Calif recall election

Him just having to fight for his job changes a lot.   He was going to be a "successful governor" from California who has a slick look and seems to be able to smile at the right time who wants more than just to sleep in the Governors mansion, He wants the big office he wants to be POTUS  and he would have the Dems backing for it, They would make him look like a left handed Ronnie.  Unless he gets tossed from office then his political career is over plain and simple. If he fights thru it and stays in office it will still leave a black mark on his record that he will have a hard time explaining away in swing states. 

So yes a lot of thing will change because of this. You might even just save the nation. 
Allow me to clarify. Of course being recalled will change Newsom's political career. I meant that it will not do much to change things in California. Any new Governor, even if he's the most conservative dude ever, will only have 10 months in office. He'll have Democratic super majorities in both state houses, California courts packed with liberal douche bags, and a California electorate that has twice as many registered Dems as Republicans and that voted for Biden over Trump by 5 million votes. They will over ride  any veto he does. They will do an instant 180 on the  "emergency covid powers" that they were happy to give to Gavin and decide that only the legislature can decide things like mask mandates and school closures. Meanwhile, all the usual suspects (media, unions, etc..) will start a media blitz painting the new Governor as Hitler, an idiot, a pedophile, etc.. Then 10 months later, California will elect a new Democrat scumbag who probably be worse than Newsom- just without the nice hair.

Allow me to clarify. Of course being recalled will change Newsom's political career. I meant that it will not do much to change things in California. Any new Governor, even if he's the most conservative dude ever, will only have 10 months in office. He'll have Democratic super majorities in both state houses, California courts packed with liberal douche bags, and a California electorate that has twice as many registered Dems as Republicans and that voted for Biden over Trump by 5 million votes. They will over ride  any veto he does. They will do an instant 180 on the  "emergency covid powers" that they were happy to give to Gavin and decide that only the legislature can decide things like mask mandates and school closures. Meanwhile, all the usual suspects (media, unions, etc..) will start a media blitz painting the new Governor as Hitler, an idiot, a pedophile, etc.. Then 10 months later, California will elect a new Democrat scumbag who probably be worse than Newsom- just without the nice hair.
Very good points.  Newsom is done in politics because of the recall.  Hard to face that, even if he does survive, and continue to move up the political ladder.  Newsom is the sacrificial lamb that may keep California blue because of exactly what you stated- Elder wins- legislature reverses all the emergency Covid stuff which will make them more appealing to voters in 2022.  Then they'll smear Elder and block anything he tries to do to make the state better. 

Allow me to clarify. Of course being recalled will change Newsom's political career. I meant that it will not do much to change things in California. Any new Governor, even if he's the most conservative dude ever, will only have 10 months in office. He'll have Democratic super majorities in both state houses, California courts packed with liberal douche bags, and a California electorate that has twice as many registered Dems as Republicans and that voted for Biden over Trump by 5 million votes. They will over ride  any veto he does. They will do an instant 180 on the  "emergency covid powers" that they were happy to give to Gavin and decide that only the legislature can decide things like mask mandates and school closures. Meanwhile, all the usual suspects (media, unions, etc..) will start a media blitz painting the new Governor as Hitler, an idiot, a pedophile, etc.. Then 10 months later, California will elect a new Democrat scumbag who probably be worse than Newsom- just without the nice hair.
Damn…this statement stings because it’s true. All of our hands are tied. 

Magically mail in ballots are back and guess what????? so is a "new strain of covid" lol this is all so sad.  Clowns and their greed. Cant wait for sept/oct to get back to the happy place. lol

EFFN Criminals. Drain the Swamp has so much truth to it. Peace

Damn…this statement stings because it’s true. All of our hands are tied. 
Its more about that short period of time demonstrating small gains and positive reasonable leadership, as well as showing non dem's nationwide that their vote counts in blue states, as well and telling the radical dems we are not going to take it anymore - maybe we can get back to more moderates.

