Beg to differ, never have we seen the type of assault  on our basic freedoms....there is NOBODY else, once the US falls, there is no other country to carry the torch.  This is a heavy duty effort by billionaires to destroy the US and it's working.  
Once the dollar has been destroyed, you will see something new. It will not be good.

The world will continue on just fine without us. To think we're special is laughable.
Empires have come and gone, yet here we are.
Ancient Rome was probably the pinnacle of great empires, yet even that fell, and the 
world continued to turn...

The world will continue on just fine without us. To think we're special is laughable.
Empires have come and gone, yet here we are.
Ancient Rome was probably the pinnacle of great empires, yet even that fell, and the 
world continued to turn...
Yes and no, I do not think the world would still exist as we know it if one of the narcissistic tyrannical rulers of some of the aforementioned empires had a button to disintegrate his opponent and the entire world in an attempt to stay in power or act of last defiance. Times have changed... 

The world will continue on just fine without us. To think we're special is laughable.
Empires have come and gone, yet here we are.
Ancient Rome was probably the pinnacle of great empires, yet even that fell, and the 
world continued to turn...
Ancient Greece and the Roman Empires fell due to liberalism, inclusion and the false sense of belief that they were too big to fail.  Their borders were opened, they let their enemies right in through the front door.  They created policies of inclusion and spread themselves and their resources too thin.

Yes and no, I do not think the world would still exist as we know it if one of the narcissistic tyrannical rulers of some of the aforementioned empires had a button to disintegrate his opponent and the entire world in an attempt to stay in power or act of last defiance. Times have changed... 
Fair point, but I just don't think it's going to come down to that.

Ancient Greece and the Roman Empires fell due to liberalism, inclusion and the false sense of belief that they were too big to fail.  Their borders were opened, they let their enemies right in through the front door.  They created policies of inclusion and spread themselves and their resources too thin.
Well........... that is SOOOO different than what we are doing right now................  </Sarcasm>

  • Haha
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The greatest place to be when it all comes down.....Mother Glamis. See y'all there. I'll bring my artillery. And Bloody Mary's. And race fuel. And my ATC70 to come visit everyone. Peace 

Roman empire, Persian empire, etc said the same thing? Open a history book.. not being a smart ass. We are not going g anything new. History repeats itself. Just different times with the tech we have 
to your point the Roman empire is gone, Persian empire is gone. so you don't care if America falls?  There has never been I time when Wrong is Right and things are so backwards.    Oregon just passed a law that High School Grads don't need to read or do math to get a diploma.  what the heck is that about. Also our freedoms are totally at risk which is the bases of your nation sorry but I do see your point but I am scared for my kids and grandkids .   Human kind will kill itself off within a couple hundred years if it takes that long.   I am not looking forward to another civil or world war. 

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 Oregon just passed a law that High School Grads don't need to read or do math to get a diploma.  what the heck is that about.
Just read about this today. They tried to keep this below the radar!! This was about POC not meeting minimum standards. What our state Government is saying is minorities are incapable of meeting the minimum standards so let's lower them. Instead of lifting kids to give them a chance to succeed, they want to hold them down to eventually fail. Sounds racist to me.

how about some accountability????  The govt/courts have allowed the schools to be put in a Crap position & unfortunately they seem to be mostly made up of liberal POS's that dont understand simple logical thought process..... 

Just read about this today. They tried to keep this below the radar!! This was about POC not meeting minimum standards. What our state Government is saying is minorities are incapable of meeting the minimum standards so let's lower them. Instead of lifting kids to give them a chance to succeed, they want to hold them down to eventually fail. Sounds racist to me.
Right, there Governor said it would help all people of color. I just don't see how keeping them so they cant compete in the job world is helping them.  get some better or more teachers and teach them not lower the standards. 

There are now videos surfacing showing troops forcibly taking kids into the vaccination centers in Australia.

F'd up for sure.

There are now videos surfacing showing troops forcibly taking kids into the vaccination centers in Australia.

F'd up for sure.
If only that were true as it would make for compelling content, but methinks yore wildly misinformed.  Currently, Sydney does not have enough does for those who want to get vaxxed.  My ex lives there and her  vax appointment, made months ago, isn't until next month .

Troops have been dispatched to enforce the City's lock down, which is now going on week 7 . . .
