For all San Diegans...


Well-known member
May 5, 2021

Please goto this link and tell them what you think about this road tax and sale tax proposal for the new "master plan".

These a.s.s hats infuriate me.  They sold us all on a sales tax for specific road improvement projects and have not  completed any of them....  

$.045 tax per mile driven. If you have a car that gets say 30mpg that's like adding $1.35 to each gallon of gas you buy. Or about the same as going from 30mpg down to 22

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$.045 tax per mile driven. If you have a car that gets say 30mpg that's like adding $1.35 to each gallon of gas you buy. Or about the same as going from 30mpg down to 22
And... I got a dollar says another sales tax increase for the same thing is coming this next election.  They are talking about 3 mileage taxes (4c/mile ea).  2 state and 1 San Diego County.  

This state is

Responded last week. Used common communist linchpins like “disproportionately affects the poor” and “fair share” for bike riders and such. 

So if my math is right, per the article (see below) if the average person drives 12,000 miles a year that's another $540 a year on top of your registration.

According to the plan, in addition to current sales and gas taxes, SANDAG is proposing to generate new tax revenue from two additional 1/2 cent sales tax increases, a $1.25 fee on each UBER and LYFT rides, and a 4.5 cent tax on every mile traveled in a private vehicle.  The appendix for anticipated tax revenue can be found here: Tax Revenue

How are they going to monitor your mileage? Do the mileage police come around and check your odometer? Randomly pull you over and write tickets based on your current mileage as compared to a database?

My response:

I vehemently oppose this additional tax on already overtaxed San Diego residents for the following reasons:

1. Based on current requirement set by the NHTSA CAFE of 37mpg for passenger vehicles sold, a 4.5 cent tax per mile equates to an additional $1.67/gallon tax on fuel. This is will nearly triple California’s already top tax rate per gallon, increase costs for all forms of transportation (and delivered goods) and disproportionately affect the poor.

2. Not all miles on San Diego registered vehicles are traveled on San Diego roads, making citizens pay taxes on roads and transportation they do not utilize. This is especially true for residents who live near the county line and travel away from San Diego. Tracking these fees would be impossible.

3. Please utilize the existing tax and registration hike to pay for items that improve transportation for the ratepayer. If public transportation improvements are to be made, that cost should be shouldered by those that use it. Asking taxpayers to pay additional taxes per mile on projects that primarily do not benefit them (based on App U) will result in unrealized revenue and unfair taxation for those who do not utilize these services. Please reconsider this additional taxation.

And “He/Him/His” response:

Supervisor Lawson-Remer has made it clear that she does not support a road usage charge, also known as a “vehicles miles tax”, unless approved by a direct vote of the people at the ballot box. Neither the 2021 SANDAG Regional Transportation Plan nor the proposed 2022 ‘Let’s Go San Diego’ Citizens’ Measure to fund improvements in our local transportation infrastructure would impose a road charge or “vehicle mileage tax”. In the coming years, San Diegans will have to wrestle with how we pay to reduce traffic and improve safety as we phase out the Gas Tax. The Supervisor looks forward to participating in these conversations.

At least they understand this is a political death sentence. 

How are they going to monitor your mileage? Do the mileage police come around and check your odometer? Randomly pull you over and write tickets based on your current mileage as compared to a database?

Smog Check. and/or registration.  Lie on the Registration & get caught the next time you go to get it smogged. 

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Smog Check. and/or registration.  Lie on the Registration & get caught the next time you go to get it smogged. 
Or apply a base or “core” estimated miles driven cost to those failing to provide documentation. Looks like this isn’t going anywhere for now though. On another note, a not-for-profit was just awarded $1.4 million and will be selecting 135 people of color in San Diego to receive $1000 a month in “universal basic income.”

Or apply a base or “core” estimated miles driven cost to those failing to provide documentation. Looks like this isn’t going anywhere for now though. On another note, a not-for-profit was just awarded $1.4 million and will be selecting 135 people of color in San Diego to receive $1000 a month in “universal basic income.”

Where's my money?

Or apply a base or “core” estimated miles driven cost to those failing to provide documentation. Looks like this isn’t going anywhere for now though. On another note, a not-for-profit was just awarded $1.4 million and will be selecting 135 people of color in San Diego to receive $1000 a month in “universal basic income.”
So a select few will now have a total annual income of $12k a year. Now they'll be able to get those illegal drugs, and giant spoke wheels they've been wanting. Caring for their children can wait. That's the state's job anyway

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Smog Check. and/or registration.  Lie on the Registration & get caught the next time you go to get it smogged. 
The flaw in doing a mileage check is how can they confirm where those miles were driven? Anything out of the city or county would not be taxable. Thee are way to many legal issues in this proposal to ever pas and not end up in court due to inaccurate ways to read or invasion of privacy.   
