Continue the story but don't finish

The Cussin Russian, not because he was from Russia but for the way he would say .........

and my assless chaps, I have the need to travel to CA on a horse with no name.....

thru the desert with only tequila then he met..

Some little varmit with large.........Peace

road, right in front of our hero the world famous....

Amos Moses was a man...was a big man....but the bear was bigger so........Peace

looked at his calendar, saw it was a Tuesday, strapped on his most impressive, turned back to the bear with a glint in his eye and said Hey Babe, take a walk on the wild side, Hey Sugar, take.... 

me out to the ball game take me out to the park buy me peanuts and.......

beer and then more beer so I dared.......

the mysterious stranger to a beer drinking contest, Hours went by, the pyramid of beer cans grew larger our words became slurred our gate became more of a stumble.  This was not our finest moment the last thing I remember was somebody saying Timber.  Thinking it was the mysterious stranger had fallen and I won the contest, when everything went black and then...................

based on the facts drawn from the file we..........Peace

van he lived in. His career as a motivational speaker was not going very well. It was time he

put the pipe down met a girl and move to........

Bum EFF Egypt. Except the bombs were bursting near that famous old.......Peace

of the Union address was completely.....Peace

useless till we get a new........
