 6 years.

Have to ask. Why do you hate your job? Are you being treated unfairly/poorly? It is easy to get into the mindset of hating your job when you allow yourself to get wrapped up in company politics and decision making that may or may not affect you. Having a positive mental approach to your workplace (everything actually) and training yourself to not get worked up over issues that do not directly impact you may improve your outlook. Many take the job home with them and cannot disconnect which adds to the stress. Having said that, if you can afford to chase your dream, go for it. Life is short.
not sure why it didn't post the reply twice now... current "leadership" is 100% the reason for the misery. THere are 5 of us in key roles that are currently looking and ready to walk, I'm just shy of 30, one is at 27 and the other 3 are all over 20

not sure why it didn't post the reply twice now... current "leadership" is 100% the reason for the misery. THere are 5 of us in key roles that are currently looking and ready to walk, I'm just shy of 30, one is at 27 and the other 3 are all over 20
Leadership is a problem everywhere I see; people are afraid to make decisions so basically there is no leadership in my job anymore.  No direction, nothing............totally sad.

not sure why it didn't post the reply twice now... current "leadership" is 100% the reason for the misery. THere are 5 of us in key roles that are currently looking and ready to walk, I'm just shy of 30, one is at 27 and the other 3 are all over 20
Have any vacation time? Maybe allow you to take a step back and really take a good look at where you want be.

Have any vacation time? Maybe allow you to take a step back and really take a good look at where you want be.
The company just moved all of our PTO to FTO and took the residual from every salaried employee that's in the other 49 states. CA actually said they could not dissolve accrued time. That being said, every time I take time off it actually gets harder to come back :lol:  

 Curious why you have limited yourself to only the two options; 1) stay at current job and be miserable or 2) take a job at RC car place and take a big pay cut. Your in your 20’s, sounds like you have some marketable and desirable job skills. Go out and do some job searching and find yourself a new job somewhere that you think will make you happier and without a huge pay cut. Heck, you might even someone willing to pay you more than you currently make. Dust off your resume, update it and put yourself out there. 

Leadership is a problem everywhere I see; people are afraid to make decisions so basically there is no leadership in my job anymore.  No direction, nothing............totally sad.

i loved my job also, and this time of the year really sucks. business reviews to our top members, stuff the members could care less about, performance reviews for employees that make NO sense at all. I rated myself below expectation because i missed a number. its cut and dry i missed it but yet they come back and say well its ok, we will say its because of this and that. whatever change it if you want.

get your goals in, yet we don't know the companies goals. I was always taught my goals should be my bosses goals and his bosses goals, that way everyone pulls the rope the same way. But its not like that. and to top it off we bring in boat loads of people that have no retail experience, doing stuff that makes no sense. 

It's not hard to sell a can of green beans, but we make it impossible!!!

It all starts at the TOP

I just moved my family out of CA after 42 years, born and raised in Escondido. We ended up in Salem Utah in a brand new house that's double the size of our previous home. I took about a 25k per year paycut to start over again working for a local contractor. Making more connections and meeting new people every week. I will continue looking for higher paying jobs but much happier at the end of the day when I get home to the family. Not spending hours a day in traffic, and most people are easy going and positive once you get out of the grind in California. Good luck with your decision. I have been an rc guy since a young age, losi  is my favorite brand, and I could only dream of getting paid to do a hobby i love.

I took about a 25k-30k pay cut about 18 months ago (not by choice).  Put in 24+ years and we were acquired by a large corporation.  Lasted 9 months of corporate life until the bosses decided they knew more than me.  Took 5 weeks for them to realize their mistake and call me.  Decided to walk anyways (also unwilling to move to Kentucky).  I hate what CA is turning into but my whole family (both sides) live within a 25 mile radius.  New job has potential to get most of that back but at the moment, I am "just an employee" by choice.  No longer putting in 12+ hours, 6 days a week.  I show up at 8am and leave at 5pm, no weekends.  I will admit, it is difficult seeing my bi-weekly checks expecting a different number but I have less stress right now and am enjoying the extra time with my kids. 

My advise, ride it out and save as much as possible.  If you are making 20% less per year, you will have to work a full 5 years to make what you would have in 4 years.

Happy in my career? 24 years in my industry and smart investments are going to cost me a $450k payout, plus another $105k over the next 10 years. If you're a divorce attorney do society a favor and find a mirror, stand in front of it, and open your throat from ear to ear. The only home my kids have known for 21 years will be sold so a drug addicted alcoholic can have her 'half'. So that's my story.

Happy in my career? 24 years in my industry and smart investments are going to cost me a $450k payout, plus another $105k over the next 10 years. If you're a divorce attorney do society a favor and find a mirror, stand in front of it, and open your throat from ear to ear. The only home my kids have known for 21 years will be sold so a drug addicted alcoholic can have her 'half'. So that's my story.
I'm sorry to hear this man.

Divorce is some real fucking BS.

Happy in my career? 24 years in my industry and smart investments are going to cost me a $450k payout, plus another $105k over the next 10 years. If you're a divorce attorney do society a favor and find a mirror, stand in front of it, and open your throat from ear to ear. The only home my kids have known for 21 years will be sold so a drug addicted alcoholic can have her 'half'. So that's my story.
that's the shits for sure, sorry to hear yOre going through it. I went through something similar back in '98 and it completely sucked

 Curious why you have limited yourself to only the two options; 1) stay at current job and be miserable or 2) take a job at RC car place and take a big pay cut. Your in your 20’s, sounds like you have some marketable and desirable job skills. Go out and do some job searching and find yourself a new job somewhere that you think will make you happier and without a huge pay cut. Heck, you might even someone willing to pay you more than you currently make. Dust off your resume, update it and put yourself out there. 
I'm 53 and have definitely dusted off the resume, in fact I'm headed to Vegas early Saturday morning to visit with the CEO of one of our supplier partners. R/C is just a passion that I've had since I was 7 and it's in my blood 
