What are your thoughts on this?

Yep, Oregon takes their flag laws pretty serious. I got stopped once because I only had a 3' x 5' yellow smiley face flag on my rail. You have to have orange or red in Oregon and it must be on top. You can fly multiple flags but an orange or red must be the top flag. Fortunately the LEO was cool and just gave me a warning. He even told me he really just wanted to see the rail and that's why he stopped me ;)

LEO's can be a pain some times for sure, but I for one have the utmost respect for what they do and I'm glad they are there.

I remember the first time I went, and jumped out of my truck and started pumping my own gas.

The attendant came out screaming at me!!! 😱🤣😱

It it still that way up there??
I've broke many a flag out there but I've wadded up my quad a number of times too. Been a couple occasions it was too mangled to get back in the mount; I can't recall ever tossing it though. Just hold it on the ride of shame back to camp.

As for my thoughts; well, just another way to make revenue...
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Come on now, you know we start with kiddie tracks, then go to Chinese lanterns brining yore dogs to the dunes all before we go for the Ghost Campers
Nope. I'm breaking protocol and going straight to it.
So, what's more likely:

He crashed. Broke the whip. Carefully placed it in the bushes for safekeeping. Made plans with the other guy to go to a buddy's camp to get tools. Then return to fix it...


He crashed. Broke the $10 whip. Threw out some angry words about baby Jesus. Tossed the broken whip into the bushes. Rode away. Got pulled over and came up with the above.
My thoughts are his whip broke and he left it in the bushes to get some good jumps in without the whip in the way. Planned on going back( hopefully) to pick it up on his way back to camp but got caught first. The whip was still long enough to jam down the side plate and frame to get back.
The Ghost campers that leave the dogs there to play with chinese lanterns while they go make kiddie tracks are the worst.
Hey there are some upstanding, yet sit while they pee members around here that you just tried to insult with that wise crack
Goddamned Chinese lanterns...

But I don't think they brine their dogs, just throw marinade/glaze on them and fry them up.
The ones who serve up some tasty puppy do. It's like BBB and Carp, the people who know how to serve it up know how to serve it up
I remember the first time I went, and jumped out of my truck and started pumping my own gas.

The attendant came out screaming at me!!! 😱🤣😱

It it still that way up there??
Nope, passed a law last year allowing pumping your own.
My limited experience with these Forest Service Rangers is not good. I had one pull me over for flying an American flag which he said did not meet the requirements. He said I could fly a solid red or orange flag above the American flag. I pointed out that no flag should be flown above the American flag which just seemed to piss him off. They are in general azzhats to duners, whether it's warranted or not.
I duned Winchester and Coos the most. Local LE's were always cool in my opinion. Most local LE's were actually cool to bullshit with and have a sense of humor, something the FS Rangers seemed to lack. Must be a Federal thing?
My limited experience with these Forest Service Rangers is not good. I had one pull me over for flying an American flag which he said did not meet the requirements. He said I could fly a solid red or orange flag above the American flag. I pointed out that no flag should be flown above the American flag which just seemed to piss him off. They are in general azzhats to duners, whether it's warranted or not.
I duned Winchester and Coos the most. Local LE's were always cool in my opinion. Most local LE's were actually cool to bullshit with and have a sense of humor, something the FS Rangers seemed to lack. Must be a Federal thing?

I've ridden everywhere from Coos Bay, Winchester, St Anthony's, Glamis and around Utah and all over SoCal and the Sierra's.

I've never had a bad encounter with an LEO. I try and be respectful and follow the rules.

Just lucky I guess. 🤷‍♂️
So, what's more likely:

He crashed. Broke the whip. Carefully placed it in the bushes for safekeeping. Made plans with the other guy to go to a buddy's camp to get tools. Then return to fix it...


He crashed. Broke the $10 whip. Threw out some angry words about baby Jesus. Tossed the broken whip into the bushes. Rode away. Got pulled over and came up with the above.

Well they literally walked 15’ to get it sooo..
I've ridden everywhere from Coos Bay, Winchester, St Anthony's, Glamis and around Utah and all over SoCal and the Sierra's.

