Covid Kit to keep in your house. Just might save your life or loved one


New member
May 1, 2021
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I have put this together and have sent it via email to many of my family and friends.  take it for what it is and do with it what you want.  After having Covid and losing my brother this week, I had to do something.  please do your own research and it is totally your choice if you want to do any of these things.  My intent is to save people or at least make covid a much less riskier sickness.   Also I feel if I keep these around I can live a life with less fear because this chit is for real just ask my best friends widow.   I know I got another close friend on this treatment last week when he told me he was sick.  He is back to work 10 days later.  Also a mobile IV is something I would do as well if you come down sick.  Damm I forgot to add that to my email.  Hope everyone stays healthy and no one else has to live with I just went though this week. If Chad Marshalls death can save one or many friends there will be some sort of positive outcome to all this.  Please pass this all over the place. You will have to find a Medical health form or email me and I can get you one.

Another very important tool is to have pulse ox meter. Monitor your O2 levels. If you drop to 90 make sure you go to the hospital right away. The earlier you get there the better chances of not having complications

Hello everyone,  I want all my friends to be safe and live a free life.  There are much better ways to fight covid than getting vaxxed.  (Israel is Vaxxed and has Huge spikes in Covid)  Here is a kit that I am putting together.  Do your own research and use duck duck go for the search engine and not Google.  You will find a walmart Registry to the products to make it easier for you.  Besides this list of items, I encourage you to get RX for Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. 
  Ivermectin amount should be by weight.  I weigh 240 and was prescribed 18mg per day for 5 days.  Also add 200mg of  hydroxychloroquine for the same 5 days.
  Walgreens also has Home rapid test kits for Covid in stock and I would have some onhand.  It is very important to start this treatment ASAP as you feel sick. even if you don't have Covid it won't hurt you and will help with most sickness.  
 The peroxide in the nebulizer is great for all respiratory issues.  even sort throats or coughs.  Those treatments should be done twice a day for at least 10 to 15 min.  You only need 1/2 teaspoon per treatment and the food grade should be kept in the fridge.   
If you need an RX you can get one from this doc.
His provider code is on this link.  You will need to download this app.( Medici for Patients) from the app store. Also attached are some Medical History forms that you need to upload in the app and copy of your drivers lic needs to be uploaded as well.  Once that is done you are set and he will send you RX to a online Pharmacy so you can get it filled. please mention that you have some symptoms and was exposed to a covid positive person.
I hope and pray that no one ever needs this but for a few hundred bucks to keep on hand it might save your life or limit your sickness.  My friend Eric came down with Covid last week and I got him on this stuff and he is back at work 10 days later.  Please everyone stay safe and be well.  If you got this you are on my loved list. please share with everyone you know.



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This chit is definitely real I’m not a vaxxer and won’t be but my wife got it and ended up in the university of Utah hospital in a medical induced coma for 23day 35 days total in the hospital and has been home now for three weeks and is still on oxygen.I got it as well with little to no symptoms 

So are you getting a prescription and keeping the 2 RX's on hand or as soon as you feel sick going to the doctor and getting the RX? 

So are you getting a prescription and keeping the 2 RX's on hand or as soon as you feel sick going to the doctor and getting the RX? 
Just waiting for my Ivermectin to be shipped.  My buddy in Mexico is picking up hopefully 80 pills for me and shipping.  also have a RX waiting to get filled with a online Pharmacy.  I have two of those kits.  one at my house and one in the RV so I have it available in Quartzsite.  Taking this stuff ASAP makes all the difference. Keep it on hand Mike please. 

I got vax and my wife,  the only one in the office that did not want to get vaxxed died a couple of weeks ago and his wife,  i shared a office with him about 10 feet away, he came into the office cough up a lung and said it was allergies, now dead, my daughter got it, she is 12 so we did not get her vaxxed, she got it kissed and hugged her for about 3 days then got her tested and me or my wife did not get it, 

Some side effects of the vax is getting sick 

big side effects of not getting vaxed it death, 

How many non vaxxed friends need to die before peeps get the message,     

I got vax and my wife,  the only one in the office that did not want to get vaxxed died a couple of weeks ago and his wife,  i shared a office with him about 10 feet away, he came into the office cough up a lung and said it was allergies, now dead, my daughter got it, she is 12 so we did not get her vaxxed, she got it kissed and hugged her for about 3 days then got her tested and me or my wife did not get it, 

Some side effects of the vax is getting sick 

big side effects of not getting vaxed it death, 

How many non vaxxed friends need to die before peeps get the message,     
You may be the smartest guy on this site!!! amen!!

