Big shout out to the anti abortion crowd that screwed us for at least another couple of years

 Since you insist on making chit up, here's what I actually said. How you can get that "I firmly believed in allowing government mandates" out of my comments is beyond me. I only made the argument  that private business owners should be able to require them ( I wouldn't nor did I btw). As far as your last comment about me questioning that members integrity, please find it and post it because your again full of chit. Your like the Joy Reid of

1. While I don't think the government should be able to mandate getting vaxed at this time, I have absolutely no problem with any private business determining their own policy for their employees or customers whether is requiring masks or being vaxed. The reality is that NOBODY knows for sure what the best course of action is right now. Half the country will go lock step with what the government says, about a quarter will do the opposite and trust the Alex Jones, Joe Rogans, and any other podcast or religious character that says what they want to hear,  and the other 25% will try to make their own educated decision as to what's best for themselves based on the most credible, non emotional, evidence they can find.

 Either way, I'm amazed at how many "conservatives" think that their right to not being forced into something is more important than another persons right to make their own rules in a business that they own. Don't want to wear a mask in a store or restaurant, then go to one that doesn't require them. Pretty simple concept. What really gets me is people like a few of my friends that never had a problem putting stuff in their bodies to get high, get buff, or puff on those dumbass vapes, that they had no idea where it came from or what's really in it, yet are the loudest anti vaxers. Crazy world we live in.

2. " But if you are an employee at a private business that doesn't feel comfortable with the owners rules, then you could always quit and look for a job elsewhere no? Or using your argument, would an employee be responsible if they gave someone at work Covid ? (playing devils advocate here,) My point is that nobody has a "right" to a job, housing, access to a private business etc. Don't like the rules, quit, unless you think like the AOCs and Pelosis of the world and feel everyone is owed something."

3."Guys, I'm playing devils advocate here. I personally don't give a eff if people get vaxed or not. My wife is a nurse who comes in contact with Covid patients almost every shift ,and  I am a general contractor that never missed a day of work through this whole chit show. For us, after waiting 6 months or so to see what did or didn't happen to vaxed people, it made sense for us. I don't think that the government should mandate any meds, but just as importantly, I think that anyone that puts their balls on the line and starts a business should be able to set rules that they see fit for their business. The idea that so many supposed conservatives around here feel differently is mind blowing to me. A bunch of you are way more liberal that you want to admit. If you don't respect a private business persons right to run their business the way they want, then you are saying that you want the government to force them they way they see fit. How is it so few of you understand that?"

4.Not everywhere, yet. What I am responding to are those that want a private business owner to acquiesce to the supposed rights that people think they have in said business. I treat most private business's like someone's home. I don't have a right to behave anyway I want in someone else's home, nor do I in their business. I have said multiple times the Government shouldn't mandate it. 

5. I agree for the most part, but there are a few restaurants that I know of that kept their "new rules" to the maximum even after the government relaxed them. 2 examples, one a Mexican restaurant, and one sushi. In both cases, the owners told me that they had lost mothers/fathers etc to Covid, and they felt in their hearts that they did not want to expose their employees to customers the way they used to. They also told their employees that they had to get vaccinated for the same reasons. They did not want any of their employees taking Covid back home and infecting their families. Now I'm not going to argue whether they are right or wrong, my point is that they should have the RIGHT to make that decision, no?


I wonder why more people don't talk more about the fact that almost 75% of deaths related to Covid are from obese people. The reality, is that if you cant see your junk without the aid of a mirror, then you are also a big (pun intended) reason why we are in this mess. 




NO one was talking about the rights of private business owners.

Joy Reid, haha. That’s funny. Are you in competition with Mitt Romney to become the #1 rino in the country? I think you’ll beat him and take the title.
I didn't think you could defend your BS. 

By the way, the new term for a fetus is, Parasite..

I was shocked the first time I read it but then kept seeing it repeated over and over on Twitter.

It's a sick fuking world when people fight this hard over the right to kill a baby.............
Selfish world. “My body, my right”…

To destroy the other body inside of it because of inconvenience.

Put off the backpacking trip to Europe for 9 months and give it to one of the 2 million parents waiting to adopt.

And before someone says “you adopt it then”: Even if every abortion went to one of these families, half will still be waiting. 

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The point of my post wasn't to debate the abortion issue. I don't think I've ever even stated what my position is. Just pointing out that as a party, by drawing a line in the sand on abortion, you are forcing tens of millions of people that would otherwise vote for republicans to vote democrat. We could have lower taxes, secure border, energy independence, more riding lands, more gun rights, no vax mandates, better schools, we wouldn't have the government shoving electric vehicles down our throats, I could go on. Instead, you throw it all away on a issue that doesn't affect you in any way. It is what it is. You guys can claim the moral high ground all you want, but you're the ones responsible for the people in power destroying our country.

