Calling My Name

You should get it. You’re in a new house, you should be in a new motorhome. You deserve it. Do it for the family. 

I agree. Bought my last truck. (F-350 King Ranch.) Built my Dream Home. Bought my Last SXS (Unless @Grant@Funco builds my last Funco) and need my Last Moho. @Sandkist is the only one who is doing what i need. Talk me out of it. Checked flights to KC MO.......$120.00 one way to fly the wife and I there. This is stupid! Sure feels good tho. Peace 

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Ok; I'll give it a shot.  If you finance it; the payment, insurance, reg, taxes, upkeep, etc is gonna be insane.  If you were going to pay cash for it; you can throw that $630k in the stock market in a dividend stock and get $5k-6k/month in dividends - tax free (depending on your situation) every month for the rest of your life......

Ok; I'll give it a shot.  If you finance it; the payment, insurance, reg, taxes, upkeep, etc is gonna be insane.  If you were going to pay cash for it; you can throw that $630k in the stock market in a dividend stock and get $5k-6k/month in dividends - tax free (depending on your situation) every month for the rest of your life......

I've never played the stock market game before. When do you CASH OUT is my thought? Peace

Do it as long as you can write it's only money and it can all end tomorrow, be  happy today. 

Do it and keep your old one with the fresh power plant to use in G. I'd have a hard time sleeping if 600K was getting sandblasted!

Ok; I'll give it a shot.  If you finance it; the payment, insurance, reg, taxes, upkeep, etc is gonna be insane.  If you were going to pay cash for it; you can throw that $630k in the stock market in a dividend stock and get $5k-6k/month in dividends - tax free (depending on your situation) every month for the rest of your life......
$630k invested @ 5% APR is approx $32k, minus 20% qualified dividend tax rate of approx $6,400, equals $25,600 divided by 12 for around $2,133/mo.   If you were to invest the $$ you could use the interest towards a payment or rent.

Someone Talk me "OUT" of it! Peace
Do you like throwing money out the window ?  Sticker price 3 yrs ago was a Million bucks. Now it's $630k. In 2 more years it will be 3-4 hundred k ?   You can always buy my buddies 08 for 240k. It's already maxed out the depreciation. Put the rest of the money into Hookers / blow. It'll be a lot more fun. 

I've never played the stock market game before. When do you CASH OUT is my thought? Peace
well, you technically never need to cash out; depending on the stocks that you buy.  If you buy Nvidia or Tesla, you might want to get in and out, but I never play that stuff.  I buy old boring stocks that just grind income.  I own a lot of Altria stock symbol 'MO'.  Yes they make Marlboro cigarettes, they own a big chunk of ABinbev (budweiser) and a bunch of other crap.  Right now they issue a dividend (send you a check) every quarter that works out to about 9.6%/yr based on today's stock price.  The dividends are 'qualified' so if your AGI is under around $80k (depending on married/kids, etc) you pay 0% capital gains tax on the dividends.  Even if you are over that, you only pay 15% fed tax up to around $400k of qualified dividend income.  You get that income for the rest of your life and they raise the amount a little bit every year.......

Not trying to get you to invest in MO; just trying to talk you out of a $630k moho  :))

Why would you want that POS? I wouldn’t buy it if I was you.  With YOUR MONEY I would be looking at the Prevost or Newel Coach’s with a driver.  He can fuel everything up and cook your meals and get the coach to the location you want to camp at.  

I wouldn’t buy it but that’s mainly based on personal preference. For $600k you can get a brand new 45’ twin screw Renegade Classic or Explorer on your chassis of choice. It will drive better, tow better, easier service and holds more water (150 gals). But I prefer the truck style chassis to the Class A pusher. If you must go Class A - the Newmar is a great coach. 

I wouldn’t buy it but that’s mainly based on personal preference. For $600k you can get a brand new 45’ twin screw Renegade Classic or Explorer on your chassis of choice. It will drive better, tow better, easier service and holds more water (150 gals). But I prefer the truck style chassis to the Class A pusher. If you must go Class A - the Newmar is a great coach. 

I have looked at the Renegade's too. I like that engine in front of my body. Peace
