chEFFs Dream Home Build

I've got some great pics and FORGOT my camera! Peace

Hired the landscape company. These guys pound! Check out the Magnolias down the driveway with a couple trees to off set the Magnolias. Didn't want to put up a wood fence. Decided to plant my fence. Peace





Retaining Wall footings. My concrete buddy is named John. We know all the same people. He's a vintage MX'er. Collects bikes. We always say, "How did we not meet earlier. Great guy. Has a good crew. They respond when I need them. What a concept. Peace



"THE FIRST" Picture is the South side where I thought I was going to put motorhomes. Had to EDIT.

North Side Planting a fence to block Steve and Kelly from watching our skinny dipping days / nights. Right now we use the group text......"FLAGS UP". Soon we won't have to txt that. Someone told me a while back, "A Good Fence makes a Good Neighbor. Peace





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Really impressed with the south side of the property. Can't wait to see them bloom together. Peace




Should have added this pic to the last post. My bad. Looks awesome! Peace



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Planted these three trees to block the barn. Yes, they look a little weathered because it's 105* all summer. I feel their pain. Peace


Retaining walls are underway. Jaciel and his group pounds! Peace





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Can't express the beauty out these windows. Can you tell we hired a company to clean them? YES WE DID. Best $500.00 ever spent. Husband wife team. She does the inside, he does the outside. Thats how relationships work. Keep a window between ya. Still see her, can't hear her. Peace


Of course.....The Flower Beds. Peace


You know you're getting help when you see this in your backyard. Peace


So are these just holes that go through to the dirt on the other side?  gives the water saturated in the dirt a place to go?

ChEff Wall.png

Walls have release valves. No pressure. Back fill with 3/4" rock. Top off with dirt to grade. Water releases out the 4" pipes. The vertical pipe is for water lines. Everything we pour, steps / walls / side walks we sleeve under for power / water etc...A just in case. Peace  

Wholly crap CheFF! I hadn't visited this thread in a while. That is effing amazing!!! Great vision on everything. It is coming out perfect. 

Wholly crap CheFF! I hadn't visited this thread in a while. That is effing amazing!!! Great vision on everything. It is coming out perfect. 

Thanks Brother. It's nice to have outside input. When you stare at it every day, sometimes I second guess my decisions. Robert L is correct, this place is more impressive when you see it live and in person. The owner of the Landscape company came by this morning just to see it. Can't thank everyone enough for helping me build chEFF's DREAM HOME! It really is a Dream Come True. All Glory Goes to GOD! My prayer every morning is........"I'm building this place For You Jesus. Help Me make the right decisions". Enthusiasm and Money makes this place happen. Peace