The point of my post wasn't to debate the abortion issue. I don't think I've ever even stated what my position is. Just pointing out that as a party, by drawing a line in the sand on abortion, you are forcing tens of millions of people that would otherwise vote for republicans to vote democrat. We could have lower taxes, secure border, energy independence, more riding lands, more gun rights, no vax mandates, better schools, we wouldn't have the government shoving electric vehicles down our throats, I could go on. Instead, you throw it all away on a issue that doesn't affect you in any way. It is what it is. You guys can claim the moral high ground all you want, but you're the ones responsible for the people in power destroying our country.
I agree that the minute they struck down RvW we were screwed. I knew it.....and if I understood that I am sure the rest of you did too.

The dems spent 10X the amount during the campaigning on abortion talk then economy talk. 

The point of my post wasn't to debate the abortion issue. I don't think I've ever even stated what my position is. Just pointing out that as a party, by drawing a line in the sand on abortion, you are forcing tens of millions of people that would otherwise vote for republicans to vote democrat. We could have lower taxes, secure border, energy independence, more riding lands, more gun rights, no vax mandates, better schools, we wouldn't have the government shoving electric vehicles down our throats, I could go on. Instead, you throw it all away on a issue that doesn't affect you in any way. It is what it is. You guys can claim the moral high ground all you want, but you're the ones responsible for the people in power destroying our country.
No one threw anything away.  It's SCOTUS, not Republican Congressmen.  They're supposed to look at the technicalities of the law and make a decision outside of politics.  We finally ended up with a majority of judges who were interested in keeping the law rather than change it with their opinions, and this was inevitable since the decision has been wrong for 50 years.  SCOTUS literally wrote their own procedures in the RvW ruling, something they should never be doing.  What should've happened was SCOTUS ruled the States can't limit abortion, then the legislature drafted a federal abortion doctrine, and we would've been clear of this idiotic 50 year debate.  

Amusingly, the Left complains that these are conservative judges, which you appear to be complaining about as well. What else should the SCOTUS be?  They're there to interpret applicability of the law as written, not make decisions based on emotion or how things should be.

No one threw anything away.  It's SCOTUS, not Republican Congressmen.  They're supposed to look at the technicalities of the law and make a decision outside of politics.  We finally ended up with a majority of judges who were interested in keeping the law rather than change it with their opinions, and this was inevitable since the decision has been wrong for 50 years.  SCOTUS literally wrote their own procedures in the RvW ruling, something they should never be doing.  What should've happened was SCOTUS ruled the States can't limit abortion, then the legislature drafted a federal abortion doctrine, and we would've been clear of this idiotic 50 year debate.  

Amusingly, the Left complains that these are conservative judges, which you appear to be complaining about as well. What else should the SCOTUS be?  They're there to interpret applicability of the law as written, not make decisions based on emotion or how things should be.
 I never said the SCOTUS ruling was wrong, it should be in the States hands. The problem is the legislators that immediately announced that they were going to try to outlaw abortion in their state. Out of curiosity, would you be ok with the Feds drafting legislation that allowed abortion up to a certain point (if the SCOTUS would of ruled as you would of liked). You really think that scenario would have ended the debate?

 I never said the SCOTUS ruling was wrong, it should be in the States hands. The problem is the legislators that immediately announced that they were going to try to outlaw abortion in their state. Out of curiosity, would you be ok with the Feds drafting legislation that allowed abortion up to a certain point (if the SCOTUS would of ruled as you would of liked). You really think that scenario would have ended the debate?
How's it going to be in the States' hands without overturning Roe v Wade?

I'm personally against abortion, but if that law were drafted in accordance with The Constitution, the law's the law.

It would've shifted the blame where it belongs: f-ing Congress.  Those asshats haven't done their jobs in decades now...

What’s to defend? We were talking about government control and you started talking about the rights of private business owners. 
 Wow, what a stretch huh? I brought up the issue of private companies requiring masks and vaccines during a discussion about Gov mandates.  I guess in your world Joy, its cool to make chit up if it fits your agenda. You were wrong to say I supported vaccine mandates cause I never have and repeatedly said so.  

Kill the messenger, miss hearing the message...

It happens all the time :lol:

@Surf and Dune

Good thing you put yore big boy pants on as a valued member of GD :cheers:  when you post here.

 Wow, what a stretch huh? I brought up the issue of private companies requiring masks and vaccines during a discussion about Gov mandates.  I guess in your world Joy, its cool to make chit up if it fits your agenda. You were wrong to say I supported vaccine mandates cause I never have and repeatedly said so.  
Stop back pedaling Mitt. 
