The never ending build thread, '95 21' Daytona Outboard to Jet Conversion and Restoration

I really need to get back to this, anyone here versed on AN fittings and sizes that lives close to Norco? I need to start ordering stuff to plumb the cooling and fuel systems
I always go to g&j for hoses and fittings. I also will use push lock stuff that I get from Kartek. 

I always go to g&j for hoses and fittings. I also will use push lock stuff that I get from Kartek. 
My issue is more the sizing, I just want tp make sure I buy the right junk the 1st time. At least Kartek is close

My issue is more the sizing, I just want tp make sure I buy the right junk the 1st time. At least Kartek is close
For the water stuff I ran -8 to everything and -10 for the dump. For fuel that’s all based on hp. You will probably be in the -10 range. I liked to go as big as I could from the tanks to the pump. Then -8 or -10 passes that. It’s been years since I was doing this but I can’t see it changing very much. 

For the water stuff I ran -8 to everything and -10 for the dump. For fuel that’s all based on hp. You will probably be in the -10 range. I liked to go as big as I could from the tanks to the pump. Then -8 or -10 passes that. It’s been years since I was doing this but I can’t see it changing very much. 
It's not huge power, it pulled 650 @ 5200(if memory my serves me correctly) then the dyno started having issues so they shut it down... need to get all the plumbing, fuel pump, transfer switch(2 big saddle tanks) and then start wiring. I'm honestly just tired of seeing all that money sit in my back yard under the canopy rotting away :doh:  

Aeromotive has a nice deal on their website.  IIRC Holley did too, but its been years since Ive looked.

& what @Jtmoney714 said about the suction side of the pump.  also depends on how far the pump is from the tank and above or below.

What size fuel line do I need?


Recommended Size, Based on Horsepower

Fuel pumps are sized to feed your system with enough fuel to optimize engine performance. However, when using an External Fuel Pump, you can starve it for fuel if the line is too small.

A lot of aftermarket pumps will list the required line sizes. If your pump does not list line sizes, use the table below as a basic guideline.

Recommended Fuel Line Size (from the tank to the pump)

Engine Output

Size (inches)

Size (AN)

350 hp or less

5/16 in.


350-450 hp

3/8 in.


450-650 hp

1/2 in.


650-1,000 hp

5/8 in.


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So for any of you that I am FB friends with and happened to see my post on Saturday, I could really use some physical help and guidance now. I had to pick it up after it being at ta shop for 7 weeks and having nothing done. I'm out another $3k to a fraud who lost his way... anyone local to Norco? Or I could pull it out again after the weather cleans up so I can get rolling again!

Guessing interior work.
No, I have all the interior... needs plumbing and wiring, all of it. I'd like to do the work myself if I can get help figuring out what all I need to order. I'm out $3k of my parts budget and am hoping $2k of that will be refunded by PayPal for non delivery of work paid for.(Not counting on it, just hoping) 

No, I have all the interior... needs plumbing and wiring, all of it. I'd like to do the work myself if I can get help figuring out what all I need to order. I'm out $3k of my parts budget and am hoping $2k of that will be refunded by PayPal for non delivery of work paid for.(Not counting on it, just hoping) 
You can do it bro. For sure! I did my buggy myself and it worked out. You'll need to plan out all your lines and fittings on paper. I believe most of my fuel lines are -8 and -6 to fuel rail but I think for your application, you'll be good at -8 for all of it. That's a carb though huh? I'm sure you can get sizing charts at Holley or whoever manufactured the carb. I used summit for braided fuel line and fittings. I've read they aren't the best but have been good for several years now. I may just re-do all of mine over again to freshen them up. Good luck! You know us keyboard warriors got your back 🤘

You can do it bro. For sure! I did my buggy myself and it worked out. You'll need to plan out all your lines and fittings on paper. I believe most of my fuel lines are -8 and -6 to fuel rail but I think for your application, you'll be good at -8 for all of it. That's a carb though huh? I'm sure you can get sizing charts at Holley or whoever manufactured the carb. I used summit for braided fuel line and fittings. I've read they aren't the best but have been good for several years now. I may just re-do all of mine over again to freshen them up. Good luck! You know us keyboard warriors got your back 🤘
1050 dominator carb, gonna go big on the fuel system so I can choke it down a bit till I have more $ to make more HP

Holy ballz! I knew stuff was expensive but I just ordered the fittings and hose(XRP) for the cooling system and it was + $600 :doh:  should be picking them up this afternoon or tomorrow and will be installing over the weekend. Then on to the fuel system. Had I realized how easy this actually is I would have just done it al myself... eff shops that rip people off. 

I now use all pushlok and fragola fittings. I feel that’s the most cost effective and easiest way to do it all myself. 

I ran sanger picklefork hydros back in the day.  Had a couple of them including one nasty one with a blown BBC.  Those things are an adrenaline rush that is tough to beat, but can kill you in an instant.  Swiched over to a blown 21' eliminator daytona V-drive (very rare) with a powerglide.  That boat was freakin' insane.  Similar rush to the Sanger, but easier on the back when the chop picked up and the boat just LOVED a little chop to help the hull fly.  It also turned excellent both directions (unlike a sanger hydro).  Still gotta be careful about waves over the transom, but still better than the sanger.  You are going to love the boat.....

TMR in Orange for the win on the fittings and hose. They were $60 plus tax cheaper and no freight than CP Performance

Did all my own wiring and plumbing on the 75 Sanger SuperJet

Plumbing sizes were easy to look up.
3/8" lines are -6an; only used those right at the carb from the regulator 10-12" max
1/2" Lines are -8an; used for fuel, water & oil lines. fuel tank to pump to filter to regulator, used for most water lines Y-fitting to block, block to headers, block to oil cooler, block to transom dump
3/4" Lines are -10; used for water from pump to Y-fitting before block

Wiring I used all #12, did a 10 circuit (water temp, oil temp, bilge, oil press, ignition, starter solenoid, fuel pump, plus spares) feed from dash to engine bay. Plus two #6 for ignition/key switch start-circuit.

You've seen my build 
