Continue the story but don't finish

M1 Gerand bayonet first into the sand next to the... 

gone but then we saw what happened when.......

where hardness meets soft bottom equal to......Peace

the hand printed bottom in post #56 in chEEF's hidden forum, and all the summer girls say.... 

Doot....... Da Doot...... Da Doot..... Da Doot......... Da Doot.... Da Doot........ Da Doot......Peace

fleur-de-lis imprinted into the center of the large linoleum floor. The Mop n Glo shine reflected up, directly under the... 

stuffed beaver tail whiskers penetrating....Peace

Fondue like substance escaping from....Peace

gathering at the dinner table with animals eating......Peace

cannibals and fruit salad, dreaming of days gone by when Lucy had diamonds... 

the yellow canary square cut type that only........Peace
