Covid Kit to keep in your house. Just might save your life or loved one

it is on the CDC's website even though you have to search for it.  Thousands have died from it on there web site and that doesn't tell the whole story. ON the CDC's website they stopped counting covid cases if you are vaxed so we will never know the real numbers.    I know it is just one video but look at the one that I posted.  If the answer is the Vax why is Israel having major covid issues when they say almost 100% of there pop is Vaxxed.  Just saying.  everyone has to do what they feel is right for them.  Matt have the antibodies is much better than the Vax and a lot of doc agree with that.  I just pray that everyone is healthy and safe.  Once you feel bad start doing something before it gets out of control.  I wish both Matt and Chad started taking all this stuff on day one, would anything be different I don't know but the studies show that there is a huge possibility that it would have. 
All I have seen is the VAERS stuff, but that is not verified, as far as vax deaths.   

Gonna be a small showing at the Veterans Day Ceremony this year with all of these vaxxed folks scared to venture outside.

98% of people who have had the Vid never even knew it. Less than 1% of the people who knew they had it have died. How many of these folks were healthy that are being discussed? Even those of us who have survived have admitted we’re either fat asses, diabetic, or as in my case had COPD years before they released this mess. Yes both times I had it it effed me up. The second time I got it I got to go to the hospital and it was no fun I will agree. Lungs are still messed up more than before but I’ll be damned if I will be a guinea pig for a bunch of experimental mRNA modifiers. I happen to be an obese brat too according to height and weight standards.

It (SARS COVID-19) was designed to mutate each time it met resistance. Why you will be getting a new booster every six months. Five years from now when everybody that got the poke is a knuckle dragging mumbling slobbering gork we’ll all be left scratching our heads at how we allowed this to happen.

Not trying to sound callous, we all have compassion for the friends and family of those who have passed. It’s no reason though to try and force something experimental on the masses. I don’t believe if you want the shot that it’s any of my damn business, and I just ask the same courtesy in return. Hell, even Fauci says I can’t give it to you and you can’t give it to me. Antibodies ya know. Of course by his reasoning I’m not sure how I’ve had it twice but whatev’s, just don’t disparage me and I won’t disparage you.

Now, cain’t we all just get along!

Do you think the number is going to be honestly published? Why do the big 3 all have immunity from prosecution for lasting side effects or wrongful death? Some are reporting more deaths from the vax then the disease this year but of course that will all be refuted by MSM. If 45 was still in office and pushing this do you think we'd see the same push to get it? We could this debate all day, but the truth is WE will NEVER know the truth. That being said, this is a right to choose deal. The right to choose to get it, to not get it, to hang out with or not to hang out with people who have made the same choices.
All I have seen is VAERS reporting and those are not verified.   Israel seems to be reporting the data as are a few countries.  

Why are the big 3 immune from prosecution?  The same reason any other maker of a vaccine is immune from civil litigation.   If they are in constant lawsuits they will not do the research and produce the vaccines.   There is a super fund set up that people who feel they have been harmed can go after.  

I think if Trump was in office and pushing the vaccines you would still have backlash.   

All I have seen is VAERS reporting and those are not verified.   Israel seems to be reporting the data as are a few countries.  

Why are the big 3 immune from prosecution?  The same reason any other maker of a vaccine is immune from civil litigation.   If they are in constant lawsuits they will not do the research and produce the vaccines.   There is a super fund set up that people who feel they have been harmed can go after.  

I think if Trump was in office and pushing the vaccines you would still have backlash.   
If 45 were in office the entire left side of the spectrum would be giving it the finger. That was kind of my point :lol:  

If 45 were in office the entire left side of the spectrum would be giving it the finger. That was kind of my point :lol:  
Trump made the deal with them so I wouldn't say that. lets just keep this to people getting help and not pointing fingers please

If 45 were in office the entire left side of the spectrum would be giving it the finger. That was kind of my point :lol:  
That is why I said there would still be backlash.   I knew what you were getting at. 

