Big shout out to the anti abortion crowd that screwed us for at least another couple of years

Well I guess that’s the beauty of a “vote”. Majority vote decides, not just you and your opinion. 

Oz was one of the bad candidates i mentioned. But Fetterman? Come on Man! Oh well, Goodnight everyone.
They’re both tools. One is just more famous as a tool, lol. 

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If someone is making bad decisions then that is likely to continue after they weren't allowed to have their abortion and continue with the unaborted child. These will be the children that grow up to be the adults that you will come on here to complain about and wish death upon and populate our prisons and use drugs in their tents on the sidewalk. Look at the demographics.

Like I said if you want to enjoy your freedoms then you'll have to accept things you don't like or agree with. Or you can continue down the path to government control. 

If you like being told what you can and cannot do then go ahead and keep telling others what they can and cannot do.
Again, you can't argue with this type of "logic".... you are right in your mind.   When you ask why we are in this mess, just don't be too far from a mirror.  

Because a SIGNIFICANT number of those private businesses were FORCED to do that by the government. Sure, maybe you know of a couple of them where the owners fell for the Covid scamdemic and wanted to implement those practices on their own. But you were completely unwilling to discuss the fact that the government was FORCING businesses to comply with the mandates under threat of heavy fines and in some cases even worse. 
 If the government was forcing a private employer to get their employees vaxed then I was against it. Not sure what you mean about being unwilling to discuss that point. I've never been shy to discuss anything as long as its a respectful debate. I'm consistent. Keep government out of our lives whenever and wherever possible. Wanting the government involved in the most emotional, personal matter that a human could possibly have makes no sense to me. 

 If the government was forcing a private employer to get their employees vaxed then I was against it. Not sure what you mean about being unwilling to discuss that point. I've never been shy to discuss anything as long as its a respectful debate. I'm consistent. Keep government out of our lives whenever and wherever possible. Wanting the government involved in the most emotional, personal matter that a human could possibly have makes no sense to me. 
The entire thread was about the mandates and how ridiculous they were. You showed up to the party and told some story about an old couple that owns a restaurant wanting to make their employees wear masks because they were afraid of covid. That's not what the discussion was about and you simply refused, or couldn't comprehend, that the conversation was about the government forcing businesses to force employees to comply. 

Lay the outcome squarely on media bias panic peddling. 

As always govt won
I am watching the idiot in the oval right now and here are things he said that supports your post:

1. He created 10 million jobs. False. Most of those 10 million people returned to their existing jobs after the lockdowns (mostly dem state policy). There was a study done and when you take out the people who returned to their old jobs, the unemployment rate is higher than pre-pandemic and the labor participation rate is very low.

2. The republicans want to cut SS and medicare. False. The proposal put forward from a couple senator's only proposed a requirement to oversight every 5 yrs. There is no requirement right now on congressional oversight and no one has proposed cuts.

3. He cut the deficit by $1.7T. A play on words. That figure is comparing the current deficit to peak spending during the pandemic. His deficit spending when compared to pre-pandemic deficit spending is extremely higher than any other time in history except for WWII.

4. All other countries have higher inflation than the US. False. About a month ago I looked at world wide inflation numbers and we were middle of the pack of developed countries. China, Japan, Australia, a couple European countries, and others have lower inflation rates than we do.

There are more dishonest comments, but the media parrots all these falsehoods. Granted, some media fact checkers did debunk some of these claims, but only just before the election, after the lies had been repeated countless times by the media to influence the election. 

Most of the media is just the propaganda arm of the DNC. 

And to make you feel warm and fuzzy, when he opened the press conference, he said democracy is still strong and last nights election was a good example of that. I feel so much better that he fixed the end of democracy in one evening and the world is not going to end. 

I am watching the idiot in the oval right now and here are things he said that supports your post:

1. He created 10 million jobs. False. Most of those 10 million people returned to their existing jobs after the lockdowns (mostly dem state policy). There was a study done and when you take out the people who returned to their old jobs, the unemployment rate is higher than pre-pandemic and the labor participation rate is very low.

2. The republicans want to cut SS and medicare. False. The proposal put forward from a couple senator's only proposed a requirement to oversight every 5 yrs. There is no requirement right now on congressional oversight and no one has proposed cuts.

3. He cut the deficit by $1.7T. A play on words. That figure is comparing the current deficit to peak spending during the pandemic. His deficit spending when compared to pre-pandemic deficit spending is extremely higher than any other time in history except for WWII.

4. All other countries have higher inflation than the US. False. About a month ago I looked at world wide inflation numbers and we were middle of the pack of developed countries. China, Japan, Australia, a couple European countries, and others have lower inflation rates than we do.

There are more dishonest comments, but the media parrots all these falsehoods. Granted, some media fact checkers did debunk some of these claims, but only just before the election, after the lies had been repeated countless times by the media to influence the election. 

Most of the media is just the propaganda arm of the DNC. 