I got vax and my wife,  the only one in the office that did not want to get vaxxed died a couple of weeks ago and his wife,  i shared a office with him about 10 feet away, he came into the office cough up a lung and said it was allergies, now dead, my daughter got it, she is 12 so we did not get her vaxxed, she got it kissed and hugged her for about 3 days then got her tested and me or my wife did not get it, 

Some side effects of the vax is getting sick 

big side effects of not getting vaxed it death, 

How many non vaxxed friends need to die before peeps get the message,     
The one's you missed, big side effect of getting vaxed could also be death. It's happened way to much but they won't tell you that part. I have a friend currently in the hospital on a vent that was also vaxed and his prognosis isn't good. Getting pricked isn't the savior so many are making it out to be.

I got vax and my wife,  the only one in the office that did not want to get vaxxed died a couple of weeks ago and his wife,  i shared a office with him about 10 feet away, he came into the office cough up a lung and said it was allergies, now dead, my daughter got it, she is 12 so we did not get her vaxxed, she got it kissed and hugged her for about 3 days then got her tested and me or my wife did not get it, 

Some side effects of the vax is getting sick 

big side effects of not getting vaxed it death, 

How many non vaxxed friends need to die before peeps get the message,     
No you can die from the vaccine.

Here is one question no one can answer, "what are the long term effects of the vaccine in 5, 10, 15, years?" It's not even been a year yet. Sorry to say you are the trial subject. 

How many people have to die or be injured before they pull the vaccine? The swine flu shot was pulled with far less deaths then this one has. Since we know they are hiding the real number which might be as high as 150K It's all a guessing game.

The investing stat will be the annual death total for 2021. It's been pretty stead for the last 5, 10 years. Even during the pandemic the death toll stayed the same, which is rather odd. So what will be difference for 2021, yep the juice. 

To bad the government and media have to lie to us about everything to do with this viruse.

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Ill share my story. This is not preaching, just my personal, what happened to me when I got Covid.

Not vaxed, wasn't taking the vitamins (zinc, b12, d3, c, etc)

Got sick Aug 2, like a mild cold for the first 3 days. Wife gets a home test, I test Positive for Covid, she test Neg (she is vaxed)

We were joined at the hip for a week to week & 1/2 leading up to Aug 2. Doing all the things in regular life, saw my son, saw our daughter and grandkids, dinner with my mom and sister and their Bfriends. Grocery store,,,,,,,,, Have no idea when or where I got it. 

It got worse and Im stubborn, 11 days sick at home. 1 tele-conference with Doc, paramedics came to the house but all my vitals were good (Covid doesn't care about vitals except blood O2 level) I decide I don't need to go to hospital. 

I figured it would run its course,,,,it was running!

My wife finally insisted I go to the hospital, vitals still good except for that pesky blood O2, that day I was 64-66 (you're not supposed to be below 88-90)

They wasted no time! In the ER, forced air mask of 100% O2, stripped me down, gown on, IV in each and hand and they started pushing I don't know what. Admitted and up to ICU that  night. Double lung Covid pneumonia.

Spend the next 9 days in ICU, 2 more in a regular room before I could go home.

On an O2 machine at home, have bottles for leaving the house. Doc says 1-2 months most likely.

Long term he predicts Ill be ok but it will be 6 months or so. This thing kicked my A$$!!!

Meds while I was in ER & ICU: Actemra for my lungs, 5 days of Remdesivir, antibiotics, steroids, blood thinners and insulin for my type 2 diabetes (the steroids affect blood sugar so they were chasing it the entire time)   

Had the mask for 2 days then a high flow cannula. Lost 25lbs while in the hospital. My status in the ER was Critical but stable. 

At my 1 week follow up I asked my pulmonologist on a scale of 1-10, 10 being dead where was I? He said "you were a solid 8." That's scary!

Today: I am doing good, feel good, still on O2 but I can take it off for up to an hour if I am sitting, 15-20 min if I am up and about. Have to monitor my O2 level.