Larry Elder whether he is the choice or not smartly points out that the "important" politicians running the state are all from SF while the largest voting block in the state in LA Metro - they don't really represent us in so many ways .  life in the bay area is different than SoCal in many ways such as their feeling on mass transit, types of Business (they rely on high tech - we rely on wider variety including entertainment 

If for nothing else - this is a chance to have Government at least consider "the rest of the state"

I agree no one is fixing this mess in 1-2-4 years ...

The other consideration is that it help keep AZ and NV from going down the CA path.. NV is already Well on its way from a governece direction according to people that follow it ...

Either way, everyone needs to vote.  We need to show we do have a voice, even though it is a minority voice.  The reason we are in this mess in California is the lack of our side having a voice and sitting on our hands.  The Conservatives in Ca for the past 30 years were just happy making money and enjoying the weather, we need to win this state back one vote at a time.  I guarantee a lot of the Ca haters that are now in Calizona did nothing with their votes in the past, running away is not the answer, we need to fix it, one thing for certain, change always happens, lets make it change the right way.

The recall, if anything will stop Nescum from running for President and remind the rest of the country to run away from CA Democrats.

Either way, everyone needs to vote.  We need to show we do have a voice, even though it is a minority voice.  The reason we are in this mess in California is the lack of our side having a voice and sitting on our hands.  The Conservatives in Ca for the past 30 years were just happy making money and enjoying the weather, we need to win this state back one vote at a time.  I guarantee a lot of the Ca haters that are now in Calizona did nothing with their votes in the past, running away is not the answer, we need to fix it, one thing for certain, change always happens, lets make it change the right way.

The recall, if anything will stop Nescum from running for President and remind the rest of the country to run away from CA Democrats.
Cookie, I generally appreciate your posts and responses but this is a pretty bold statement.

I was a registered and active voter in CA for 32 years.  I can honestly say that the 1994 Prop 187 BS was the last time my vote was ever counted.  This passed with a strong majority and the liberals overturned it in court.  Once they showed that worked, they rapidly chipped away at any chance of a conservative voice in CA.  Yeah, I had enough and left.

I have been involved in Congressional campaigns, town halls, and as mentioned, an active voter.  

I knew that living in CA came at a price.  I didn't mind paying it until the spending got out of control and the ideology became something I couldn't stomach.  I absolutely can't stand seeing a single cent spent on illegals, the gun control BS, I can't stand the gay agenda, the stupid environmental crap they throw and waste money on...admitting it's not science based, not spending money to build and upkeep infrastructure, then the above the law BS that liberals live by and the list goes on.  I refuse to let my tax dollars support it.  Sure, AZ turned blue.  Not happy about that.  I do live in an EXTREMELY Red town and county.  It feels good.  I do worry about the exodus of Californians screwing up the rest of the country.  You have no idea how conditioned and programmed you are until you go somewhere else.  I've always said a conservative in CA is a liberal everywhere else.  I am mindful of my political positions.  I'm in a place now where I feel I have like minded people around me for the most part.

I won't say I quit and gave up, I'll say I was beaten and left.  There is no way to flip 20 million plus people and fight the corruption in what life I have left.  Time to go enjoy my life elsewhere.

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Cookie, I generally appreciate your posts and responses but this is a pretty bold statement.

I was a registered and active voter in CA for 32 years.  I can honestly say that the 1994 Prop 187 BS was the last time my vote was ever counted.  This passed with a strong majority and the liberals overturned it in court.  Once they showed that worked, they rapidly chipped away at any chance of a conservative voice in CA.  Yeah, I had enough and left.

I have been involved in Congressional campaigns, town halls, and as mentioned, an active voter.  

I knew that living in CA came at a price.  I didn't mind paying it until the spending got out of control and the ideology became something I couldn't stomach.  I absolutely can't stand seeing a single cent spent on illegals, the gun control BS, I can't stand the gay agenda, the stupid environmental crap they throw and waste money on...admitting it's not science based, not spending money to build and upkeep infrastructure, then above the law BS that liberals live by and the list goes on.  I refuse to let me tax dollars support it.  Sure, AZ turned blue.  Not happy about that.  I do live in an EXTREMELY Red town and county.  It feels good.  I do worry about the exodus of Californians screwing up the rest of the country.  You have no idea how conditioned and programmed you are until you go somewhere else.  I've always said a conservative in CA is a liberal everywhere else.  I am mindful of my political positions.  I'm in a place now where I feel I have like minded people around me for the most part.