The one's you missed, big side effect of getting vaxed could also be death. It's happened way to much but they won't tell you that part. I have a friend currently in the hospital on a vent that was also vaxed and his prognosis isn't good. Getting pricked isn't the savior so many are making it out to be.
customer of mine had a 21 year old kid who worked for him. great kid, first job, had been bullied his whole school life and wanted a job where he felt safe. kid did whatever they asked of him (grocery store), got the JJ vac on friday, had a blood clot on sunday and died monday on life flight.

my buddies grand dad got the JJ vac on monday, went to er on monday night, they said your fine, pacemakers fine, go home. went back tuesday, same deal he said i think i'm dying, sent him home, side effects of JJ, found dead wed morning.

I had it starting aug 27, my wife got it (fully vaxed for a couple months) but her's was much less than mine was.

After my 60 days, i'll get the shot, after seeing how quick she rebounded and how bad my breathing was at the end, I'll take my chance now with the shot I guess.

customer of mine had a 21 year old kid who worked for him. great kid, first job, had been bullied his whole school life and wanted a job where he felt safe. kid did whatever they asked of him (grocery store), got the JJ vac on friday, had a blood clot on sunday and died monday on life flight.

my buddies grand dad got the JJ vac on monday, went to er on monday night, they said your fine, pacemakers fine, go home. went back tuesday, same deal he said i think i'm dying, sent him home, side effects of JJ, found dead wed morning.

I had it starting aug 27, my wife got it (fully vaxed for a couple months) but her's was much less than mine was.

After my 60 days, i'll get the shot, after seeing how quick she rebounded and how bad my breathing was at the end, I'll take my chance now with the shot I guess.
My doc told me not to get it because I'd already had the virus. He said the new antibodies could/would attack what my body created naturally and it could basically kill my immune system. I'll take what comes my way, I'm not getting it. BTW, I was 48 when I had this crap...


Matt, glad to hear you are doing better and seems to have definitely turned the corner for the better.

I have some personal questions for both of you, if you would care to share?  How was your/their health prior to COVID?  Diet?  Diabetic? Last doctor check?  BMI (though I have issues with the usage of this number)?  Working out on a daily basis prior to?  Not trying to pry, BUT asking loaded questions, as when reporting deaths or bad cases, it seems there are a lot of underlying issues that just come to the forefront with COVID.  If you dont care to share, I understand.

I have type 2 diabetes. Runs in my family. On the BMI chart (which I have issues with too) I was a 30. Exercise: not much (being truthful here) My BP and cholesterol are that of a healthy young man! Even with the type 2. My pulse is typically mid to high 60's resting. I don't drink a lot - 3-4 beers a week on avg. & 1-3 hard liquor a month.  Don't smoke, never have.

I'm sure my type 2 and being over weight added to it, I'd be a fool if I didn't. 

Well as a person who runs on covid Patients every day let me tell you this, it does not matter if you are vaccinated or not you are going to get it.  I have 27 Fireman assigned to my station, 4 of them are Vax’d the rest are not.  Now out of all 27 fireman all have had covid except 2 of us and  Neither of us are vax’d.  I have seen just as many people sick vax’d or not, covid hits everyone differently, some people get a mild sickness and some people get destroyed from it.  But I believe it should be your choice on whether or not you get the Vaccine.  

My doc told me not to get it because I'd already had the virus. He said the new antibodies could/would attack what my body created naturally and it could basically kill my immune system. I'll take what comes my way, I'm not getting it. BTW, I was 48 when I had this crap...
I'll have to ask my doc on this, I was 53 when i got it, you young buck!!! lol 

glad your ok

The wife and I got it last month, I was pretty pro active from the onset and started a Vitamin treatment the next day of first signs of being sick. This list is what I used in addition to a B1 thiamine.

I use soluble C And D3 and did 10000 ui a day of each.

What is important to have and keep around is the nebulizer and Hyro peroxide. On first signs of the tickle in the throat start a hourly treatment. It will greatly reduce the chance of it settled deeper into your lungs ,also try and sleep sitting up as much as possible. 

I had it beat in about 5-6 days but still stayed in bed for a 3 more day to just rest.

My wife was good as well but did not rest and pushed herself and it came back hard on her..

To the point I had to take her in to get checked. They sent her home with meds and it took a few days to get her better.. Scared the the chit out of me though to see her not getting better. 