I've never had a bad encounter with an LEO. I try and be respectful and follow the rules.

Just lucky I guess. 🤷‍♂️

Come hang out with me..

Got a problem?

Call the cops..

Now ya got 2 problems.. lol.

I can honestly say other than the Sherrifs in havasu that I have ever had a good experience with Leo.. and I give more than any mofo you know.

My limited experience with these Forest Service Rangers is not good. I had one pull me over for flying an American flag which he said did not meet the requirements. He said I could fly a solid red or orange flag above the American flag. I pointed out that no flag should be flown above the American flag which just seemed to piss him off. They are in general azzhats to duners, whether it's warranted or not.
I duned Winchester and Coos the most. Local LE's were always cool in my opinion. Most local LE's were actually cool to bullshit with and have a sense of humor, something the FS Rangers seemed to lack. Must be a Federal thing?

These LEOs are sub human SHIT BAGS ! ... Period ! Huge difference between someone not riding with a flag and someone who just wrecked. She is a total AZZHOLE scumbag.....You wonder why if she was in trouble in the dunes I'd drive right by...That encounter was 100% the reason right there.

A real cop is there to help you..........She is there to prey on people on vacation and make life miserable....Again....A POS !!!!My blood BOILS seeing Law Enforcement like this.........THAT right there is the reason the public hates the police...... Period. In my mind she is on the same level as a pedophile....Both prey on the weak and pretend to care...Both are Human Garbage!

Spend some time with the Rangers in Dumont. They are INCREDIBLE ! They are Duners Helping Duners and are there to make your stay Enjoyable.......Coming from glamis I was on guard ....... couldn't believe how good the Dumont rangers were... It was Amazing.
These LEOs are sub human SHIT BAGS ! ... Period ! Huge difference between someone not riding with a flag and someone who just wrecked. She is a total AZZHOLE scumbag.....You wonder why if she was in trouble in the dunes I'd drive right by...That encounter was 100% the reason right there.

A real cop is there to help you..........She is there to prey on people on vacation and make life miserable....Again....A POS !!!!My blood BOILS seeing Law Enforcement like this.........THAT right there is the reason the public hates the police...... Period. In my mind she is on the same level as a pedophile....Both prey on the weak and pretend to care...Both are Human Garbage!

Spend some time with the Rangers in Dumont. They are INCREDIBLE ! They are Duners Helping Duners and are there to make your stay Enjoyable.......Coming from glamis I was on guard ....... couldn't believe how good the Dumont rangers were... It was Amazing.
Interesting perspective.. so you are saying they are different from place to place?

Interesting perspective.. so you are saying they are different from place to place?

100%........ As different as Fox News and MSNBC.......It is CRAZY. Many GD.com members used to support the BLM and would be willing to do whatever in Glamis to help if they were in trouble....Then......The abuse of power went crazy for a lot of years. We have LEOs here on this site that had pepper spray deployed at them and their families and went to the Ranger station to get the reports and were told it never happened. I would never have belived that Rangers acted like the one in the video until I witnessed it first hand in Glamis. I have seen it and it is brutal to watch.

Dumont Rangers were the EXACT OPPOSITE of what Glamis was like. They were some of the best LEOs I ever seen interacting with their guests....The attitude and job mission were 180 degrees apart from what we endure in Glamis. I am not talking about Rescue personel.....Those guys are awesome. I am only speaking about the Rangers.....It is soo different out in Dumont - Those rangers have community support BIG TIME......maybe some Dumont peeps can chime in.

I would love to see Glamis become like that. (like it was a long time ago).....
Dumont LEO would come party with us in Camp at night, yes what Poule43 says is spot on.

Latin Lover probably has pics or video of them partying in camp, very cool down to earth folks.

Totally different - 100%
Well they literally walked 15’ to get it sooo..
Said they just crashed, who knows.

Either way, silly to not spend 30 seconds jamming it into the bike somewhere or just carry it. Even sillier to plan to ride back to camp, then come back for it unless camp is right over there type thing. No clue where they are in relation to camp there.

I usually see a broken whip somewhere along the way on a ride, so I assume some at least are just leaving it there.