Covid Kit to keep in your house. Just might save your life or loved one

I was just watching Tucker Carlson and he reported that some pharmacies are refusing to fill ivermectin prescriptions as well as other meds to treat covid. Not sure how true this is, but he said it appears to be mainly the large chain pharmacies, CVS, Walgreens, etc. He had a Dr. on that said his patients were experiencing the same issue.

Not good if Pharmacist are over-riding Drs.

I was just watching Tucker Carlson and he reported that some pharmacies are refusing to fill ivermectin prescriptions as well as other meds to treat covid. Not sure how true this is, but he said it appears to be mainly the large chain pharmacies, CVS, Walgreens, etc. He had a Dr. on that said his patients were experiencing the same issue.

Not good if Pharmacist are over-riding Drs.
It's very true no where in Phoenix will fill it. I had to go online to get it filled. Costco will fill it only if you have a positive covid test and they said they had to order it and it would be very difficult to get. CVS won't fill it for covid patients and they had to order it as well. If you're close to the Border my friend in Mexico just pick me up 40 tabs for a dollar fifty each straight out of the pharmacy in Mexico

Not good if Pharmacist are over-riding Drs.
They always have had the final say. It allows them to turn away junkies and the like and stop potential drug interactions from doctors not knowing any better. Obviously they're abusing it right now though

Had Covid over my 40th birthday, wife got it too…. Felt no different for either of us than a cold/flu for a couple of days, then worn down a bit for a couple of weeks when I worked out hard. Didn’t separate from kids knowing we had already exposed them and weren’t concerned at all they would have even mild symptoms. Coming from someone who has been running on this stupid virus for a year and a half now. It’s not fake as i have seen a couple really sick people. The vast majority did not require transport to the hospital. Half our workforce had it at one point since this whole thing started. All of us treated fever with Tylenol and that was pretty much it.  All were back in tip top in a week or so. I unfortunately caved to the vaccine AFTER I had already had the Rona and my lungs have been messed up since. I had zero respiratory symptoms from the virus…. No respiratory distress , no cough at all. Two weeks after my second shot, started feeling agitation in the middle of my chest, hasn’t gone away for 8 months, thanks Pfizer…. Totally agree it should be personal choice, but it’s been proven in multiple studies worldwide that our natural immunity after infection far exceeds effectiveness of vaccine to prevent symptomatic re infection. To the tune of 13-27 TIMES less likely than vaccine and no previous infection. Not saying don’t get the shot, just do your research and do what you feel comfortable with. Just sharing my personal experience. 

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Most likely more people will die from Drug and Alcohol abuse at Buggy Roundup than death from being Vax,   
You seriously should avoid CNN. Or any network news. The truth is out there, it’s just not profitable for it to be out.

Here’s a start for you. If you really care there is plenty of info available. Just not where you’re seeking it from.

  • Between mid-December 2020 and April 23, 2021, at which point between 95 million and 100 million Americans had received their COVID-19 shots, there were 3,544 reported deaths following COVID vaccination, or about 30 per day
  • In just four months, the COVID-19 vaccines have killed more people than all available vaccines combined from mid-1997 until the end of 2013 — a period of 15.5 years
Most likely more people will die from Drug and Alcohol abuse at Buggy Roundup than death from being Vax,   
The government isn't pressuring you to do drugs & alcohol at the Buggy Roundup.

I’m going to go out on a limb here and say in time, when it’s all said and done, that more people will have died from the vaccine than from Covid-19. I’m not talking about dying from diabetes, obesity, etc with COVID, I’m talking about from  Covid. Not you died in a motorcycle crash and the autopsy found the virus. Straight up you were a healthy specimen of a human being and died from Covid. 
I just hope to God that there is a reckoning and the folks who pushed this farce are keeping tension on the end of a rope at the end of the day.

i was fully vaxxed by april. right now i am at home trying to recover from covid. i went to the dr thinking it was just sinus infection. DR tells me its just sinus no worries nothing makes him think covid. got my test back the next day and its covid. my daughter ( will be 10 monday) got it as well, she was kinda sick for 1 day that is it and she is fine now, but we are both stuck at home for at least another week. im on about day 8. im 40, very good health i eat well, hit the gym 6 days a week. its been more annoying than sick, i only had about 2 days of really being sick. i get some times in the day i dont feel well but nothing crazy. i would like to think its because i was vaxxed. we know now the vax wont stop you from getting it but if it helps to not make it as bad im glad i got it. 

i was fully vaxxed by april. right now i am at home trying to recover from covid. i went to the dr thinking it was just sinus infection. DR tells me its just sinus no worries nothing makes him think covid. got my test back the next day and its covid. my daughter ( will be 10 monday) got it as well, she was kinda sick for 1 day that is it and she is fine now, but we are both stuck at home for at least another week. im on about day 8. im 40, very good health i eat well, hit the gym 6 days a week. its been more annoying than sick, i only had about 2 days of really being sick. i get some times in the day i dont feel well but nothing crazy. i would like to think its because i was vaxxed. we know now the vax wont stop you from getting it but if it helps to not make it as bad im glad i got it. 
Chances are though that the poke is the reason you’re as sick as you are. Sounded like a fairly healthy lifestyle to begin with. I wish you well either way.

45 here. Im in decent shape.  Weigh in around 205.  6'1".  Eat my vegetables and vitamins.  Dont smoke.  Dont drink alcohol.  Exercise regularly.  Hate seeing the doctor though.  Need to go get some blood test.  Cholesterol is hovering around 230.  Rather worry about my overall health than rely on a vaccination to cut the corner of things I can/should be doing anyways.

Yes, i was going too look back at your post when I got a second.  Thank you for bringing it forward.  

My diet isnt way out of wack, at least i dont think so. 

Bfast - 3 scoops of protein in a shaker cup full of milk and some ice

Lunch - usually leftovers from the night before.

Dinner - Wife is a really good cook.  range anywhere from like a meat sauce over rice, to Hawaiian haystacks over rice, verde chicken over rice, steak maybe 1x every 2 weeks. chicken and mashed potatoes.  usually always a salad or green vegetable

Not a lot of soda.  If we do takeout, its usually Thai food or BBQ.

I have tried to lower sodium (salting of things)

All in all, Im kinda at a loss why the cholesteral is higher than one would expect.  FOr now, I am chalking it up to genetics but still doing my thang.

Yes, i was going too look back at your post when I got a second.  Thank you for bringing it forward.  

My diet isnt way out of wack, at least i dont think so. 

Bfast - 3 scoops of protein in a shaker cup full of milk and some ice

Lunch - usually leftovers from the night before.

Dinner - Wife is a really good cook.  range anywhere from like a meat sauce over rice, to Hawaiian haystacks over rice, verde chicken over rice, steak maybe 1x every 2 weeks. chicken and mashed potatoes.  usually always a salad or green vegetable

Not a lot of soda.  If we do takeout, its usually Thai food or BBQ.

I have tried to lower sodium (salting of things)

All in all, Im kinda at a loss why the cholesteral is higher than one would expect.  FOr now, I am chalking it up to genetics but still doing my thang.
Start tracking your sodium. You will be shocked. I had not salted ANY food for years.