Chad and I were talking and txting the day I got home from the hospital, comparing notes, treatment, the long road ahead and what we were going to do together to get down it. He was progressing, we were progressing. He'd tell me "I want to be where you are, I can't wait to get home" I'd tell him him we are on the same road, I'm just a mile ahead of you,,,,catch up!!! 

POINT OF THIS! If you are still reading.

My infectious disease doctor and pulmonologist are adamant that if I had the vax, I wouldn't have been in the ER. ALL of their ICU patients were non-vaxed. ( I know there are vaxed people that have been in ICU and worse - dont kill the messenger) They are convinced the vaccines are safe and they recognize there are risks that are associated with them but said it would have kept me out of the ICU.

I am still reluctant and skeptable about the vaccines but I have a new lease on life and realize this is bigger than just me. I don't know what it was like for my wife, mom, son and family & friends to worry about me for 11 days. I had 100's (literally) of people sending me good thoughts and prayers - people I don't even know. One of my best friends had his entire church praying for me. 

If the vax gives them some piece of mind and betters my chances of staying out of the hospital if I get it again then it's worth it. Ill be getting the vax when I have recovered enough. Again, I still don't believe in it 100%. It's too bad that I don't know what to believe based on what's out there. Go on Google - don't trust it, too 1 sided. Go on duck duck - maybe too right wing or what ever you want to call it. I am looking at this with as much common sense as possible and there are arguments on both sides - though I lean away from main stream media (a lot) but I am no doctor. What ever they did/gave me in the hospital worked. I am alive and on the mend. I am still being treated by my doctors that saved my life so I am going with them.  

Vax or non-vax - I don't judge. Its is and should be a personal choice! 

I have read about everything @Squatcher wrote above and see the merits of it. At this point I can't do it (my decision) while I am being treated. I am not saying it doesn't work - there are a lot of people that have done it and been successful.

Bottom line is do whatever sits well with you! But do something to improve your odds! Lose weight, eat healthier, vitamins, have the kit on hand but do something for yourself and your family.

I have put this together and have sent it via email to many of my family and friends.  take it for what it is and do with it what you want.  After having Covid and losing my brother this week, I had to do something.  please do your own research and it is totally your choice if you want to do any of these things.  My intent is to save people or at least make covid a much less riskier sickness.   Also I feel if I keep these around I can live a life with less fear because this chit is for real just ask my best friends widow.   I know I got another close friend on this treatment last week when he told me he was sick.  He is back to work 10 days later.  Also a mobile IV is something I would do as well if you come down sick.  Damm I forgot to add that to my email.  Hope everyone stays healthy and no one else has to live with I just went though this week. If Chad Marshalls death can save one or many friends there will be some sort of positive outcome to all this.  Please pass this all over the place. You will have to find a Medical health form or email me and I can get you one.

Hello everyone,  I want all my friends to be safe and live a free life.  There are much better ways to fight covid than getting vaxxed.  (Israel is Vaxxed and has Huge spikes in Covid)  Here is a kit that I am putting together.  Do your own research and use duck duck go for the search engine and not Google.  You will find a walmart Registry to the products to make it easier for you.  Besides this list of items, I encourage you to get RX for Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. 
  Ivermectin amount should be by weight.  I weigh 240 and was prescribed 18mg per day for 5 days.  Also add 200mg of  hydroxychloroquine for the same 5 days.
  Walgreens also has Home rapid test kits for Covid in stock and I would have some onhand.  It is very important to start this treatment ASAP as you feel sick. even if you don't have Covid it won't hurt you and will help with most sickness.  
 The peroxide in the nebulizer is great for all respiratory issues.  even sort throats or coughs.  Those treatments should be done twice a day for at least 10 to 15 min.  You only need 1/2 teaspoon per treatment and the food grade should be kept in the fridge.   
If you need an RX you can get one from this doc.
His provider code is on this link.  You will need to download this app.( Medici for Patients) from the app store. Also attached are some Medical History forms that you need to upload in the app and copy of your drivers lic needs to be uploaded as well.  Once that is done you are set and he will send you RX to a online Pharmacy so you can get it filled. please mention that you have some symptoms and was exposed to a covid positive person.
I hope and pray that no one ever needs this but for a few hundred bucks to keep on hand it might save your life or limit your sickness.  My friend Eric came down with Covid last week and I got him on this stuff and he is back at work 10 days later.  Please everyone stay safe and be well.  If you got this you are on my loved list. please share with everyone you know.



