Losing a good friend. Taps to Coobie.

wow, things must really be bad to have to do that. I think at some point alot of us have been there. I'll pray for his family and for you my friends. I didn't know him, other than here, but any time you lose someone like this it hurts, just knowing you guys who knew him well are hurting.
RIP Coobie. I never knew you personally, sounds like you were a great guy and will be deeply missed by everyone.
Sending thoughts and prayers to all of his friends and family.

I just lost a friend the same way, Memorial is this Sunday. All I could do was cry thinking about how much pain he must have been in to leave his family that way, I have zero anger or animosity towards him, I just wish I could have helped him, and that is something I will have to live with.
I am still struggling with this. Matt and I had got very close over the past 8 years but I've know him for over 20. We had been talking a lot over the past couple months and our last conversation gave me no clues to this happening. Coob was an effing hammer, solid as they come and we'll thought out before he ever acted. Something changed dramatically over the past week none of us are aware of. I am just as a loss of words, emotions and just down right sad I will never see him again. So many good times and memories made with Matt. Rip my brother.


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Rest In Peace.
Depression is a cancer.
Men often refuse to call out, even though
they have been advised to.
Often it's called "Passive Aggressive" thinking.
As for me, I tried to always post him some goofy things,
and he always gave them a thumbs up.
I had no idea. We all will miss him.
Here is a funny story...

We were all sitting around mid day at Wash 22, when some guy pulls up in his Toyota truck. I didn't know who he was, but a lot of peeps seemed to know him. He opens the hood of his truck to show off his new turbo or super charger set up, and everyone was thoroughly impressed.

Coob and i went back and sat in our chairs.

A few minutes later, a couple of scantily dressed young girls show up, and say...

Our motorhome is stuck, can anyone give us a hand? Coob and I look at each other like , WTF? What's going on with THIS picture?!?!??!

So the guy with the Toyota truck says...

I can do it. My truck has PLEANTY power!

Again, Coob and I looked at each other, and we were both trying not to laugh!!! We both said, ok, this I GOTTA SEE!!!

I can't remember if we jumped in my truck or his, but we all followed the girls over to the stuck MH. Yep. It was buried axle deep in the soft sand over by the trees.

We both know INSTANTLY, this guys Toyota is NOT going to pull it out!!! But, the Toyota guy hooks up to it anyway. The motor home doesn't budge an inch, and now the Toyota truck is almost stuck axle deep. Wisely, he decides to give up.

Thinkin about it now, we both must have been in my truck.

I pull over to the motor home, and hook up two strap to it. I tell the driver...

We are going to put a whole bunch of slack in this tow strap, I'm gonna take off and RIP/YANK you out of that hole your in! The driver looks a bit nervous, but Coob stays by his MH and I go jump in my truck.

The first yank was So fucking hard, it felt like my back tires came off the ground!!! :ROFLMAO: But the MH moved maybe a foot, so I backed up to hit it again...

BAM!!! And it came another couple of feet and was close to where he could drive it. Coob and I Carefully explained to the driver Exactly what he should do (older dude, we Think he was the girls grandpa), and I backed up to yank him again...

BLAM! and I stayed on the gas, and we got him back to hard sand. EVERYONE was clapping and laughing and cracking up as he thanked us for gettin him out.

We drove off slowly, and about that time...

The girls pulled up their top, flashed us their tits, and yelled THANK YOU as we drove off!!!!

Just another day in G...

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Its been years since I have been on here, came back on to say some words about Coob. He did so much for us when my wife was sick, he rallied his entire police department behind her and they wore pink in her honor for October. We have a pic on the wall at home of the entire force holding up a sign giving her hope. Having gone the same route as him, retiring and fleeing California to a place where you know nobody is tough, all you have is your wife in your life, no friends or relatives, that takes time getting settled in a new home and is a big burden on your marriage and your life personally. Terrible that he thought he was alone when just looking at the response here you know that was far from the truth.

Im junk today, in a total funk, sad and mad at the same time.

