Retired yet??


Well-known member
May 5, 2021
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Who else besides me doesn't have an alarm clock anymore??


I'm getting ready to leave on a Harley ride to Yosemite this weekend. This will be my sixth week of vacation this year, I think?

I kinna sorta lost count...

Just retired last Thursday, Leaving tomorrow for a 6 week trip, Cascade locks, Cor de lane, Glacier national park, Yellowstone, spearfish, Moab, Grand Canyon, and Sedona. Excited for the second half of life after 7 day work weeks and the never ending phone calls.
I might could in a couple of years, but dont want "might could" so Im going to stick it out as long as I can stand it (which might only last until Friday).

Seriously though, 5 more years min, maybe 10.
I plan to retire in 5 years at 62. That being said I am not working very hard right now and the company just moved me to Unlimited Vacation. I am currently taking 3-4 day weekends almost every week, If things stay the same, it might be hard to walk away right away, except I am starting to get burned out and my wife is older and wants retire earlier with full pension and a lofty 401K.

headed to the Sierras in a couple of hours to get out of the heat
I plan to retire in 5 years at 62. That being said I am not working very hard right now and the company just moved me to Unlimited Vacation. I am currently taking 3-4 day weekends almost every week, If things stay the same, it might be hard to walk away right away, except I am starting to get burned out and my wife is older and wants retire earlier with full pension and a lofty 401K.

headed to the Sierras in a couple of hours to get out of the heat
It's still like 150 degrees in the Sierras......
I retired in 2013 and then went back to work in 2019. I work from home and have a lot of leeway. The job is for my play money.

I have a few more things I want and I'll go back to being retired.
Just retired last Thursday, Leaving tomorrow for a 6 week trip, Cascade locks, Cor de lane, Glacier national park, Yellowstone, spearfish, Moab, Grand Canyon, and Sedona. Excited for the second half of life after 7 day work weeks and the never ending phone calls.

Throw Sand Point in there if you can. My buddy bought a condo right on the water a couple years ago, and I went last year to check it out.

I did NOT want to come home!!!

Wow, you guys get to retire... pretty sure I gotta work till noon on the day of my funeral.
I had a boss who when an employee called in because his wife went into pre-mature labor and he was at the Hospital with her, told him that we had a crew at the hospital, and he could head down to the basement and work.
My current boss also worked for that guy, So I am pretty sure my boss will tell my widow at my funeral that I can take the rest of the wek but expects me to be back in the office on Monday.
Turned 59 today and will not go past 62 unless there is a major change in the economy or if we get custody of our grand daughter. Doing everything I can to try to shorten that window up a bit.
Plan to retire from current job on my 50th birthday (2 years) but keep another job going. Double dip and stay active. I drink enough, working.
Maybe retire from that after 10-12 years. 2 retirements and SS if it's still around
I'm in decision mode currently. I may pull the plug next summer. Depends if company ownership cinches down the golden handcuffs more or not. I'll be 57 next year. I think worst case is to head to pasture summer of 2026 but would like it to be sooner.