Anyone buy a new motorhome recently?


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
In the market for a new motorhome. Probably need to order it due to availability. Historically, I've seen anywhere from 25% to 30% off MSRP for RVs. I've been quoted by two different dealers only 10% off. Are RVs like cars with such drastic market adjustment? Am I going to pay a premium like everything else in this market? What's been you experience lately?


Good luck!  Much like everything else there is a shortage of new RVs.   The dealers can knock 15% off no problem.  Getting them to knock more is getting difficult when most RVs sell quickly.   The pricing in general on new RVs is crazy. 

I have been tire kicking for a while trying to figure out which model and brand we like.   Last year in April I had a really nice deal on a Newmar, but the numbers just did not work out with trading in my motorhome.  Since that time the value of my motorhome has gone up, but so have the prices on new RVs.  

If you can any way wait I sure would. Things are going to take a correction, maybe as soon as October, but in the fall I've been advised. Possible short term solution is rent when needed. 

I was ready to buy starting this month and then boom...prices went ridiculous.

I'll be waiting.

same boat. Maybe capitalize on the market and sell mine and wait it out. Just not wanting to rent all season. 

I am in a similar situation -  sold mine, market went crazy, and used market is worse, Inventory is pretty scarce - Looking at renting this season, but that might be another whole can of worms 

I bought about 6 months ago. Deals are out there. You just have to be in the position to pay cash or have the financing in place before hand.

I have a buddy that works at Dennis Dillon RV and he told me that really aren't dealing at all. If you don't want it for full pop the person behind you will. 

If you can any way wait I sure would. Things are going to take a correction, maybe as soon as October, but in the fall I've been advised. Possible short term solution is rent when needed. 
This is not happening anytime soon. THOR Industries stated they are 1 year out with a $14 billion dollar back log. Even if you find what you want, 10-15% off is the norm depending on the dealer. We are discounting toy haulers we have in stock right now. Some dealers say MSRP or walk. LOL That's not how you do it. LOL We still giving discounts, not as big as before the inventory shortages. 

In the market for a new motorhome. Probably need to order it due to availability. Historically, I've seen anywhere from 25% to 30% off MSRP for RVs. I've been quoted by two different dealers only 10% off. Are RVs like cars with such drastic market adjustment? Am I going to pay a premium like everything else in this market? What's been you experience lately?

That is exactly what's happening Andrew. Buying anything right now is not a good time. Not just RV's. Cars, real estate, clothes , FOOD!! 

when the 💩 hit the fan and the economy starts  crashing your gonna have people that are gonna be in trouble and can't afford the stuff thay bought and you will see the market full of good new/used units.thats what you want to buy in on if you can hold off.

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Financial advisers are claiming this. Everything else will follow money markets. Like you said, not just rv's but cars, housing, and everyday items. 
Unfortunately who ever the financial advisors your talking about, doesn't know the RV sector. No offense, but most don't. 

when the 💩 hit the fan and the economy starts  crashing your gonna have people that are gonna be in trouble and can't afford the stuff thay bought and you will see the market full of good new/used units.thats what you want to buy in on if you can hold off.
Let me ask you this? 

Have you thought about how money will be owed on said RV's? 

Answer is ALOT more than they will be worth. Unless you paid cash, which is about 5% of business. So most of the available Used RV's after the shortage is over will be worth to the market significantly lower than what is OWED on the loan. 

So I wish everyone good luck thinking there will be an influx of used RV's to purchase. I'm sure there will be, although who's going to pay the NEGATIVE EQUITY? The buyer?? The seller can't because it's about to get repo'ed. 


Unfortunately who ever the financial advisors your talking about, doesn't know the RV sector. No offense, but most don't. 

Let me ask you this? 

Have you thought about how money will be owed on said RV's? 

Answer is ALOT more than they will be worth. Unless you paid cash, which is about 5% of business. So most of the available Used RV's after the shortage is over will be worth to the market significantly lower than what is OWED on the loan. 

So I wish everyone good luck thinking there will be an influx of used RV's to purchase. I'm sure there will be, although who's going to pay the NEGATIVE EQUITY? The buyer?? The seller can't because it's about to get repo'ed. 

But just like houses 15 years ago, the lenders aren't going to want to hold those repo'd assets either.

That's when the cheap prices are coming.


Just one problem Julie, RV's are not easily repo'ed like cars. 

The exact reason why they are the Hardest loan to obtain. The RISK is huge for the lienholder. 

See these RV's can be parked, lived in, not paid for and the bank has no idea where to look for the RV. Repos on RV's are slim. If they are voluntarily repo'ed. Well you can imagine the damage and theft done to these things before the even get to the auction. 

Long story short, if you're waiting to purchase an RV thinking you'll steal one after the crash, just remember this, the available nice repo'ed RV's that are left after they are pilfered are usually already sold to a dealer or whole seller. UNLESS you know someone that can get you these repos before the bank sells them elsewhere.

One thing to also consider, while inventory is tight, prices are going to increase in the next year.  All materials, labor, transportation are all costing more.  A lot of Manufacturer's were holding pricing, but no longer.  Doesn't matter if you are buying a RV or jacket, look for 10-25% increase soon on everything.  You can make the argument it is now time to buy, interest rates are super low, Prices are going to go up, and the used Moho market is at a all time high.  Why buy used, when you can buy new for a bit more money...............??  Just saying

I have been in this bubble for the last 9 months, I need a new truck bad.  Used pricing is about 25% lower than new (that is comparing newer trucks with used 50k miles on them).  If I go new, pretty much have to order and wait 6 months.  Or buy used and pay big annoying.

I have a buddy that works at Dennis Dillon RV and he told me that really aren't dealing at all. If you don't want it for full pop the person behind you will. 
We sold quite a few people that have left places like DDRV because of that attitude.

It's not what you say, but how you say. 


One thing to also consider, while inventory is tight, prices are going to increase in the next year.  All materials, labor, transportation are all costing more.  A lot of Manufacturer's were holding pricing, but no longer.  Doesn't matter if you are buying a RV or jacket, look for 10-25% increase soon on everything.  You can make the argument it is now time to buy, interest rates are super low, Prices are going to go up, and the used Moho market is at a all time high.  Why buy used, when you can buy new for a bit more money...............??  Just saying

I have been in this bubble for the last 9 months, I need a new truck bad.  Used pricing is about 25% lower than new (that is comparing newer trucks with used 50k miles on them).  If I go new, pretty much have to order and wait 6 months.  Or buy used and pay big annoying.
I feel your pain my friend. I want to get a truck also, but not anytime soon.
