Whole house generator

@BaBaBouy   sexy.  Tied into propane is the key i'm told, why be tied into public gas line or fueled by gasoline and all services go down...propane is best way.


i figured it had to be that way, nice and simple.  whole house ATS  perfect!

the other great thing about propane is it s shelf life and to have 250-500 gallon tank is simple and clean (no spilled fuel and transportation to refill it.  i have no idea of what the generator consumes but lets say its 1 gallon per hour, that would be 500 hours!!
The one thing you need to remember though is that a system like this needs to be exercised.  If you do have it set to exercise  it will use fuel.  What happens is your generator starts each week or two runs for 30 minutes for a year or even two before you actually loose power.  Then that one day where you do lose power and you think, I have 20 days worth of propane we have nothing to worry about....... 5 minutes later your out of propane. So if you are relying on an external fuel cell ( Not natural gas from the city) you need to have a refueling contract just so you don't have to worry. 

Automatic Transfer Switch is the best and worth the extra money. Because when you do lose power you don't have to be there to keep the chest freezer in the garage from getting warm, You don't have to worry about the wife or kids dragging out the generator finding the cord, fueling up the generator that you thought was full of gas the last time you used it. or turning off this breaker or that breaker. It does all the work for you.  

i figured it had to be that way, nice and simple.  whole house ATS  perfect!

the other great thing about propane is it s shelf life and to have 250-500 gallon tank is simple and clean (no spilled fuel and transportation to refill it.  i have no idea of what the generator consumes but lets say its 1 gallon per hour, that would be 500 hours!!
I was able to tie into my shop also, kind of overkill but why not…

Like I was saying, I have generators. I have a Honda 6500 I can use along with a few others. When the power goes out and I’m not home, who is gonna drag the generator out of the garage and hook it up for me? Not to mention, if I’m gone for a few days, who’s gonna keep it fueled? I bought a dual fuel generator I was gonna use and tie it into my propane but it’s loud AF! 
Hey boss, Ashley's boyfriend does nothing but solar and backup generator installs. If you want to talk to him hit up Shelly or I for his phone number. 