And to make you feel warm and fuzzy, when he opened the press conference, he said democracy is still strong and last nights election was a good example of that. I feel so much better that he fixed the end of democracy in one evening and the world is not going to end. 
We all need to stop using their language.

most important language being pushed right now is democracy. We are not a democracy. Infact democracy effin sucks. Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting for what to have for dinner to steal a phrase from a founder.  We are a democratic republic and thank god for it. Look at an election map of america and you will see a sea of red with little dots of blue that represent the rat cage cities of america.  They want to convert us To a true democracy, and then they will rule forever. One size fits all but fits city folks best will be the norm

I am watching the idiot in the oval right now and here are things he said that supports your post:

1. He created 10 million jobs. False. Most of those 10 million people returned to their existing jobs after the lockdowns (mostly dem state policy). There was a study done and when you take out the people who returned to their old jobs, the unemployment rate is higher than pre-pandemic and the labor participation rate is very low.

2. The republicans want to cut SS and medicare. False. The proposal put forward from a couple senator's only proposed a requirement to oversight every 5 yrs. There is no requirement right now on congressional oversight and no one has proposed cuts.

3. He cut the deficit by $1.7T. A play on words. That figure is comparing the current deficit to peak spending during the pandemic. His deficit spending when compared to pre-pandemic deficit spending is extremely higher than any other time in history except for WWII.

4. All other countries have higher inflation than the US. False. About a month ago I looked at world wide inflation numbers and we were middle of the pack of developed countries. China, Japan, Australia, a couple European countries, and others have lower inflation rates than we do.

There are more dishonest comments, but the media parrots all these falsehoods. Granted, some media fact checkers did debunk some of these claims, but only just before the election, after the lies had been repeated countless times by the media to influence the election. 

Most of the media is just the propaganda arm of the DNC. 

And to make you feel warm and fuzzy, when he opened the press conference, he said democracy is still strong and last nights election was a good example of that. I feel so much better that he fixed the end of democracy in one evening and the world is not going to end.

Fact checkers are on extended vacation now that they ousted the evil Orange Man.

With regards to the abortion people....

Have you seen them? Are these women really having sex?

And if so, I don't think they should become parents to begin with with that type of thinking!


This is always a touchy subject and one I fall right in the middle with that, I'm no good in an argument.

My Christian beliefs and upbringing fight for the right of the unborn child...yet, I know there are circumstances that warrant one, Medically there is a danger to the Mother, Rape, molestation, etc...

However, to use it as a form of birth control is absurd and sad I think!

Spend a Nickle, cover your Pickle!


The entire thread was about the mandates and how ridiculous they were. You showed up to the party and told some story about an old couple that owns a restaurant wanting to make their employees wear masks because they were afraid of covid. That's not what the discussion was about and you simply refused, or couldn't comprehend, that the conversation was about the government forcing businesses to force employees to comply. 
 The topic was 23 pages long and there was alot of things discussed regarding Gov mandates, the actual vaccines, Fauci, Ivermectin, etc. It seemed an obvious extension to discuss private companies having their own "mandates" so I brought up an example where a PRIVATE employer might require their employee to get vaxed.  Its known as an analogy. 

noun [SIZE=0.75rem][ [/SIZE]C or U ]

 [SIZE=0.875rem]/əˈnæl.ə.dʒi[/SIZE]/ [SIZE=0.75rem]UK[/SIZE] 




comparison between things that have similar features, often used to help explain a principle or idea:

He drew an analogy 

 The topic was 23 pages long and there was alot of things discussed regarding Gov mandates, the actual vaccines, Fauci, Ivermectin, etc. It seemed an obvious extension to discuss private companies having their own "mandates" so I brought up an example where a PRIVATE employer might require their employee to get vaxed.  Its known as an analogy. 

noun [SIZE=0.75rem][ [/SIZE]C or U ]

 [SIZE=0.875rem]/əˈnæl.ə.dʒi[/SIZE]/ [SIZE=0.75rem]UK[/SIZE] 




comparison between things that have similar features, often used to help explain a principle or idea:

He drew an analogy 
Yes, the condescension has always been strong with you.

No, you did not just use it as an analogy in one post of a 23 page topic. You firmly believed and argued that the mandates should be allowed. You just tried to suggest that if a business owner was mandating it then they should be followed. But you refused to acknowledge and discuss that most of those business owners were ONLY enforcing those mandates under threat of heavy fine, or worse, from the government. 

You even went so far as to question the integrity of a longtime board member who lost his father to the vaccine. Low class for sure. 

You might like off roading, and I'm sure your for lower taxes, but Empire231 is right, you're basically a leftist.

With regards to the abortion people....

Have you seen them? Are these women really having sex?

And if so, I don't think they should become parents to begin with with that type of thinking!


This is always a touchy subject and one I fall right in the middle with that, I'm no good in an argument.

My Christian beliefs and upbringing fight for the right of the unborn child...yet, I know there are circumstances that warrant one, Medically there is a danger to the Mother, Rape, molestation, etc...

However, to use it as a form of birth control is absurd and sad I think!

