Here Comes Vladamir Putin


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May 1, 2021
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I've heard in my young life Russia wanted to dominate the World. And I've learned the USA is the most powerful Country in the World. And now it's coming true. Russia Invades Ukraine. 9:15 Central Time 2-23-22 Putin announces he's going in to Ukraine. And if any outside influences gets involved, there will be major consequences Never Seen Before. I don't know why this is happening, I'm watching Two major Media Outlets....CNN / FOX News. Media outlets that have totally different opinions of what why where and how. Don't know where this is headed, but I'm interested. Weapons these days are extremely dangerous. Fingers off the buttons boys. Don't EFF this up! This sucks! Peace  

Ukraine has lots of resources Russia wants.  Hopefully this does not lead to a world war.  

And they're dancing with China. Definitely watching. I have a sister in Lithuania and have had some serious dreams as of late. I think I mentioned here before about the sudden rain of paratroopers landing in all cities and streets, some Russian some Chinese. I gotta find that post.

China is watching. I give it a month before China starts messing with Taiwan. 

I think we are in big trouble! I pray I’m so wrong. 

China, Russia & Iran. 

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There are so many implications to Russia's actions. It will drastically affect the economy in many sectors due to the west becoming reliant on Russian products, such as energy and food. Europe has slowly increased their reliance on the Russian teet over the years and this action will create havoc in the western economies. Hell, the US gets 11% of it's crude supplies from Russia thanks to Biden.

I believe it's going to get ugly, massive death and destruction unfortunately. 

I also believe Biden's weakness (Obama's too) gave Putin the courage to invade Ukraine. And I have no doubt that Biden's tough talk towards Putin pissed off the megalomaniac and contributed to Putin's actions. 

Biden has effed up everything since he took office, and this is just another failure to add to the list.

Hope Ukraine puts up a good fight and makes Putin regret his actions, and I hope this does embolden China to make similar moves.


I'm picturing all the reconnaissance subs, planes,drones, etc from all the countries swarming around that area spying for Intel. Someone's going to spark off a bigger war by accident. 

I think Putin has made it clear that anyone that tries to meddle he's going to go after and Ukraine wants a free airspace from NATO. I think that's an impossible request without war

This is going to be brutal / This administration is more worried a out what bathroom to use and if AOC is happy!

insanity / I have zero confidence in anything Joe Biden and company

times are gonna get tough here in usa. Gas a d energy will be the   Ivgest things that RoCk our economy 

say a prsyer / I hope I am wrong


I heard Russia has the largest nuclear weapons program in the world! If thats'd we allow that to happen? Was listening to Mike Pence being interviewed by Sean Hannity and he says "Weakness Arouses Evil" He couldn't be more true. Makes total sense. Think about that....... Life in General. Idle hands is the devils playground. And now we're dealing with too much technology. Wuhan releases Covid on the World, (with zero consequences) Russia invades Ukraine, and Sleepy Joe our fearless leader is taking a nap. I'm not for Americans fighting a war with Russia. I'm afraid the weapons of MASS destruction are too easy to ignite. WAY too damaging! Lets have a good Ol fist fight. Settles a lot of disagreements. I thought the interview with Pence made a lot of sense. We are 15 times stronger economically than Russia. USA is the financial KING! Without our Economy the world collapses. We've gone Green and now we're Weak. China / Russia "DO NOT" acknowledge environmental concerns. Hey Joe....We're allowing the World to be taken over by EVIL. Reagan said it......"Peace by Strength" Starting to learn why we're involved around the world. Just amazed we're not handling our own issues here also.  BORDER CONTROL for one.....another TOPic. EFFED up times. And since it's raining ICE on our streets here in TX, Da chEFF has idle hands. Chatting with my friends. PEACE       

I believe there are strategic targets Russia is taking out, that's why they didn't just completely take over. I also am pretty sure Putin doesn't want a full scale war with the world. That being said, we're just gonna have to see what happens... and BTW, :joe:  CNN and the rest of the bolstered up fake ass news. remember guys, you see what they want you to see and THAT'S IT

Still believe the media???

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Covid is over, WW3 begins.

and you thought wearing a mask was silly before wait till we have to wear one to stop nuclear fallout.

Here is what I think will happen.

Putin will take back what he thinks is his, He will hold onto it for a while until pressure from the world becomes annoying.  He then will set up a puppet government who will grant him all the things he actually wants who doesn't want to join NATO. Then troops will go home, or to the new bases in Ukraine.

Covid is over, WW3 begins.

and you thought wearing a mask was silly before wait till we have to wear one to stop nuclear fallout.

Here is what I think will happen.

Putin will take back what he thinks is his, He will hold onto it for a while until pressure from the world becomes annoying.  He then will set up a puppet government who will grant him all the things he actually wants who doesn't want to join NATO. Then troops will go home, or to the new bases in Ukraine.
he's not actually taking "back" anything... we all wanted the deep state bs to come to an end and now that it begins everyone loses their minds about it. 
