what would you do with this neighbor? advice please (Arborist needed)

John that sucks...

Ethically, that Douchebag should pay and be held accountable...but like others said proving it would be hard in this day and age!

Scum sucking POS's get special treatment in our esteemed court system...where as hard working, decent people like yourself are actually thought of as the one with the problem! 

Say you just cut it down and be done with it.............

It would be a shame when he goes to start his car and it doesn't (sugar in the gas tank) :poke:  

would be a damn shame for him if that were to happen...wink wink...nudge nudge....just saying, would be a damn shame!

Water is easier.  It will run for a minute, then just die.  A gallon in the tank will ruin someones week with no damage..

Pretty sure there was a Mythbusters episode on this that concluded it was BS, too.  The sugar doesn't dissolve in gas.  Might plug up the filter at most.

It will cost you way more in legal fees to prove he did something to your tree then to pay to have the tree cut down.   

Sucks that you know he did it, but much less stress cutting the tree down and moving on.   

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Knowing that yore the type of guy that will carefully move giant trees that are hundreds of years old and beautiful on yore own personal property...I know this is eating you up inside.

Some perspective.

This is a rental property, we all know rental properties will take a beating, this includes the outside landscaping and trees. Its part of what you factor into the business yore running...there will be losses because people can be shitty.

Claim what you can from the removal of that tree, write it off. Protect yoreself from future issues or litigation if that dead tree falls and damages property or worse hurts someone.

A shitty person that can poison a tree is already thinking on how to make it fall over.

You know the answers already, we are just here to agree with you what a shitty person that scumbag is :cheers:

I’ve had to ‘pull back’ on seeking vengeance… don’t like jail and have too many assets, don’t want to lose a lawsuit… 

  …. That being said, something serious happens to family by a scumbag… all bets are off.


its a rental property, start collecting evidence to make the rental property a problem with the city/county. enough legit complaints the city/county will have to act on them against the property owner at some point.

its a rental property, start collecting evidence to make the rental property a problem with the city/county. enough legit complaints the city/county will have to act on them against the property owner at some point.
The second sentence in the original post.

3 years ago the neighbor, who rents his home to his son
Basically the same person.

The second sentence in the original post.

Basically the same person.
doesnt matter, id still do whatever to make Crap miserable for the property owner regardless of who is renting the place.

trim the tree, but leave the trunkas an eye-sore, have a large poster board made of the holes and oil stains with "you know what you did 2021" stabbed right in the center blocking the same view the tree gave. constant reminder of their bad deed

trim the tree, but leave the trunkas an eye-sore, have a large poster board made of the holes and oil stains with "you know what you did 2021" stabbed right in the center blocking the same view the tree gave. constant reminder of their bad deed
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner.

Plus send a picture of this to the father/ owner.  He might not be aware of what his kid did.

Might ask him that you have proof that he might be involved and see if he will pick up part of the bill of having the tree removed,  if not let the tree sit, 

for fun, no one like there privacy tampered with, stick large camera near the end of the property facing the tree but mostly facing his house so he feels like his privacy is tampered with,  this will mind F him for some time, 

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Get the LOUDEST 2-Smoke Chainsaw and put the BIGGEST pipe on it that you then connect a series of SS exhaust pipes too with a Mega Phone on the end and aim it his house when cutting it down. 


Get the LOUDEST 2-Smoke Chainsaw and put the BIGGEST pipe on it that you then connect a series of SS exhaust pipes too with a Mega Phone on the end and aim it his house when cutting it down. 

Take the chain off for the first few hours to make the job last longer.  Maybe give the EPA a call for the "Illegal dumping" that killed the tree.  Pretty easy to tell where the chemicals came from.

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wow this sucks to read sorry John we have some effed up peeps in this world

Aint gonna fall on his house...leave it....but make sure you have cameras on the back fence.....File a police report on the vandalism just to cover your azz.  That was a crime. Maybe the pd will actually care and go talk the the people at the house. 

Aint gonna fall on his house...leave it....but make sure you have cameras on the back fence.....File a police report on the vandalism just to cover your azz.  That was a crime. Maybe the pd will actually care and go talk the the people at the house. 

Something to think about is YOUR actually renter here.  If you lived on the property, then do as you please.  Once you are renting, you dont want your renter to get inbetween you and the neighbors.  Could put them between a rock and hardplace pretty quick. Maybe you like your renters and they pay on time.. or maybe you dont.  Just food for thought.

i like my renter, but he is as ticked off as i am.  I didnt know that integrity and pursuing a lawsuit are mutually exclusive? so i hope you guys dont think less of me if i pursue anything here.   im going to do some cheap investigative work and will file a police report for vandalism. a tree like that and to replace would clearly be over the small claims limit of $10k and would be a felony.  at least we can say that "substance found" did come from their back yard as its running down my 2 foot retaining wall from only one direction.  im thinking they cant deny it came from their place  i like the idea of contacting the owner directly with some evidence, maybe he doesnt know.  

stay tuned..............................

The stuff running down the wall could easily be sap dripped from a branch that is above that spot....if there is a branch above that spot.

I didnt know that integrity and pursuing a lawsuit are mutually exclusive?
Not what was meant, and I’m pretty sure you know that. But your retaliation and my retaliation are two separate things. A lawsuit is not illegal. Cutting off fingers is possibly another story. 

Not what was meant, and I’m pretty sure you know that. But your retaliation and my retaliation are two separate things. A lawsuit is not illegal. Cutting off fingers is possibly another story. 
haha, i understand.  i hate having to pursue this but feel like if i dont then this crap will never end.

a lot of the suggestions are vicious on here, but cant tell you i havent thought or entertained them in my mind for a moment 🙂 
