How Much $ Would You Sacrifice To Be Happy In Your Career?!?

Also If you take the pay cut you have to think about this, when you want to vacate the state of Ca. would your nest egg be well funded enough to do it the way you want, Think about it you wait three years at this other job that could be $120K you don't have.

Get out of the state of Ca. like you want to and do it now because if you do go over to this other job and like it your not leaving ever. Get out find a new career path you can enjoy for a few years even if it running a RC track & Shop in some bumpkin town on the edge of civilization. 

To get into something that is your passion and get paid for it sounds like a dream.

The fact of getting paid to do it, hopefully won't take the passion away since now it is your job!

There's an old saying though:

"If you Love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life" (Reading what @Mac wrote above is why I wrote that hopefully the passion won't go away)

Sounds like a great opportunity if you can swing the hit on the pay. 

What get into it and it isn't all you seem, can you go back to what you were doing easily?

Don't burn any bridges. Maybe your company would understand this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and no hard feelings but if it doesn't work out, the door is open type deal??

My boss did that to one of our designers who thought she wanted to work in the museum was her passion (She thought) he was bummed but was totally cool with it for her to give it a shot and if she didn't like it...the door was open! She came back a year later........however, she then left again 6 months later. Torched that bridge let's say!


Whatever happens, discuss everything you can think of with your wife and if she's on board...what the heck, go for it!

We're on this little ball of rock and water for a limited time, make the most of it!

My boss is the ENTIRE problem in my case... dude sold us down the river

and still be in CA?

I'm your bud, don't do it.

Get that boat back, lets go run it at the river. Ride the Quads in the desert, drink beers and all the HOBBIES we have already available to get our mind off work.

"Joe needs me, we're gonna go ride for the day"

"Ok, go help your buddy get his head straight"

Finish the Rat Race $$, we are too close to the finish line. Glamis, Boats and Buds are for the weekends. :cheers:  to blow off steam.

Let me preface this with saying, I love what I do, but HATE where I do it. I've been here nearly 30 years(the only job I've had since getting out of the Marine Corps) and the company just getting shittier every year. I am in design and development for medical and dental small equipment and make a very good living doing it. I have an opportunity to go work for Team Losi/Horizon Hobby in the product development department designing and developing R/C cars and since this has been a passion since I was a young kid it would be awesome to be able to do so. My only issue is it would be roughly $40-50k less per year because I'm coming in at the bottom. Seems like a no-brainer to find something more but I can't get this thought out of my head. So, as the title states, could you? would you? make that kind of sacrifice to be happier in your career or am I just being a dumbass? TIA :cheers:
I would say "DO IT" no question, if Losi was HQ'ed outside of CA. ;)  Without knowing your entire financial situation it sounds like you can afford the $40-50k hit (or you wouldn't be considering it).  After 30 years it's time to do something that you are passionate about and that gets you excited again.  I've been at my company over 15.5 years and I actually resigned on Jan 2nd.  The COO called me on Jan 4th and convinced me to stay 6 more months, but I think after June I'm out too... and I don't even know what's next.  But I've burned out/stagnated and it's time to do something that really motivates me again.  If you can afford it, chase your dream! 


Also If you take the pay cut you have to think about this, when you want to vacate the state of Ca. would your nest egg be well funded enough to do it the way you want, Think about it you wait three years at this other job that could be $120K you don't have.

Get out of the state of Ca. like you want to and do it now because if you do go over to this other job and like it your not leaving ever. Get out find a new career path you can enjoy for a few years even if it running a RC track & Shop in some bumpkin town on the edge of civilization. 
this is the ultimate goal, open a store/shop/track complex on our own property out of state

In a few years I hope to be in a financial position to take a 50K reduction to work at a more enjoyable workplace.

I have 12 years to go unless that bitch Nikki Hailey gets her way then it will be 17. We were also bought out by a fortune 200 large cap company 20 years ago and it's been a downhill; slide since. I just can't do another 12-15 here... It would most likely kill me from stress or depression.
As many have said, $50K is a lot but stress / depression will cost you way more in the long run!  Seems like from your background, you will prove your value quickly and might start making back that $50k quickly.

Ahh...the ole' "Quality of Life" question, what's the price of happiness?  Taking Control of your own destiny is where it starts.  You've proven that you can make money for other people, start making it for yourself.  There are just too many variables involved to make certain you're making the right choices.  Sounds like you already know what you want to do, just need a push.            

This topic hit me hard this morning. I am in the exact same position and have to make my mind up today...

I've been in business owner since 2003 and going through COVID burnt me the Eff out. I've been in zombie mode for at least the last year, hating every day of my job. I got freedom, I got money, I got everything in place, but my heart isn't in it anymore. Things have changed so much, my industry is not the same one that I signed up for. I want to do something fulfilling that doesn't burn my nerves out at the end of each week. I've been waking up in the morning ready to take on the new job and going to bed thinking it's going to be a huge mistake. For weeks now...

One thing I do know is if I keep going at the pace I am, I will be completely burned out mentally, spiritually, and physically. I had pretty much accepted that will be life along time ago though. That's what men do. All hard working men are supposed to sacrifice their mind and body to be successful and as financially stable as possible, but I've been really questioning that notion lately. We only get one life to live and sometimes it makes no sense to be so miserable. Something that I feel these newer generations are a little more educated on. They're all about their work-life balance and happiness, and they're not wrong.

