Freshening a turbo J35

Low oil pressure that would only come up to about 45-50 psi once it was warm. Haven’t had great luck with those “coated race bearings”
Offroad needs softer bearings for “embeddibility” so contaminants sink into the bearing. Obviously limits to this power wise. 

Would these be King, ACL, who?
I believe they were ACLs. I’ve thought about ordering a set of STD king bearings to see if my specs still check out. 

The rod bearings looked pretty good though. So something funky was going on with the mains. 

I believe they were ACLs. I’ve thought about ordering a set of STD king bearings to see if my specs still check out. 

The rod bearings looked pretty good though. So something funky was going on with the mains. 
I was reading a post from Halferland performance on IG that the ACL bearings they had on the shelf were losing their coating, and were measuring way our of spec.

I was reading a post from Halferland performance on IG that the ACL bearings they had on the shelf were losing their coating, and were measuring way our of spec.
Yeah I was reading that and even that could have been our issue. I’m really just speculating at this point. 

Took a little break on the engine rebuild (waiting on parts) and ended up welding an older cracked omf wheel. 

had to bring the torch out to preheat the wheel ended up just welding completely around the wheel. It passed the soap and water test after reinstalling the tire and airing it up to 20 psi. 




I think I found the culprit to the bearings and un happy oil pump. The valve covers had media sand or just straight up sand in them. Cut the rivets that held the baffle plates in there and BAM chit ton of sand. 

I should have all my parts and chit in by this weekend…hopefully. 


That sucks! I had my valve covers powder coated as well. I will have to check mine in the off season

I think I found the culprit to the bearings and un happy oil pump. The valve covers had media sand or just straight up sand in them. Cut the rivets that held the baffle plates in there and BAM chit ton of sand. 

I should have all my parts and chit in by this weekend…hopefully. 

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Before the board crashed, the was a guy who eat 3-4 engines before he realized his fancy powdercoated valve cover were packed with sand.

Before the board crashed, the was a guy who eat 3-4 engines before he realized his fancy powdercoated valve cover were packed with sand.
Yeah as pretty as they are definitely not worth it. I’m glad we caught it. Expensive lesson learned 

Pretty sure it’s media from powder coating. Not totally sure 
Most likely.  Knew some guys back in the day who got bit by the same problem.  These days, either OEM or I paint them with whatever color and clear-coat with 2K.  Seems to hold up.

well the cam ended up needing a little polishing so I chucked it up in the lathe and hit it with some 400 grit to take the ridges off. Heads are all cleaned up but didn’t get any picture my phone ended up dying 

The dogs just for entertainment…totally not spoiled 



Short block is assembled rod bearings checked out and were sitting around .0017”-.0019” 

Let’s hope that damn oil pan seals up…that cast aluminum the pans are made of are not fun to weld. 




Cleaned the heads up. Ordered up some new valve seals from halferland. Polished all of the cam journals. And then proceeded to cuss out the keepers installing them with the manual spring compressor.

Makes me miss the old shop with the fancy pneumatic spring compressors. 

long blocks just about complete just need to clean the valve covers really good. And do a valve adjustment. 





