Continue the story but don't finish

Illegal Immigrants standing at the cusp of......Peace

the border waiting for Biden to say......

how long does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll if you lick the microwave with the pencil and 

get a little sand in your underwear you are bound to be in...

a great time especially when its time to

some booze smoke, put on some sun glasses then.....

head back to funky town and let the 

transgender hookers have their way with you while you read the BLM rules and drink LOCO4 until..

you decide to buckle up the passengers and tell them.....Peace

to put their heads between their knees and kiss their ass good bye Crap is about to get strange when 

a lime green Funco goes flying by yelling..........

Effing nother day in the grind and this world is just going......

roundabouts and amazingly correctional facilities are.....Peace

just signed the contract for some really great stuff starting with...

an Amazon Prime account, but then started watching Upload, and lost all track or time before looking into each other's eyes and .... 

realizing what a mistake they were making and...

gently dropped his trousers and stuck a............Peace