I would like more than anything to know what it feels like to have a job that you truly enjoy that doesn't feel like work. If you can do it, just go for it. Worst case scenario, you go find another job. I'm 51 and I had no problems finding a job out there. I'm in a couple business owner groups in my industry and they're all transitioning away from the younger crowd to the older crowd as we speak.

Good luck man!

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 IMO that is worth nothing... suck it up. jobs suck, playing is more fun and the grass is never greener. same $hit just a diffrent a hole with the same spoon telling you to open wide

this is the ultimate goal, open a store/shop/track complex on our own property out of state
Do this Now instead of taking the pay cut - I made the mistake of staying and the longer you stay the harder it is to leave............

It will NEVER be a good time to leave / Get to where you wanna be and SET UP THE Store and Track....You will NEVER look back!


I have discussed this in depth with customers of mine and professional business coaches. 

It's easy to want to chase the dream of doing something you love versus something that makes sense. The younger generations are taking this to the next level and deciding not to work if they don't love it or electing to barely work because they want to love it. 

I have come to the realization after being in my business for 20+ years that I do not have to love what I do but I absolutely love what my work allows me to do. 

Thats my two cents!

On one hand bro if it makes ya happy and you can do it go for it.. However as a person that took a HUGE pay cut in the last 9 years and NOW is dealing with it I can tell you it sucks.

I would really like to not hate going to work..........  I actually like doing my job & getting stuff done, its all of the rest that I hate.  2 people make this place suck.  unfortunately the A-Holes get rewarded.........

I would really like to not hate going to work..........  I actually like doing my job & getting stuff done, its all of the rest that I hate.  2 people make this place suck.  unfortunately the A-Holes get rewarded.........
The older we get and "closer" to retirement, the more it sucks.  Once you hit that point, your disdain for the job will increase everyday until you leave/retire.  

While different...the day I hit 20 years in the Navy, my hatred increased everyday.  "Why am I still doing this?"  "Do I put in my papers now?"

I was going though divorce, just got guaranteed orders for 5 more years in San Diego on shore.  I stuck around for 5 more years.  It was smart but I swear those last 5 years took my soul.  It took a long time to get "me" back.

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 I stuck around for 5 more years.  It was smart but I swear those last 5 years took my soul.  It took a long time to get "me" back.
THIS is what I am talking about / I FEEL THIS BIG TIME!!!!!!  It has destroyed me from the inside out!!!

I Know NOW and its too late.....the things that happen by staying really take there toll more than you think!


This topic hit me hard this morning. I am in the exact same position and have to make my mind up today...

I've been in business owner since 2003 and going through COVID burnt me the Eff out. I've been in zombie mode for at least the last year, hating every day of my job. I got freedom, I got money, I got everything in place, but my heart isn't in it anymore. Things have changed so much, my industry is not the same one that I signed up for. I want to do something fulfilling that doesn't burn my nerves out at the end of each week. I've been waking up in the morning ready to take on the new job and going to bed thinking it's going to be a huge mistake. For weeks now...

One thing I do know is if I keep going at the pace I am, I will be completely burned out mentally, spiritually, and physically. I had pretty much accepted that will be life along time ago though. That's what men do. All hard working men are supposed to sacrifice their mind and body to be successful and as financially stable as possible, but I've been really questioning that notion lately. We only get one life to live and sometimes it makes no sense to be so miserable. Something that I feel these newer generations are a little more educated on. They're all about their work-life balance and happiness, and they're not wrong.

I would like more than anything to know what it feels like to have a job that you truly enjoy that doesn't feel like work. If you can do it, just go for it. Worst case scenario, you go find another job. I'm 51 and I had no problems finding a job out there. I'm in a couple business owner groups in my industry and they're all transitioning away from the younger crowd to the older crowd as we speak.

Good luck man!
Sorry dude.  Here's just a couple thoughts.

- What else are you going to do to make the money and have the freedom you have now?

- Have you thought about taking up a new hobby or explore something new in life that you can do while still maintaining your business?  Find something new to "live for".  Sounds like a better work life balance could help you a lot.

- Have you thought about cutting down on commitments? Sure it dips into your revenue but it will give you more time and less time running your business.

- If you do want to give it up and find something new, what then?  What is the market, pay, availability?  I was very lucky to find a job that is required for the company to operate, I work remote and 90% of my job has me working autonomously with no interaction with others.  That 10% that requires me to work with sometimes the most difficult days/things to deal with.

- Lastly, starting over after 50 is hard.  Ageism starts and it's harder to find a job.  You start at a new they have the right culture?  Now you have more HR training requirements.  I can tell you now...after 25 years of the Navy, I could not go to work everyday or be in an office around others.  I took over 6 years off before going back to work.  I hate people more and I still just want to be retired but I like the extra money.  Millennials and Zoomers will drive you bat sh*t crazy.  "Why?", "I don't identify with that."  "It's been 3 months...I need a promotion."  I would be fired by now if I wasn't able to just get up from my desk and walk away for a bit.  

Hope it works out man.
