For all San Diegans...

The flaw in doing a mileage check is how can they confirm where those miles were driven? Anything out of the city or county would not be taxable. Thee are way to many legal issues in this proposal to ever pas and not end up in court due to inaccurate ways to read or invasion of privacy.   
I agree. the whole thing is hosed up from the start.  However............ that has never stopped a politician before.  

They will probably do a type of monitor/pay system like the toll roads use in Orange County.

I think it is complete BS...the Orange County Toll roads were only supposed to charge till the project was done and paid's been paid off years ago!

Effing Politicians are CROOKS!...If their mouths are moving, they are LYING!

🖕 to All of THEM!!!!!!

Please goto this link and tell them what you think about this road tax and sale tax proposal for the new "master plan".

These a.s.s hats infuriate me.  They sold us all on a sales tax for specific road improvement projects and have not  completed any of them....  

No stopping this now

San diego is effed. Did you see the reditricting map? San diego will have 100% democrat representation. The right will never win another election again

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No stopping this now

San diego is effed. Did you see the reditricting map? San diego will have 100% democrat representation. The right will never win another election again
We’ve basically been abandoned by Rs to allow it… Sadness. 

Has anyone else gotten a reply?

Clearly the people at the ballot box want this. What a load of 💩🤬


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I just got it @ 9:42 this morning. 

Just got this:

Thank you for messaging the SANDAG Board through the form at Over 5,000 people have emailed the board through that form in the past week and 98% of respondents have been opposed to the mileage tax.

So, what's next?

The SANDAG Board is voting on the Regional Transportation Plan TODAY (Friday 12/10) at 8:30am.  For the past two years, this plan has been approved by a majority of board members step by step.  But just last week you may have seen the headlines that several prominent SANDAG Board Members reversed their previous positions and are now publicly saying they oppose the plan.  But wait...

The plan is scheduled for a vote as-is including the funding from the vehicle miles traveled tax.  Make no mistake, the Board is ready to vote in favor of this plan today.  Make your voice heard by joining the Zoom meeting and participating in public comments.

Action Steps:

1) Encourage your friends to fill out the form to keep the pressure on the Board members. 

2) Join the SANDAG meeting on 12/10 at 8:30 a.m., by using this Zoom link.  The webinar ID is: 928 7696 0938

"Raise your hand" when the agenda item is discussed to get in line for comment.  Be prepared to limit your comments to one minute or less.

Thank you for standing up for commonsense policies!

Richard Bailey

Mayor, City of Coronado

I got that as well.  Not sure when it came in. 


It Effing passed. MotherEffers can eat a Effing pee pee covered in Effing chit. 


It Effing passed. MotherEffers can eat a Effing pee pee covered in Effing chit. 
I believe the actual mileage tax was continued to be brought back to the board after a 90 day study.

The douche that runs the place was on the news the other day and explicitly said that the milage tax Had to be voted on by the county.  

Got this email response yesterday from Joana Santiago:

Hi John,

Thank you for your email. On Friday, Supervisor Lawson-Remer voted in support to approved the new regional transportation plan that will help reduce traffic, fix infrastructure, and improve transportation countywide as the County’s representative of the regional transit agency (SANDAG). 
The plan adopted will NOT levy any new driving tax (“road charge” or “vehicle miles tax”), and the vote directed staff to work toward removing the concept entirely in future updates to this plan. The plan will help repair roads and bridges to ensure they are safe and effective while building out a public transit system that can alleviate traffic congestion on our freeways”

Got this email response yesterday from Joana Santiago:

Hi John,

Thank you for your email. On Friday, Supervisor Lawson-Remer voted in support to approved the new regional transportation plan that will help reduce traffic, fix infrastructure, and improve transportation countywide as the County’s representative of the regional transit agency (SANDAG). 
The plan adopted will NOT levy any new driving tax (“road charge” or “vehicle miles tax”), and the vote directed staff to work toward removing the concept entirely in future updates to this plan. The plan will help repair roads and bridges to ensure they are safe and effective while building out a public transit system that can alleviate traffic congestion on our freeways”
Wonder where they're gonna get the money for this if no taxes...

Wonder where they're gonna get the money for this if no taxes...
Increased sales tax and property tax. Those who had the drive and income to buy their own home owe it to those on welfare to always provide free transportation to them at a cost of only $165 Billion. What a bargain!    /sarcasm/

Increased sales tax and property tax. Those who had the drive and income to buy their own home owe it to those on welfare to always provide free transportation to them at a cost of only $165 Billion. What a bargain!    /sarcasm/
I'm sure it will be run efficiently and fairly.  No friends/family of SANDAG officials will magically win all of these contracts...

Where is all of the money the county paid in taxes for the highway specific repairs that have not been done????  
