What Are You Listening To

Rest in Peace, Jim Ladd of KMET fame.

The "Last DJ" as Tom Petty once sang.

Heros are all fading away...

Rest in Peace, Jim Ladd of KMET fame.

The "Last DJ" as Tom Petty once sang.

Heros are all fading away...
And it seems that no-one is stepping into their place....  I never thought it could happen.  but.......... When polka was popular I can only guess they never thought it would die as well..... 

@Mac has that on a loop synchrosynchronized with his Grinch-mas lights at his house...

I'm sure @TheSPAINishLover Night at the Roxbury'd many a ho to that song....


One of the best rock song openings...  

And imo the best version of this. 


I love living in the South.  The people are beautiful.  The connections and friendships, sincere.  The landscape, God's country.  

Say my blessings every morning at 3am when I wake to go to the gym.  My blessings and affirmations come before I jump out of bed, every day.

Best in health and success to you all!
