What are your thoughts on this?

You should see what happens when riding double on a dirtbike!! Dual sport from the factory with passenger pegs and hand strap. You literally see them exploding on the inside!

Flags are gay in the dunes!

Only necessary in the flats. (To see over bushes, cars, trucks)
Interesting perspective.. so you are saying they are different from place to place?


They are different, depending on the time of year. Why?

When it's busy, the call in for Extra help. The "extras" are fucking clueless on how to get along with people and cause all sorts of problems.

The local LEO are normally cool as fuck. And yes, they have hung out with us out in G as well.

I think it was wildbill? Or Robbie?

They staged pics of one of em being thrown over the hood and handcuffed for fun. Lots of laughs. Maybe @sndsamplr remembers. There were a whole bunch of us there.

If you know Neil out in G, he's one of the nicest guys Ever. Would do anything to help anyone. And he basically runs the whole show out there.

So ....

Go to the dunes during busy season, and camp/ride in the popular places? You'll get what you came for. Chaos!

Choose wisely. 😎
I used to say do nothing wrong and they will leave you alone, until the one time we didn't do anything wrong, and they treated us like felons.

Our only reason for the contact was we were the only ones around.
After having been in Glamis on a few holiday weekends.. do ya think some of the straight up criminal element might have something to do with it?

Good news is as the economy changes there will be less and less of them.

After having been in Glamis on a few holiday weekends.. do ya think some of the straight up criminal element might have something to do with it?

Good news is as the economy changes there will be less and less of them.


They are different, depending on the time of year. Why?

When it's busy, the call in for Extra help. The "extras" are fucking clueless on how to get along with people and cause all sorts of problems.

The local LEO are normally cool as fuck. And yes, they have hung out with us out in G as well.

I think it was wildbill? Or Robbie?

They staged pics of one of em being thrown over the hood and handcuffed for fun. Lots of laughs. Maybe @sndsamplr remembers. There were a whole bunch of us there.

If you know Neil out in G, he's one of the nicest guys Ever. Would do anything to help anyone. And he basically runs the whole show out there.

So ....

Go to the dunes during busy season, and camp/ride in the popular places? You'll get what you came for. Chaos!

Choose wisely. 😎
It wasn’t me.
But you’re correct. Neil Hamada is a very well respected land manager. We’re lucky to have him.
I disagree.

The economy tanking will only slightly decrease all visitors.

The idiots who go now, that we are tired of seeing...will only go party harder and be even more out of control when the economy tanks - you heard it here first.
I disagree.

The economy tanking will only slightly decrease all visitors.

The idiots who go now, that we are tired of seeing...will only go party harder and be even more out of control when the economy tanks - you heard it here first.

I sure hope you are wrong. 😞
So, what's more likely:

He crashed. Broke the whip. Carefully placed it in the bushes for safekeeping. Made plans with the other guy to go to a buddy's camp to get tools. Then return to fix it...


He crashed. Broke the $10 whip. Threw out some angry words about baby Jesus. Tossed the broken whip into the bushes. Rode away. Got pulled over and came up with the above.

I think he crashed and threw the broken whip with the intention to keep riding.
Only had two interactions with LEO in Glamis.

#1 - kid in our group (friend of a friend) launched a few big fireworks. red and blue pulls into our camp. Kid sat there and wouldn't admit to launching said fireworks. LEO says, it will be much easier to tell me who did this, so we don't have to go any further with this. Rather than let it go to registration checks, glass bottle checks, or whatever else he had in mind. I told him I launched them. He could clearly tell that I hadn't, but I told him he can write the ticket so we can all go about our evening. $55 Done!
#2 - this story gets long so I will try to keep it short. New Years at the drags. Sister and her family in the sand car and on quads. Me, my girlfriend, and my daughter in my truck. No alcohol consumed by any drivers. BIL leaves in the sand car and gets lit up for not turning on his tail lights. Still light out, but sun has set. Given a field sobriety test, all good, can we leave now....Nope! where's your registration? CRAP! He built the car in his shop and never finished that process. Follow me to the ranger station where the car will be impounded. So, that all happens, and I wait so I can give them a ride back to camp. I leave the ranger station and barely shift my truck into second gear before I get pulled over. WTF? After a few words were exchanged with the little twerp, I get a ticket for driving at a speed that was "imprudent to the conditions". Yep! Since I wasn't actually speeding on the 35mph road, he came up with that crap.

We no longer go to the big gathering spots if we are out on the big holidays.
I used to say do nothing wrong and they will leave you alone, until the one time we didn't do anything wrong, and they treated us like felons.

Our only reason for the contact was we were the only ones around.
This happens all the time....that whole "if you are doing nothing wrong then you have nothing to worry about!" is a bunch of BS......A lot of BOOTLICKERS will tout that crap - especialy when they have a buddy LEO or whatever............They WILL find something (even if it isnt yours and write a ticket!...costs them nothing and YOU have to show up in court / I have even seen them Lie under oath in court....Its great when you are with a retired LEO and he explains the situation to the Judge....NOT GUILTY......... However.......... You just wasted a day annd are at ZERO.......the lieing dipchit is getting paid and will do it all over again to someone else.........Its a horrible feeling.

Most people just pay the BS ticket and move on,, I for one will fight it all the way. In my mind it is worse than a common criminal putting you at gun point and stealing your hard earned money.....No Way!
We’ll they did litter they were gonna leave that flag there she was right. There was another bud recently where a ranger stopped a guy for no flag. Rider was cool ranger gave him a warning and mounting suggestions.

As for glamis the rangers can be asses like said we had one who is known to be a prick saw him and was like oh great. We camp far off the road and he just says I’m tired of dealing with everyone down there and they tell me why don’t I go check that camp up there. He sees pass says ok I checked then sees an empty cab on chair tells me it can be litter if it hits the sand. I pick it up toss it away. He drives off.

Another trip him and another are on quads this time. They roll up basic pass check and walk around to see green stickers then chatted about the current big weekend as it was early part of it. That’s it but have also had negative in the past so I really just try and avoid them if I can since you don’t know what you will get. Past few years they have mellowed out but before that they were brutal and still some with that attitude we’re all bad.
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