Spend a Nickle, cover your Pickle!

Lot of wisdom here. The extremes on both sides are the problem with this. To say that it should be allowed at any time for any reason is ridiculous. But just as crazy is saying no way, no how, no matter what it can never occur.

SCOTUS debate aside, the woman is choosing what to do with her body, yes.

But there's another body inside dependent on her.  If that baby were born, the same woman can't just decide to stop breastfeeding it without legal ramifications.  What's the difference?
AT CONCEPTION, THAT BEING DESERVES ALL THE RIGHTS TO LIFE, LIBERTY, AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS, THAT YOU AND I DO.  For all of you so vehement against abortion.. Just ponder: What if your mom aborted you? What right did you have to deserve to live over some other fetus inside of another body?? Its a slippery slope.. If we can Off "unwanted" who determines "unwanted?? and at what point do we stop??  

Yes, the condescension has always been strong with you.

No, you did not just use it as an analogy in one post of a 23 page topic. You firmly believed and argued that the mandates should be allowed. You just tried to suggest that if a business owner was mandating it then they should be followed. But you refused to acknowledge and discuss that most of those business owners were ONLY enforcing those mandates under threat of heavy fine, or worse, from the government. 

You even went so far as to question the integrity of a longtime board member who lost his father to the vaccine. Low class for sure. 

You might like off roading, and I'm sure your for lower taxes, but Empire231 is right, you're basically a leftist.
 Since you insist on making chit up, here's what I actually said. How you can get that "I firmly believed in allowing government mandates" out of my comments is beyond me. I only made the argument  that private business owners should be able to require them ( I wouldn't nor did I btw). As far as your last comment about me questioning that members integrity, please find it and post it because your again full of chit. Your like the Joy Reid of

1. While I don't think the government should be able to mandate getting vaxed at this time, I have absolutely no problem with any private business determining their own policy for their employees or customers whether is requiring masks or being vaxed. The reality is that NOBODY knows for sure what the best course of action is right now. Half the country will go lock step with what the government says, about a quarter will do the opposite and trust the Alex Jones, Joe Rogans, and any other podcast or religious character that says what they want to hear,  and the other 25% will try to make their own educated decision as to what's best for themselves based on the most credible, non emotional, evidence they can find.

 Either way, I'm amazed at how many "conservatives" think that their right to not being forced into something is more important than another persons right to make their own rules in a business that they own. Don't want to wear a mask in a store or restaurant, then go to one that doesn't require them. Pretty simple concept. What really gets me is people like a few of my friends that never had a problem putting stuff in their bodies to get high, get buff, or puff on those dumbass vapes, that they had no idea where it came from or what's really in it, yet are the loudest anti vaxers. Crazy world we live in.

2. " But if you are an employee at a private business that doesn't feel comfortable with the owners rules, then you could always quit and look for a job elsewhere no? Or using your argument, would an employee be responsible if they gave someone at work Covid ? (playing devils advocate here,) My point is that nobody has a "right" to a job, housing, access to a private business etc. Don't like the rules, quit, unless you think like the AOCs and Pelosis of the world and feel everyone is owed something."

3."Guys, I'm playing devils advocate here. I personally don't give a eff if people get vaxed or not. My wife is a nurse who comes in contact with Covid patients almost every shift ,and  I am a general contractor that never missed a day of work through this whole chit show. For us, after waiting 6 months or so to see what did or didn't happen to vaxed people, it made sense for us. I don't think that the government should mandate any meds, but just as importantly, I think that anyone that puts their balls on the line and starts a business should be able to set rules that they see fit for their business. The idea that so many supposed conservatives around here feel differently is mind blowing to me. A bunch of you are way more liberal that you want to admit. If you don't respect a private business persons right to run their business the way they want, then you are saying that you want the government to force them they way they see fit. How is it so few of you understand that?"

4.Not everywhere, yet. What I am responding to are those that want a private business owner to acquiesce to the supposed rights that people think they have in said business. I treat most private business's like someone's home. I don't have a right to behave anyway I want in someone else's home, nor do I in their business. I have said multiple times the Government shouldn't mandate it. 

5. I agree for the most part, but there are a few restaurants that I know of that kept their "new rules" to the maximum even after the government relaxed them. 2 examples, one a Mexican restaurant, and one sushi. In both cases, the owners told me that they had lost mothers/fathers etc to Covid, and they felt in their hearts that they did not want to expose their employees to customers the way they used to. They also told their employees that they had to get vaccinated for the same reasons. They did not want any of their employees taking Covid back home and infecting their families. Now I'm not going to argue whether they are right or wrong, my point is that they should have the RIGHT to make that decision, no?


I wonder why more people don't talk more about the fact that almost 75% of deaths related to Covid are from obese people. The reality, is that if you cant see your junk without the aid of a mirror, then you are also a big (pun intended) reason why we are in this mess. 



Joy Reid, haha. That’s funny. Are you in competition with Mitt Romney to become the #1 rino in the country? I think you’ll beat him and take the title.