Just curious what does Ivermectin exactly do if you get Covid?   From what I have read the study that claims it works was yanked because it was flawed and had incorrect data.   

The one's you missed, big side effect of getting vaxed could also be death. It's happened way to much but they won't tell you that part. I have a friend currently in the hospital on a vent that was also vaxed and his prognosis isn't good. Getting pricked isn't the savior so many are making it out to be.
How many have died from the vax (verified that was the actual cause) versus those that died from Covid or Covid related death?

I got vax and my wife,  the only one in the office that did not want to get vaxxed died a couple of weeks ago and his wife,  i shared a office with him about 10 feet away, he came into the office cough up a lung and said it was allergies, now dead, my daughter got it, she is 12 so we did not get her vaxxed, she got it kissed and hugged her for about 3 days then got her tested and me or my wife did not get it, 

Some side effects of the vax is getting sick 

big side effects of not getting vaxed it death, 

How many non vaxxed friends need to die before peeps get the message,     

My infectious disease doctor and pulmonologist are adamant that if I had the vax, I wouldn't have been in the ER. ALL of their ICU patients were non-vaxed. ( I know there are vaxed people that have been in ICU and worse - dont kill the messenger) They are convinced the vaccines are safe and they recognize there are risks that are associated with them but said it would have kept me out of the ICU.

J Alper, sorry to hear about your loss.  

Matt, glad to hear you are doing better and seems to have definitely turned the corner for the better.

I have some personal questions for both of you, if you would care to share?  How was your/their health prior to COVID?  Diet?  Diabetic? Last doctor check?  BMI (though I have issues with the usage of this number)?  Working out on a daily basis prior to?  Not trying to pry, BUT asking loaded questions, as when reporting deaths or bad cases, it seems there are a lot of underlying issues that just come to the forefront with COVID.  If you dont care to share, I understand.

I do think that high risk people should entertain being vaxed.  To the point of mandating? definitely not.  But if your are going go down that road then start requiring restaurants to test your BMI and if it is considered obese, then no food four you.  you see my piont... Slippery slope here...  


How many have died from the vax (verified that was the actual cause) versus those that died from Covid or Covid related death?
Do you think the number is going to be honestly published? Why do the big 3 all have immunity from prosecution for lasting side effects or wrongful death? Some are reporting more deaths from the vax then the disease this year but of course that will all be refuted by MSM. If 45 was still in office and pushing this do you think we'd see the same push to get it? We could this debate all day, but the truth is WE will NEVER know the truth. That being said, this is a right to choose deal. The right to choose to get it, to not get it, to hang out with or not to hang out with people who have made the same choices.

I got vax and my wife,  the only one in the office that did not want to get vaxxed died a couple of weeks ago and his wife,  i shared a office with him about 10 feet away, he came into the office cough up a lung and said it was allergies, now dead, my daughter got it, she is 12 so we did not get her vaxxed, she got it kissed and hugged her for about 3 days then got her tested and me or my wife did not get it, 

Some side effects of the vax is getting sick 

big side effects of not getting vaxed it death, 

How many non vaxxed friends need to die before peeps get the message,     

You may not have meant it this way, but the part I bolded comes off extremely condescending. While I don't doubt your story, I do wonder what makes your's the gospel and completely nullifies the accounts of people who've gotten the jab and had adverse, even deadly, results.

How many have died from the vax (verified that was the actual cause) versus those that died from Covid or Covid related death?

Insisting on verification that the death was caused by the vax would require insisting that the Covid death was caused by Covid, wouldn't you agree?

I have put this together and have sent it via email to many of my family and friends.  take it for what it is and do with it what you want.  After having Covid and losing my brother this week, I had to do something.  please do your own research and it is totally your choice if you want to do any of these things.  My intent is to save people or at least make covid a much less riskier sickness.   Also I feel if I keep these around I can live a life with less fear because this chit is for real just ask my best friends widow.   I know I got another close friend on this treatment last week when he told me he was sick.  He is back to work 10 days later.  Also a mobile IV is something I would do as well if you come down sick.  Damm I forgot to add that to my email.  Hope everyone stays healthy and no one else has to live with I just went though this week. If Chad Marshalls death can save one or many friends there will be some sort of positive outcome to all this.  Please pass this all over the place. You will have to find a Medical health form or email me and I can get you one.