I won't say I quit and gave up, I'll say I was beaten and left.  There is no way to flip 20 million plus people and fight the corruption in what life I have left.  Time to go enjoy my life elsewhere.
Mac, that wasn't directed at you, but you can use the Off Road community as my perfect example, as well as most of my friends that currently off road.  We(Off Roaders)are typically not active in government and don't want to be.  The Off Road community are rebellions of sort, voting has never been a focus until this last election.  Myself, I have worked on a few political campaigns since college as well volunteered tons a time for the ASA in the early years, and very involved in our local politics, so I get what you saying.  I also live in a very RED town in Ca, which I enjoy.   Bold statement or not, you are not the norm ( in a good way). 

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Either way, everyone needs to vote.  We need to show we do have a voice, even though it is a minority voice.  The reason we are in this mess in California is the lack of our side having a voice and sitting on our hands.  The Conservatives in Ca for the past 30 years were just happy making money and enjoying the weather, we need to win this state back one vote at a time.  I guarantee a lot of the Ca haters that are now in Calizona did nothing with their votes in the past, running away is not the answer, we need to fix it, one thing for certain, change always happens, lets make it change the right way.

The recall, if anything will stop Nescum from running for President and remind the rest of the country to run away from CA Democrats.
When we lived in ca we voted even though we knew it never really mattered or counted there.Too many people there who will just vote for a person because they have a D in front of their name no matter what he stands for.Heck they dont even have to campaign.

We left CA mainly becasue of the traffic,increasing taxes,cost of things,the stuff i liked to do was getting harder to do and restricted,etc.

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Mac, that wasn't directed at you, but you can use the Off Road community as my perfect example, as well as most of my friends that currently off road.  We(Off Roaders)are typically not active in government and don't want to be.  The Off Road community are rebellions of sort, voting has never been a focus until this last election.  Myself, I have worked on a few political campaigns since college as well volunteered tons a time for the ASA in the early years, and very involved in our local politics, so I get what you saying.  I also live in a very RED town in Ca, which I enjoy.   Bold statement or not, you are not the norm ( in a good way). 
I know it wasn't it was more general, but yeah, I was beaten.

I do worry about where next?  I have reached that point in my life where I am set in my ways and life continues to evolve.  Maybe I'm just out of touch and the "minority" now in what I want for America.  I'm not a giving soul and am pretty hardline on nothing's for free.  The millennials are going to change that.  They want free stuff.  That on top of rising healthcare costs and no one saving or planning for retirement anymore is going to make people vote democrat and for socialism.

When we lived in ca we voted even though we knew it never really mattered or counted there.Too many people there who will just vote for a person because they have a D in front of their name no matter what he stands for.Heck they dont even have to campaign.

We left CA mainly becasue of the traffic,increasing taxes,cost of things,the stuff i liked to do was getting harder to do and restricted,etc.
My wife and I got to a point where we never went to the beach anymore, we hated trying to go out to eat, a bunch of other stuff.  Why pay the sun tax when you don't use the sun?

I pay less than half in taxes now than I did in CA (income and property).  We go out all the time and are out doing things more now.

I know it wasn't it was more general, but yeah, I was beaten.

I do worry about where next?  I have reached that point in my life where I am set in my ways and life continues to evolve.  Maybe I'm just out of touch and the "minority" now in what I want for America.  I'm not a giving soul and am pretty hardline on nothing's for free.  The millennials are going to change that.  They want free stuff.  That on top of rising healthcare costs and no one saving or planning for retirement anymore is going to make people vote democrat and for socialism.
I was thinking about retirement and Millennials just yesterday, they arent saving enough at all.  I have been preaching to my kids to start their retirements early.  But this is going off on a tangent.

