You show ME. How do I call out policy that doesn’t exist?
People blame their fed government for everything that affects THEIR lives. Is someone really blaming Democratic policy for our current inflation? Show me this policy?
I’ll listen to facts.
Our current condition is what it is. Can’t think of any policy that is a singular cause. Sanctions? Conservative leader would not have done the same? Tariffs? Hmmmmmmmm…..
Is it gun control? Some minor changes have been made but mostly at the STATE level.
Everything would be different if Trump won the election? How?
Do Democrats tell more lies to their voters than Republicans? Probably.
Is Nancy Pilosi a shitbag? Of course. Does Kamala Harris make one want to hurl? You bet.
Now bring some cause and affect facts….
All I know is how good things were when Trump was in office.
Businesses were thriving, fuel costs were down, our border was being secured, our foreign affairs were in check, our economy was better, Unemployment was at an all time low etc...
When Obummer was in office...the division of this country started, he hated this country and set out to divide us all and put us in turmoil. Also, North Korea was a topic...Kim Jong-un was a threat, Trump spearheaded that guy real quick.
I'm not saying Trump was perfect...he needed to keep his ass off twitter, but he ran this country like a business and not like a Politician. That is why I voted for him!
He loves this country and supports our military, veterans, fire, police, 2nd Amendment, the working class who are the backbone of this country!
The second Biden got in office, the first thing he did was cost thousands of people their jobs. The plan was to undo all that Trump did simply because Trump did it. That is not thinking what is good for the American people!
Again, all I'm saying is that when Trump was in office...Things were better from my point of view and from my point of view this current administration is the WORST I have experienced in my lifetime and I was around for the Carter years, but as a kid!
And I thought Obummer WAS HORRIBLE....Biden has surpassed that by a long shot!
My worthless $0.02 which is now worth $0.00000000000000001/FJB