Calif recall election


Active member
May 6, 2021
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Seems that Larry elder has the best chance . Democrats are sure dumping a lot of cash into defending ass clown gavin 

but what you all think ?  

a few weeks ago, it did not look like he was going to get voted out, today, there seems like a solid chance. 

I agree, Elder seems like the the likely successor, & a decent choice.  Ive not done a deep dive, but on the surface, he seems pretty solid.  Certainly better than Bruce Jenner, & some of the other whack jobs.  also better than Kevin Effner, from here in San Diego.  Effner is not a bad choice, but certainly not a good one. 

F Newsom. Get your signs and spread the word. 

My fear is voter fraud. Both in the BS voting tabulators and if they try to "Lockdown" and do mass mail-in ballots. They will try anything, and why not, they got away with it. 

RECALL HIM.........

And Larry Elder is solid. Been a consistent Conservative voice that does not buy into the oppression of the black folk, etc......  

I read somewhere that CA is doing the mail in ballot BS for the recall election. Article said it's important to vote in person or drop off the mail-in ballot at a polling place. 
Ca has had a mail in absentee voting for decades I have been voting absentee for as long as I can remember I think I only waited in line once and said f this 

Month ago, I'd have said there was no way he'd be recalled. But now, if they start the lockdown Crap again and especially if schools don't fully reopen, it might happen. It won't really change anything, no matter who replaces him, but I hope it happens just so I can see the look on his face.

Ca has had a mail in absentee voting for decades I have been voting absentee for as long as I can remember I think I only waited in line once and said f this 
Totally different situation. You request an Absentee Ballot. It is sent to your current address. Just sending ballots out to people that are registered but never vote is the easy way to get the uninformed voter to change the outcome in favor of the person who will "give them money". All you have to do is think about how many people have left CA and never updated the voter registration. Think all those ballots just get destroyed.🤣🤣

I went to the pageant of the masters in laguna last night . Made in America theme and the whole audience sang along to the national anthem . Loud Cheers every time any reference to freedom , our Declaration of Independence . 

Kinda made me think that people have enough of the bullCrap 

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that is encouraging, but do the other 39.9 Million Californians feel the same way...........????

 It won't really change anything
Him just having to fight for his job changes a lot.   He was going to be a "successful governor" from California who has a slick look and seems to be able to smile at the right time who wants more than just to sleep in the Governors mansion, He wants the big office he wants to be POTUS  and he would have the Dems backing for it, They would make him look like a left handed Ronnie.  Unless he gets tossed from office then his political career is over plain and simple. If he fights thru it and stays in office it will still leave a black mark on his record that he will have a hard time explaining away in swing states. 

So yes a lot of thing will change because of this. You might even just save the nation. 

Just saw a commercial with Elizabeth Warren flapping away about the recall election. It shocks  me how much they are pushing for this mail in ballot/cheat deal. 
Amazing how the state wants us to show identification for a vaccination but you don’t have to show identification for a legal vote. These politicians have no shame and ethics. 

Don't trust guys named Larry....ask me how I know...... sadly they would hamstring him worse than Trump if he won.....this entire state is a Craphole... only thing to do is have an exit plan...