Hello everyone,  I want all my friends to be safe and live a free life.  There are much better ways to fight covid than getting vaxxed.  (Israel is Vaxxed and has Huge spikes in Covid)  Here is a kit that I am putting together.  Do your own research and use duck duck go for the search engine and not Google.  You will find a walmart Registry to the products to make it easier for you.  Besides this list of items, I encourage you to get RX for Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. 
  Ivermectin amount should be by weight.  I weigh 240 and was prescribed 18mg per day for 5 days.  Also add 200mg of  hydroxychloroquine for the same 5 days.
  Walgreens also has Home rapid test kits for Covid in stock and I would have some onhand.  It is very important to start this treatment ASAP as you feel sick. even if you don't have Covid it won't hurt you and will help with most sickness.  
 The peroxide in the nebulizer is great for all respiratory issues.  even sort throats or coughs.  Those treatments should be done twice a day for at least 10 to 15 min.  You only need 1/2 teaspoon per treatment and the food grade should be kept in the fridge.   
If you need an RX you can get one from this doc.
His provider code is on this link.  You will need to download this app.( Medici for Patients) from the app store. Also attached are some Medical History forms that you need to upload in the app and copy of your drivers lic needs to be uploaded as well.  Once that is done you are set and he will send you RX to a online Pharmacy so you can get it filled. please mention that you have some symptoms and was exposed to a covid positive person.
I hope and pray that no one ever needs this but for a few hundred bucks to keep on hand it might save your life or limit your sickness.  My friend Eric came down with Covid last week and I got him on this stuff and he is back at work 10 days later.  Please everyone stay safe and be well.  If you got this you are on my loved list. please share with everyone you know.



I fully support you in your right to prevent and treat this disease as you see fit. I don't care if you want to use sun screen to prevent or treat it that is up to you.  I just ask you and everybody else to get yourself an O2 sensor and use it. Also listen to your Doctor as to what number they tell you to go into the ER at.

That will make a bigger difference in recovering fully then a bunch of meds you may or may not be taking at the correct time or dose or weather or not it is counter acting with your current daily regiment of RX.

How many have died from the vax (verified that was the actual cause) versus those that died from Covid or Covid related death?
it is on the CDC's website even though you have to search for it.  Thousands have died from it on there web site and that doesn't tell the whole story. ON the CDC's website they stopped counting covid cases if you are vaxed so we will never know the real numbers.    I know it is just one video but look at the one that I posted.  If the answer is the Vax why is Israel having major covid issues when they say almost 100% of there pop is Vaxxed.  Just saying.  everyone has to do what they feel is right for them.  Matt have the antibodies is much better than the Vax and a lot of doc agree with that.  I just pray that everyone is healthy and safe.  Once you feel bad start doing something before it gets out of control.  I wish both Matt and Chad started taking all this stuff on day one, would anything be different I don't know but the studies show that there is a huge possibility that it would have. 

Like a posted in the RIP a month ago,  Dan and Shawn M,  all 4 went to the hockey game, these are people i work with and see all the time, all 4 got sick, 2 non Vax, passed away in the hospital Shawn was vaxed did not get sick, the other non vaxed was in the hospital and is out and looks like a 80 year old man walking around, 

If you are over 40 year old get vaxed, 

The biggest side effect of not getting vaxed at that age is Death, 

I have never known so many people in my life that have passed away, and all of them where not vaxed,  Most 30 years olds and under this is like a bad cold, peeps getting up in there 40's this is super deadly,  

If you are over 40 year old get vaxed, 
45 here. Im in decent shape.  Weigh in around 205.  6'1".  Eat my vegetables and vitamins.  Dont smoke.  Dont drink alcohol.  Exercise regularly.  Hate seeing the doctor though.  Need to go get some blood test.  Cholesterol is hovering around 230.  Rather worry about my overall health than rely on a vaccination to cut the corner of things I can/should be doing anyways.

Ill share my story. This is not preaching, just my personal, what happened to me when I got Covid.

