Ghostly Adventures from Gecko


New member
May 6, 2021
Reaction score
This just in this afternoon....


Just about every Ghost camp along Gecko has been RED Tagged, Including Road Runner. 

If your Rig is out there, you might want to check on it. 






And you wonder why all the cry babies over on fb Glamis pages whine so f-n much about this subject.

I will admit, last season it got a tad outa hand out here. I only did 99 days that season, but saw some pretty flagrant acts of unattended rigs. 

I was very surprised to see tags at RR estates, I always assumed they had 'extra" special privileges down there. 


This will make so many people on this site happy. Congrats to you guys. You are winning.
I agree with you. 

But to all the happy whiners, if you roll out Friday night on a holiday and can't find a prime spot for you and your 40 friends on pad 4, don't worry, plenty of room in the washes.  Just look for the cloud of dust, but your river of tears will wash away all the unpleasantness.

I know that. I was joking because nothing ever gets done. When a toy hauler or motorhome actually gets towed I will believe it.
Oh your 100% correct. 

I don't think many will or have been towed.

However cites have been written in the past, most ballers joke chuckle and pay the fine like a badge of honor.

But the Leo's on occasion have made people pack up and vacate, again most ballers just move down the road or find a spot elsewhere. 

And even occasionally yank their sticker and make them move, still the ballers prevail.  Buy a new one and move to another spot.

Do I condone this behavior,  no.

But until they tow stuff you won't see much change. 

Love, peace & chicken grease.

True news... I just left today.... But did find it interesting that a ranger came thru the dunes from Gordons to RRE and pulled up to a Motorhome and a guy gave him a white envelope...

chit's gonna get real when their rigs are towed
Yup.. for true ballers a $1000 ticket is like $.50 to the rest of us.. camped with a lot of folks in the 8-9 figure department on Gecko…


They’re probably embezzling and don’t pay taxes or follow any laws/rules..

My cruddy n old $.02


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