For everyone I love the fact that people are moving to make their life better, that is great.  But if we don't stand up to California Politics it is going to take over your state/town as me.  Arizona/Nevada are no longer what it was ten years ago.  My friends that moved there 20 years ago are already looking to move somewhere else because it has turned into Calizona.  We must stop this spread now.  

I don't go to the beach all summer long because it is filled with Zoners.🤪

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Ca has had a mail in absentee voting for decades I have been voting absentee for as long as I can remember I think I only waited in line once and said f this 
Exactly! Same here, But all of a sudden that system is Fraudulent.  My worries are that too many people will spread voting over the new candidates.

We need to all solidify on one guy, otherwise it will be Newsome.  I will be voting for Elder, hope he can pull it off.

I live in California and love where I'm at, minutes from a lake. lots of land no neighbors, but not far from town. I vote here because I'm hoping to stop some of this. My business and grand kids are here so I probably will never leave. I also have a home in Florida on the water and I chose not to change my residence to there because it's already a red state and they don't need my vote. A lot of my friends have been moving to other states that have lived here they're whole life and it's funny to talk to them about how different it is. A first they think it's awesome and depending where they moved too I hear different things, from way too hot in the summer, rains too much or my favorite it's -ucken cold here too much. Was raised in the midwest and would never go back to those winters. I say stay and fight.

I've been in Commiefornia for 55 years. I am done with it all!! As far as I'm concerned, good Effing riddance to California and all it's bullCrap laws, taxes, mandates, cost of Effing living! All of the sudden everyone is a salesman and thinks everything for sale is worth millions. Cars, houses , property, Effing groceries are a Effing joke. Eff this LIBERAL STATE! If the country follows and I'm still alive I will get the Eff outta the country also. I'm OUT!

Oh have a good weekend 🙂 

I've been in Commiefornia for 55 years. I am done with it all!! As far as I'm concerned, good Effing riddance to California and all it's bullCrap laws, taxes, mandates, cost of Effing living! All of the sudden everyone is a salesman and thinks everything for sale is worth millions. Cars, houses , property, Effing groceries are a Effing joke. Eff this LIBERAL STATE! If the country follows and I'm still alive I will get the Eff outta the country also. I'm OUT!

Oh have a good weekend 🙂 
I have been looking at Baja, only thing stopping me is health care.  Park Motorhome in SD, fly up here for my vacations and live in Baja on a beach.  

I live in California and love where I'm at, minutes from a lake. lots of land no neighbors, but not far from town. I vote here because I'm hoping to stop some of this. My business and grand kids are here so I probably will never leave. I also have a home in Florida on the water and I chose not to change my residence to there because it's already a red state and they don't need my vote. A lot of my friends have been moving to other states that have lived here they're whole life and it's funny to talk to them about how different it is. A first they think it's awesome and depending where they moved too I hear different things, from way too hot in the summer, rains too much or my favorite it's -ucken cold here too much. Was raised in the midwest and would never go back to those winters. I say stay and fight.
I grew up in the Midwest (TX, CO, MN)  Yeah no.  I left home right after high school and NEVER went back.  I will take heat any day of the week before I live in Arctic Hell and shovel snow again.

My wife and I got to a point where we never went to the beach anymore, we hated trying to go out to eat, a bunch of other stuff.  Why pay the sun tax when you don't use the sun?

I pay less than half in taxes now than I did in CA (income and property).  We go out all the time and are out doing things more now.
We didnt go to the beach anymore either.But as a teen grew up in laguna niguel went to the beach more than enough for a few years.But to go find decent trout fishing was getting tough i liked streams.And doing anything on the weekends didnt want to deal with a 45 min drive one way then 2 hrs to get home.

Only thing i do miss is the jet skiing with friends we could set up a bouy course in long beach harbor id go sun morn usually back by 11-12 no real traffic.Here in peoria we have pleasant its great midweek for skis but hard to set up a course.I found fishing spots,places to shoot 25 min away too.Not really working full time anymore either but will go to ca and work at my old place wed to sat come home sat night off for 10 days then back again but getting paid more since they cant find good help

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