What Are You Listening To

The pinnacle of their career by leaps and bounds.  Saw that show twice, San Diego Sports Arena and the US Festival then again in Phoenix playing pretty much the same set list but on the Defenders of the Faith tour.  To me Defenders was when they became almost a cartoon version of the band, by Turbo they had become just a caricature of themselves 
This is the pinnacle of their career:

One of my favorite songs from their second act

Heard this one on the way to work today.  Talk about a way back machine

Happy Birthday to Joe Strummer of the Clash (the only band that mattered) who would have been 72 today

I'm a big fan of Gary Numan, I love his signature sound and use of synthesizers. He's 66 but still rocks, I missed him when he was in Phoenix a few months ago but I'm now following his social media and will be sure to catch up next time he's anywhere close. Dam the guy is passionate about his music, there is so much more beyond Cars if anyone is willing to spend a bit of time on youtube. 

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