Big shout out to the anti abortion crowd that screwed us for at least another couple of years

The Religious Right makes up a substantial part of the Republican Party's base. For years, they've pandered to them on the abortion issue, even though the party's real power brokers (who actually control their agenda) couldn't give a chit about abortion. Just as long as they get preferential tax rates/laws they were happy.  Then 45 got the chance to appoint 3 Supreme Court Justices and actually get the issue in front of them and against all precedent and their own sworn testimony in their confirmation hearings, they overturned Roe. Which has created the dog finally catching the car situation.

While the Republican base is profoundly anti abortion, a substantial majority of the population thinks it should be legal. Which is why last night happened. See Kentucky for reference . . .
You can't fight this type of "logic".....years of indoctrination has produced this kind of thinking.  

And lose those elections you will, and help elect more and more radical leftists. Thanks.
Dude... just come out and admit it... you are a leftist.

funny how these "in the middle" people try to sway things more left.

It is 2023!! everyone has access to contraceptives, they are free... people know how babies are made... it is not magic.  Grow up and have some damn responsibilities. 

Dude... just come out and admit it... you are a leftist.

funny how these "in the middle" people try to sway things more left.

It is 2023!! everyone has access to contraceptives, they are free... people know how babies are made... it is not magic.  Grow up and have some damn responsibilities. 
Only one of us is helping getting lefties elected and it ain't me. I like government out of my life, whether is vaccines, gun control, racial quotas, abortion, etc. You on the other hand like them in everyone's business. How's your mentality working out for the country? Pelosi thanks you btw.

Only one of us is helping getting lefties elected and it ain't me. I like government out of my life, whether is vaccines, gun control, racial quotas, abortion, etc. You on the other hand like them in everyone's business. How's your mentality working out for the country? Pelosi thanks you btw.
You were the same guy that supported vaccine mandates… and here you are openly supporting leftist ideology of murdering babies. Yet you’re the “conservative” 

Only one of us is helping getting lefties elected and it ain't me. I like government out of my life, whether is vaccines, gun control, racial quotas, abortion, etc. You on the other hand like them in everyone's business. How's your mentality working out for the country? Pelosi thanks you btw.
The lefties are helping themselves get elected by turning this into an "evil Republicans did this!!!!" touchy/feely "debate" when it was actually black and white legal procedings.

And you've bought into it.

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Trump's the one who brought all this on. I say if republicans want to get anywhere they need to be hands off on the abortion thing. I know it's a big part of their agenda but it's also their undoing 

SCOTUS made the right decision when they ruled that abortion was a states issue. they did not BAN abortion. And the states are acting accordingly. It was mentioned that Kentucky voted down an abortion ban, and so did Kansas. And other states codified the ability to have an abortion in elections or legislative action. THIS is how a democracy works. If you feel strongly one way or another, move to a state that fits your views. I  am anti abortion and for many reasons, one of which is the history of the abortion movement, which is based in racism and eugenics, and to say those attributes no longer exist is disingenuous. Just look at the demographics. 

Having said that, this election was determined mostly by fear and complacency. The Dems, MSM, and social media ginned up fear through dishonest talking points amplified by most of the media, and Reps were over confident and the overly optimistic expectations bit 'em in the ass. This wasn't a total loss for the Republicans, except that they did not deliver on the high expectations.

Having said this, one question remains. There were bad candidates on both sides. But, HOW THE HELL DID FETTERMAN WIN? Idiocracy is just around the corner, let's toast Fetterman's win with a cool glass of Brawndo!

SCOTUS made the right decision when they ruled that abortion was a states issue. they did not BAN abortion. And the states are acting accordingly. It was mentioned that Kentucky voted down an abortion ban, and so did Kansas. And other states codified the ability to have an abortion in elections or legislative action. THIS is how a democracy works. If you feel strongly one way or another, move to a state that fits your views. I  am anti abortion and for many reasons, one of which is the history of the abortion movement, which is based in racism and eugenics, and to say those attributes no longer exist is disingenuous. Just look at the demographics. 

Having said that, this election was determined mostly by fear and complacency. The Dems, MSM, and social media ginned up fear through dishonest talking points amplified by most of the media, and Reps were over confident and the overly optimistic expectations bit 'em in the ass. This wasn't a total loss for the Republicans, except that they did not deliver on the high expectations.

Having said this, one question remains. There were bad candidates on both sides. But, HOW THE HELL DID FETTERMAN WIN? Idiocracy is just around the corner, let's toast Fetterman's win with a cool glass of Brawndo!
Fetterman won...

Because his opponent was Doctor Oz, the biggest quack this side of Dr. Nick.


You were the same guy that supported vaccine mandates… and here you are openly supporting leftist ideology of murdering babies. Yet you’re the “conservative” 
 I have never supported government vaccine mandates. I made the argument that PRIVATE employers should have the right to set the rules that their employees must follow, and if they don't like them they can always look for another job. Not sure why your having a hard time differentiating between private and government policies?? 

The government at the federal, state and local level should have nothing to do with abortion.... that is between the individual and their maker.  It should also have zero public funding / should not be covered by health insurance.  If that is the road you choose to travel as an individual, you seek the provider, you pay for it and deal with it.

 I have never supported government vaccine mandates. I made the argument that PRIVATE employers should have the right to set the rules that their employees must follow, and if they don't like them they can always look for another job. Not sure why your having a hard time differentiating between private and government policies?? 
Because a SIGNIFICANT number of those private businesses were FORCED to do that by the government. Sure, maybe you know of a couple of them where the owners fell for the Covid scamdemic and wanted to implement those practices on their own. But you were completely unwilling to discuss the fact that the government was FORCING businesses to comply with the mandates under threat of heavy fines and in some cases even worse. 

Freedom for all means just that. Not freedom for some. There are going to be things that you don't agree with in a free society and if you want to enjoy your freedoms then you have to accept that. Making more laws means less freedom. Controlling what people can do whether you agree with their choices or not also means less freedom. There are going to be people that want to get an abortion and there are going to be those that should. Like it or not, outlawing abortion means less freedom 

Fetterman won...

Because his opponent was Doctor Oz, the biggest quack this side of Dr. Nick.

Oz was one of the bad candidates i mentioned. But Fetterman? Come on Man! Oh well, Goodnight everyone.

Freedom for all means just that. Not freedom for some
Exactly our point, the innocents in the womb have a right to life don't they? So because somebody made bad decisions...the innocents  have to suffer so the ones that made the bad decision don't?  How exactly is that freedom for all? 

Exactly our point, the innocents in the womb have a right to life don't they? So because somebody made bad decisions...the innocents  have to suffer so the ones that made the bad decision don't?  How exactly is that freedom for all? 
If someone is making bad decisions then that is likely to continue after they weren't allowed to have their abortion and continue with the unaborted child. These will be the children that grow up to be the adults that you will come on here to complain about and wish death upon and populate our prisons and use drugs in their tents on the sidewalk. Look at the demographics.

Like I said if you want to enjoy your freedoms then you'll have to accept things you don't like or agree with. Or you can continue down the path to government control. 

If you like being told what you can and cannot do then go ahead and keep telling others what they can and cannot do.