I will add to the list.

If you can get a Albuterol rescue inhaler to have around.



A PULSE OXIMETER to monitor your o2 levels. 



In this day and age this is stuff to have on hand, ordering after the fact will prolong any treatment during the most important time.

 Think of it like a bug out bag, it will be there when you need it.



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I'll have to ask my doc on this, I was 53 when i got it, you young buck!!! lol 

glad your ok
You too bro, I was pushing 49(Feb '20) I wasn't ready for 50. Glad I made it this year, wish I could remember more of the day :lol:  


Matt, glad to hear you are doing better and seems to have definitely turned the corner for the better.

I have some personal questions for both of you, if you would care to share?  How was your/their health prior to COVID?  Diet?  Diabetic? Last doctor check?  BMI (though I have issues with the usage of this number)?  Working out on a daily basis prior to?  Not trying to pry, BUT asking loaded questions, as when reporting deaths or bad cases, it seems there are a lot of underlying issues that just come to the forefront with COVID.  If you dont care to share, I understand.

I have type 2 diabetes. Runs in my family. On the BMI chart (which I have issues with too) I was a 30. Exercise: not much (being truthful here) My BP and cholesterol are that of a healthy young man! Even with the type 2. My pulse is typically mid to high 60's resting. I don't drink a lot - 3-4 beers a week on avg. & 1-3 hard liquor a month.  Don't smoke, never have.

I'm sure my type 2 and being over weight added to it, I'd be a fool if I didn't. 

Thanks for sharing.  in your previous post you mentioned getting vaxed when you feel better.  Again, not trying to jugde, but is that what the doctors suggested?  I thought natural immnunity is better at this point.  Hope the pneumonia stays at its distance during the coming winter months!


Thanks for sharing.  in your previous post you mentioned getting vaxed when you feel better.  Again, not trying to jugde, but is that what the doctors suggested?  I thought natural immnunity is better at this point.  Hope the pneumonia stays at its distance during the coming winter months!
My infectious disease DR. & pulmonologist both recommend that I get vax'd. They said I have natural immunity that will be good for 3-4 months and then start to taper off from there. I will have to wait a month or 2 before I have recovered enough to get the vax.


Thanks for sharing yore personal experience. Hope you fully recover sooner then later.

Everything has risks, you got to play the odds in yore favor the best you can, whats right for you doesn't always apply to anyone else. The goverment can only do what they see as best for Most folks...

I got vax and my wife,  the only one in the office that did not want to get vaxxed died a couple of weeks ago and his wife,  i shared a office with him about 10 feet away, he came into the office cough up a lung and said it was allergies, now dead, my daughter got it, she is 12 so we did not get her vaxxed, she got it kissed and hugged her for about 3 days then got her tested and me or my wife did not get it, 

Some side effects of the vax is getting sick 

big side effects of not getting vaxed it death, 

How many non vaxxed friends need to die before peeps get the message,     
You forgot some side effects from the VAX is also death. 


it is on the CDC's website even though you have to search for it.  Thousands have died from it on there web site and that doesn't tell the whole story. ON the CDC's website they stopped counting covid cases if you are vaxed so we will never know the real numbers.    I know it is just one video but look at the one that I posted.  If the answer is the Vax why is Israel having major covid issues when they say almost 100% of there pop is Vaxxed.  Just saying.  everyone has to do what they feel is right for them.  Matt have the antibodies is much better than the Vax and a lot of doc agree with that.  I just pray that everyone is healthy and safe.  Once you feel bad start doing something before it gets out of control.  I wish both Matt and Chad started taking all this stuff on day one, would anything be different I don't know but the studies show that there is a huge possibility that it would have. 
please tell where to get ivermectin 909 214 8930 gary i have covid are u using human or anamil

please tell where to get ivermectin 909 214 8930 gary i have covid are u using human or anamil

The Pharmacy that I got mine from today is so you can get the offical name is Stromectol (ivermectin is the generic name) Human pills.  This doc will give you the RX and have it sent to healthwarehouse.  call them about 2 hours later and get it coming with overnight shipping. Stromectol was 40 bucks cheaper for some reason. Be safe and let me know how you are doing. 

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