What are your thoughts on this?


Staff member
Aug 7, 2024
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Yup bullshit Ive seen it happen at Glamis too.
Expect this every time there’s contact with a LEO
I see yore missing yore Flag....better load up!

Off-roading in Havasu and Parker it is rare (and I mean really rare) that we ever encounter any authorities out here.. So it’s pretty foreign to me the behavior that “I’m just gonna getcha for something.”
So apparently I'm the Devil's Advocate :D

I've had my (un)fair share of Ranger encounters out there... But even on a quick quad rip with the kids, I've still had enough tools/zip ties/bailing wire to temporarily re-mount a flag. Worst that happens is it pokes out of a camel pack or zip tied somewhere, or whatever until it's fixed at camp. I've never hucked a flag into a bush to come back for it, and I've certainly never demanded tools from a Ranger to fix it.

Dumb reason to get pulled over, sure, but dumber to be completely unable to remedy.
He didn’t demand anything he asked a question.. lol
Eh - dirt bike dudes could have been a little less condescending and explained the issue better. That would have most likely resulted in the ranger being a bit more helpful and understanding. I'd be a prick if they talked to me that way.
There isn't much at G you could break a flag on.

Oregon Dunes? The single tracks through the trees are awesome, but you can easily loose a flag!

Gotta be aware of your surroundings.

And no, I didn't watch the vid. 😜
He didn’t demand anything he asked a question.. lol
Touche. He did ask for a wrench, then suggest they carry tools to help them out.

The lack of personal accountability/responsibility with the youts these days is something that drives me insane though. Damned whippersnappers need to be self-sufficient!

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There isn't much at G you could break a flag on.

Oregon Dunes? The single tracks through the trees are awesome, but you can easily loose a flag!

Gotta be aware of your surroundings.

And no, I didn't watch the vid. 😜
And yet breaking flags in Glamis is rampant.

Driving into the trailer, tipping over yore ATC70 camp racing, etc.

Flag business is good in Glamis - LOL
And yet breaking flags in Glamis is rampant.

Driving into the trailer, tipping over yore ATC70 camp racing, etc.

Flag business is good in Glamis - LOL
I've never, ever, broken a flag I forgot to take off, or kicked getting off of a rip around camp on the kids' quads, or went through on an unintentional dismount... Never. :ninja:
Malls cops being dicks.

BLM ALWAYS goes for the soft target, yet...do NOTHING over ghost campers. Yeah...I said it...time to kick off the season beeches.

I can't even count how many times I ran from BLM over something stupid. I'm not paying a ticket over a broken whip or you wanting to shake me down. You're going to have to earn it.

Anytime I've had questions, I call Imperial County Sheriffs. They are cool and will help you. BLM was shaking people down for having guns in their RVs. Completely illegal. The desk chief at the BLM office threw a fit when I called about it and asked. So...I called the sheriff's office and they said BLM was out of line. THEN....the BLM desk chief called me back and said she was corrected by the sheriff's office but still said don't bring a gun or you're asking for her rangers to look harder...SMH. I told then they better have a warrant if they want to look inside my RV or call the sheriff.
I rode back to camp plenty of times on my cr500 with a flag in my backpack because I broke it... started carrying a hacksaw blade and file to round the edges and put it back on...
Yep, Oregon takes their flag laws pretty serious. I got stopped once because I only had a 3' x 5' yellow smiley face flag on my rail. You have to have orange or red in Oregon and it must be on top. You can fly multiple flags but an orange or red must be the top flag. Fortunately the LEO was cool and just gave me a warning. He even told me he really just wanted to see the rail and that's why he stopped me ;)

LEO's can be a pain some times for sure, but I for one have the utmost respect for what they do and I'm glad they are there.
Come on now, you know we start with kiddie tracks, then go to Chinese lanterns brining yore dogs to the dunes all before we go for the Ghost Campers
Goddamned Chinese lanterns...

But I don't think they brine their dogs, just throw marinade/glaze on them and fry them up.