Calif recall election

Portugal looks interesting
You almost have to be on the very southern boarder or there is a bunch of rain & cold.  If I wanted that I would move to Idaho/Wash/Org....

and if your good with Spanish, you can get by there quite easily...

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Whats the latest on this douche bag? Peace

Exactly! Same here, But all of a sudden that system is Fraudulent.  My worries are that too many people will spread voting over the new candidates.

We need to all solidify on one guy, otherwise it will be Newsome.  I will be voting for Elder, hope he can pull it off.
its not the absentee voting that is fraudulent, in absentee you have to request a ballot and its suppose to be verified by signature. the fraudulent part is them just sending out ballots to everyone on the voter rolls. there is a difference between absentee voting and mail in voting like we had in 2020 election. 

Whats the latest on this douche bag? Peace
He's gotten even more douchey since this was posted 6 hours ago!

How do I know this...well, he's Newsom...Super Douche!

His doucheness only grows and feeds off the Douche that he is! So in essence he will continue to grow exponentially in quantities of doucheness since the original whole of his being was in fact 100% Douche from the beginning!


@ what point does he hit "super douche nova"??? 
I'm pretty sure he hit that at Puberty!


He's lightyears beyond that now. He is a category of doucheness that no-one has seen in our lifetimes!


Expect him to give more money out to the peasants.  Right before the recall vote.  

More of this if we don’t get this demoncrat out . 


I heard a commercial on JACK FM this morning AGAINST the recall.  Some woman's voice, stated that Trump supporters and Trump $$ are behind the recall effort as well as 'big oil' and some others, and it's something CA cannot afford.  Thought we had a huge budget surplus for 2020?  Like billions?  She also said the people responsible for the Jan 6th "insurrection" are responsible for the recall effort.  By this point I was screaming at my radio.  

I'm surprised Newsom reinstated the mask BS.  Figured by now he'd want to get as many people on his side as possible but this would seem to have the opposite effect.

I heard a commercial on JACK FM this morning AGAINST the recall.  Some woman's voice, stated that Trump supporters and Trump $$ are behind the recall effort as well as 'big oil' and some others, and it's something CA cannot afford.  Thought we had a huge budget surplus for 2020?  Like billions?  She also said the people responsible for the Jan 6th "insurrection" are responsible for the recall effort.  By this point I was screaming at my radio.  

I'm surprised Newsom reinstated the mask BS.  Figured by now he'd want to get as many people on his side as possible but this would seem to have the opposite effect.
Oh yea! They got quite the slogan, "STOP THE REPUBLICAN RECALL!

just, wow. 🤬🤬🤬🤬

Either way, everyone needs to vote.  We need to show we do have a voice, even though it is a minority voice.  The reason we are in this mess in California is the lack of our side having a voice and sitting on our hands.  The Conservatives in Ca for the past 30 years were just happy making money and enjoying the weather, we need to win this state back one vote at a time.  I guarantee a lot of the Ca haters that are now in Calizona did nothing with their votes in the past, running away is not the answer, we need to fix it, one thing for certain, change always happens, lets make it change the right way.

The recall, if anything will stop Nescum from running for President and remind the rest of the country to run away from CA Democrats.
The corrupt elections in CA make me wonder if it can be done. I am not a resident (Just visit Glamis from Oct-Apr) of CA but my brother is. The corrupt way they write the propositions up is crazy. Like the fuel tax repeal.  On the ballot a yes vote sounded like you wanted to stop all road repair. No mention of the fact the money is being used for a bunch of BS that has nothing to do with roads. That is fraud. Lets hope that one Larry Elder can win and change the corrupt CA system. 

maybe im a little late on this but i saw they started mailing out ballots for the recall election to everyone on voter rolls.

i was getting excited that there was a real chance newsome gets recalled but after finding out they mailing out ballots i lost all hope. mailing out all ballots along with ballot harvesting i think there is zero chance he gets recalled. after the election is over and he says in, my guess is we will see more covid lockdowns due to the delta variant and then what ever variant comes after that.  im sure he doesn't want to impose any more restrictions a month before his recall election. 

The corrupt elections in CA make me wonder if it can be done. I am not a resident (Just visit Glamis from Oct-Apr) of CA but my brother is. The corrupt way they write the propositions up is crazy. Like the fuel tax repeal.  On the ballot a yes vote sounded like you wanted to stop all road repair. No mention of the fact the money is being used for a bunch of BS that has nothing to do with roads. That is fraud. Lets hope that one Larry Elder can win and change the corrupt CA system. 
That isn't just CA, all propositions' and bills in the government have all sorts of shady stuff in every sate and Federal.  It sucks

Laws must be written to require State/Federal issued photo ID and voting needs to be in person....PERIOD.

There can be no interest or investment by politicians, lobbyists, interest groups, the voting process, the manufacture and maintenance of voting machines, ballot counting,...nothing.  If you are found guilty of tampering with elections, 20 year minimum sentence in Federal prison.

Laws must be written to require State/Federal issued photo ID and voting needs to be in person....PERIOD.

There can be no interest or investment by politicians, lobbyists, interest groups, the voting process, the manufacture and maintenance of voting machines, ballot counting,...nothing.  If you are found guilty of tampering with elections, 20 year minimum sentence in Federal prison.
It's being reported today that potential Texas Senate candidate and former NFL great Hershel Walker's wife, while maintaining a homestead in TX, voted absentee in GA . . .

It's being reported today that potential Texas Senate candidate and former NFL great Hershel Walker's wife, while maintaining a homestead in TX, voted absentee in GA . . .
This is exactly the bullish*t that needs to stop.

This is exactly the bullish*t that needs to stop.

How the heck does that happen?? Or does it depend on who she voted for? I'm with Mac, this crap has to sTOP! Peace