Thank you for all you did for us, it will never be forgotten.
Reading the post on here and FB...from people I know and trust, who knew Coob and spent time with him. We're all saying the same thing...WE JUST TALKED TO HIM!!! I knew he was in a bad place but we talked, we made plans. We stayed in touch over it.

So many of us tried and were good friends. The outcome was still bad. What the fuck do you do?
Sad to hear. Only met him once can’t remember if it was picking up small paddle tires for a kids quad or dropping them off. Was probably 10-12 years ago but he shows up has a gd.com jacket all happy looking cool dude talked for a bit and had to continue on working.

Guess times or events change but from seeing him then now way I could see this as I didn’t know him personally.
Never met him, only saw his posts on here. Dont know what demons or bad place he was in that so many knew about. But from what I gathered, he retired, moved away, then his wife wanted a divorce?

I knew of someone who went through this very thing. Work his whole life, planned out the future, moved to a new place only to have his wife want out less then a year later. Everything he worked for and planned was not happening, his wife was taking half of everything including his retirement. I totally get it, he must have seen his whole world crushing in around him with not possible way out. Could not imagine starting over at 66 and live on half of his planned retirement. He did not want to try so he ended it.

I don’t know if this was the same for Coobie, but it sounds like it might have been similar. Clearly he saw his world collapsing in with no positive future. I don’t know if he had a church or any faith to lean on? I don’t know what anyone could have done, unless you are literally right their holding them up and holding their hand and not letting go.

RIP Coobie. And to his family & friends, I hope you have your faith and I will pray for the healing of everyone left behind in the mess & pain created by suicide.
Reading the post on here and FB...from people I know and trust, who knew Coob and spent time with him. We're all saying the same thing...WE JUST TALKED TO HIM!!! I knew he was in a bad place but we talked, we made plans. We stayed in touch over it.

So many of us tried and were good friends. The outcome was still bad. What the fuck do you do?

Don't blame yourself. It won't change anything.

I had a good friend take his life many years ago now, and he did it in a most horrible way.

He was also having issues with his wife, and couldn't see a future, so he did it to pay her back.

Terrible situation. It sucked most for his kids, who will Never understand.

Permanent problem to a temporary situation. Depression is a real thing.

Bring on the stories. Let's remember the best parts of him. 👍🏼
I wouldn’t know where to start on the stories.
House parties, naked jacuzzi hopping, long life drunk talks, shooting, ride alongs (dead bodies and felony arrests), Glamis is only a few thousand more.
I will tap on the story from @Bansh88
New years - we are wasted and took the 70s and raced to the fire station by his house.
Local sheriff lit us up and coobie was out of site (he was winning).
Cop had us off the bikes asking where he was.
Mind you, he could have lost his job if caught.
He came back and joined us.
Bansh was sitting in the curb mumbling, Matt just looked at me and said Shhhhh
Cop looked at me and asked WTF were three grown ass men doing on these 70s.
My response was “we had to see who’s was faster”
Belly laughs and then cop told us to get home cause there was no way he was gonna report that shit.
One more that stands out at the moment.
Glamis. Bansh, Coob, and myself are packing up on a Sunday morning.
Coob was playing his stereo all weekend and the batteries on his truck were dead.
We had a jumper box but the truck needed more ( it has 2 batteries) so we called Tim at the store and he would bring another jumper box.
While waiting Coob says he’s gotta take a shit! Ok. Bansh and I standing at the front of his truck while he does his thing in the back.
Winds blowing and suddenly there is shit filled toilet paper blowing on Bansh and I.
Dry heaving were like dude!!!!
He’s just giggling and giggling.
Some years ago, may have been after a Vets ceremony, me, Coob, Fasthijumper, Esco (pretty sure he was there) end up in the dunes with FHJs broken ass buggy and little cell signal, barely enough to call for more ICDBs... think it was Steve's boofing girl weekend (or one of them)... emptied the coolers and waited for Da Cheff to come find us and deliver a fresh cooler. I don't even remember what broke or how we got it out... just remember sitting there laughing our asses off, story after story... must have been 4-5 hours without a care in the world, just good friends and good stories.