Not vaxed, wasn't taking the vitamins (zinc, b12, d3, c, etc)

Got sick Aug 2, like a mild cold for the first 3 days. Wife gets a home test, I test Positive for Covid, she test Neg (she is vaxed)

We were joined at the hip for a week to week & 1/2 leading up to Aug 2. Doing all the things in regular life, saw my son, saw our daughter and grandkids, dinner with my mom and sister and their Bfriends. Grocery store,,,,,,,,, Have no idea when or where I got it. 

It got worse and Im stubborn, 11 days sick at home. 1 tele-conference with Doc, paramedics came to the house but all my vitals were good (Covid doesn't care about vitals except blood O2 level) I decide I don't need to go to hospital. 

I figured it would run its course,,,,it was running!

My wife finally insisted I go to the hospital, vitals still good except for that pesky blood O2, that day I was 64-66 (you're not supposed to be below 88-90)

They wasted no time! In the ER, forced air mask of 100% O2, stripped me down, gown on, IV in each and hand and they started pushing I don't know what. Admitted and up to ICU that  night. Double lung Covid pneumonia.

Spend the next 9 days in ICU, 2 more in a regular room before I could go home.

On an O2 machine at home, have bottles for leaving the house. Doc says 1-2 months most likely.

Long term he predicts Ill be ok but it will be 6 months or so. This thing kicked my A$$!!!

Meds while I was in ER & ICU: Actemra for my lungs, 5 days of Remdesivir, antibiotics, steroids, blood thinners and insulin for my type 2 diabetes (the steroids affect blood sugar so they were chasing it the entire time)   

Had the mask for 2 days then a high flow cannula. Lost 25lbs while in the hospital. My status in the ER was Critical but stable. 

At my 1 week follow up I asked my pulmonologist on a scale of 1-10, 10 being dead where was I? He said "you were a solid 8." That's scary!

Today: I am doing good, feel good, still on O2 but I can take it off for up to an hour if I am sitting, 15-20 min if I am up and about. Have to monitor my O2 level.

Chad and I were talking and txting the day I got home from the hospital, comparing notes, treatment, the long road ahead and what we were going to do together to get down it. He was progressing, we were progressing. He'd tell me "I want to be where you are, I can't wait to get home" I'd tell him him we are on the same road, I'm just a mile ahead of you,,,,catch up!!! 

POINT OF THIS! If you are still reading.

My infectious disease doctor and pulmonologist are adamant that if I had the vax, I wouldn't have been in the ER. ALL of their ICU patients were non-vaxed. ( I know there are vaxed people that have been in ICU and worse - dont kill the messenger) They are convinced the vaccines are safe and they recognize there are risks that are associated with them but said it would have kept me out of the ICU.

I am still reluctant and skeptable about the vaccines but I have a new lease on life and realize this is bigger than just me. I don't know what it was like for my wife, mom, son and family & friends to worry about me for 11 days. I had 100's (literally) of people sending me good thoughts and prayers - people I don't even know. One of my best friends had his entire church praying for me. 

If the vax gives them some piece of mind and betters my chances of staying out of the hospital if I get it again then it's worth it. Ill be getting the vax when I have recovered enough. Again, I still don't believe in it 100%. It's too bad that I don't know what to believe based on what's out there. Go on Google - don't trust it, too 1 sided. Go on duck duck - maybe too right wing or what ever you want to call it. I am looking at this with as much common sense as possible and there are arguments on both sides - though I lean away from main stream media (a lot) but I am no doctor. What ever they did/gave me in the hospital worked. I am alive and on the mend. I am still being treated by my doctors that saved my life so I am going with them.  

Vax or non-vax - I don't judge. Its is and should be a personal choice! 

I have read about everything @Squatcher wrote above and see the merits of it. At this point I can't do it (my decision) while I am being treated. I am not saying it doesn't work - there are a lot of people that have done it and been successful.

Bottom line is do whatever sits well with you! But do something to improve your odds! Lose weight, eat healthier, vitamins, have the kit on hand but do something for yourself and your family.
The long term effects are real, I have a family member that spent 5 weeks in the hospital, her lungs are permanently damaged.  We were supposed to go camping in Mammoth in a couple of weeks, she made an attempt to Julian the other day, she could not breath.  Thank god she brought here O2, fyi she hadn't used since April.  She thinks she might never be able to go to altitude without O2 for the rest of her life.

I agree with the above, it isn't about being Vaxxed or not Vaxxed, do whatever you can to help yourself, head in the sand anymore doesn't work, chit is real.
