Big shout out to the anti abortion crowd that screwed us for at least another couple of years

Yep, all we got to do is give up our morals and beliefs and we would be fine......wait, then we'd be Democrats.... Some people still have morals and a God, that's what this country was founded on, not free unlimited killing of unborn babies.  I'll have to answer for my life when I die, I'll lose those elections rather than have to explain myself later.  

Yeah, phuck babies. 

i used to be pro abortion until i had kids and heard heartbeats at six weeks. Thats when i realized my whole pro abortion stance was my self centered aholeness. Glad i grew out of it. If the doctors had their way my youngest daughter would have been aborted. She is the joy of my life. 

i’ve become exceptionally militant on the subject since they tried to kill my daughter.


wrap your tool fool

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X2 with @Sausage450r & @Realbadlarry said.  there are hills to die on & ones to go around.  for me this is a hill to die on. 

That said, I respect everyones opinions (and of course rights) & was willing to goto war to fight for those I agreed with & those I did not agree with.  U.S. Constitution FTW!

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I quit caring about the abortion argument a long time ago.  So tired of the distraction.   For me, it was decided 50 years ago.   And...I don't plan on getting one.

But hey, now we can look forward to more lawlessness.  F*cking voting should not be a right.  People simply don't understand what they are voting for.

People simply don't understand what they are voting for
You can find information on any issue, or candidate. But most are too lazy and just listen to media information. We all know that that source can be trusted, they would never lie or mislead. 

Yep, all we got to do is give up our morals and beliefs and we would be fine......wait, then we'd be Democrats.... Some people still have morals and a God, that's what this country was founded on, not free unlimited killing of unborn babies.  I'll have to answer for my life when I die, I'll lose those elections rather than have to explain myself later.  
And lose those elections you will, and help elect more and more radical leftists. Thanks.

70% of CA Voters wanted this, they got it. That's how it works :usa:

“Morality cannot be legislated, but behavior can be regulated. The law may not change the heart, but it can restrain the heartless.” — Martin Luther King Jr.

I'm personally against it, but I'll respect the laws passed and rights of others. The real issue now will be when is a pregnancy considered "Late Term" and still "OK", more headaches for the court systems.

not my choice to dictate what someone else can do with their body. that decision should be up to the woman and her doctor not a politician in DC. 

i completly agree with surf and dune, overturning roe was a horrible decision. people and especially woman took that as an attack on their rights, and dems ran with it saying they are coming after the rights of gays and minorities next, people believe it because they just saw what they considered a right taken away. just look at the abortion prop that was on CA ballot, over 70% in favor of allowing it. when was the last time you saw a prop pass with that much of a yes vote. even in KY a pretty red state they voted against changing the state constitution that would  make it anti-abortion. 

the younger voters and not as concerned with economy like the rest of us are. they are not trying to feed a family or worried about their retirement accounts, i would go as far as to say they just dont care because they think the government is gonig to take care of them, and why would they not think that, dems keep giving away everything. 

im not religious at all, i really dont like religion and republicans keep doubling down on injecting religion into everything and they are pushing people away. and we are ending up with a situation like we are in today, EVERYTHING is F'ed but people dont care because the dems make the right out to be the big bad guy and the republicans are not doing anything to prove them wrong. 

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@Surf and Dune keeps blaming SCOTUS and Rs for what was an incorrect decision by the SCOTUS that finally got fixed.  The grounds that SCOTUS used to justify their decision on Roe v Wade (viability) has long since become completely nullified and a decision needed to be made.  Do I necessarily think it a "good" thing Roe v Wade was overturned?  Debatable.  Was Roe V Wade the correct decision when it comes to The Constitution and law as written? Absolutely not. The SCOTUS does not have the authority to override the States for abortion rules, and it REALLY doesn't have the right to dictate the cases where it's acceptable (viability, terms, etc). 

SCOTUS isn't here to create legislature, it's here to tell the legislature they're breaking the rules and try again. Just because it hurts your feelings doesn't make it incorrect.  Pull your pants up and quit crying. 

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not my choice to dictate what someone else can do with their body. that decision should be up to the woman and her doctor not a politician in DC. 

i completly agree with surf and dune, overturning roe was a horrible decision. people and especially woman took that as an attack on their rights, and dems ran with it saying they are coming after the rights of gays and minorities next, people believe it because they just saw what they considered a right taken away. just look at the abortion prop that was on CA ballot, over 70% in favor of allowing it. when was the last time you saw a prop pass with that much of a yes vote. even in KY a pretty red state they voted against changing the state constitution that would  make it anti-abortion. 

the younger voters and not as concerned with economy like the rest of us are. they are not trying to feed a family or worried about their retirement accounts, i would go as far as to say they just dont care because they think the government is gonig to take care of them, and why would they not think that, dems keep giving away everything. 

im not religious at all, i really dont like religion and republicans keep doubling down on injecting religion into everything and they are pushing people away. and we are ending up with a situation like we are in today, EVERYTHING is F'ed but people dont care because the dems make the right out to be the big bad guy and the republicans are not doing anything to prove them wrong. 
SCOTUS debate aside, the woman is choosing what to do with her body, yes.

But there's another body inside dependent on her.  If that baby were born, the same woman can't just decide to stop breastfeeding it without legal ramifications.  What's the difference?

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Legal debate aside, the woman is choosing what to do with her body, yes.

But there's another body inside dependent on her.  If that baby were born, the same woman can't just decide to stop breastfeeding it without legal ramifications.  What's the difference?
i dont think you can get into that question without it being legal debate, even in your example you brought up legality. 

i really dont think my opinion on that even matters because its not my body not my baby, just the same as i dont think the person in DC should have an opinion on it for the same reason.  it should be up to the woman and her doctor to decide what is best for them. 

i dont think you can get into that question without it being legal debate, even in your example you brought up legality. 

i really dont think my opinion on that even matters because its not my body not my baby, just the same as i dont think the person in DC should have an opinion on it for the same reason.  it should be up to the woman and her doctor to decide what is best for them. 
I meant SCOTUS decisions, apologies for the lack of clarity.

It's someone's baby, but he gets no say in it.  It's also literally destroying the baby's body to accomplish, but the baby gets no say in what the woman does to its body.  Sorry, but "my body, my choice" is ignoring half the equation.

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im not religious at all, i really dont like religion and republicans keep doubling down on injecting religion into everything and they are pushing people away. and we are ending up with a situation like we are in today, EVERYTHING is F'ed but people dont care because the dems make the right out to be the big bad guy and the republicans are not doing anything to prove them wrong. 
The Religious Right makes up a substantial part of the Republican Party's base. For years, they've pandered to them on the abortion issue, even though the party's real power brokers (who actually control their agenda) couldn't give a chit about abortion. Just as long as they get preferential tax rates/laws they were happy.  Then 45 got the chance to appoint 3 Supreme Court Justices and actually get the issue in front of them and against all precedent and their own sworn testimony in their confirmation hearings, they overturned Roe. Which has created the dog finally catching the car situation.

While the Republican base is profoundly anti abortion, a substantial majority of the population thinks it should be legal. Which is why last night happened. See Kentucky for reference . . .
