What's yore plans for this Memorial Weekend? 2021

Grease Monkey

Staff member
Apr 29, 2021
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Figure I would encompass the Saturday what are you doing this weekend thread early.

Post up photos and your adventures.

Take a moment to honor the ones who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.



It will be a little work and a little play for us. Hexnuts is working this weekend but has Monday off. I have plans to finally get my boat in a slip in Newport so that push is on.

Will be nice to be dock side instead of shop side!

Boating on Saturday (Canyon Lake), have to move my daughter into a new place on Sunday, Ugh.  Monday chill, or maybe repeat Saturday.

Weekend in Yosemite, never camped in Curry Village before and grabbed a couple spots. 5 Person Tents, should be interesting at a minimum...that is not a bear, that's just me snoring....ZZZzzzzz

Nothing like being right in the center of the valley....nothing.





Weekend in Yosemite, never camped in Curry Village before and grabbed a couple spots. 5 Person Tents, should be interesting at a minimum...that is not a bear, that's just me snoring....ZZZzzzzz

Nothing like being right in the center of the valley....nothing.

We love the Sequoia‘s. Gods land. Freshest air on earth! Have a great trip and do not forget, do not feed the chipmunks.

Headed to Williams Az to spend a few nights camping in the pines and enjoying the outdoors. Going to put some miles on the RZR. Talking the both of our grand daughters with us so this could get interesting to say the least. Plan on cooking a few Tri Tips for dinner on Saturday. Everyone please be safe. 

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Weekend in Yosemite, never camped in Curry Village before and grabbed a couple spots. 5 Person Tents, should be interesting at a minimum...that is not a bear, that's just me snoring....ZZZzzzzz

Nothing like being right in the center of the valley....nothing.

Great Place...  Stayed there with my brother the night before he started his hike to Whitney 
