
Joe is just fine it's just his studder, Leave Joe alone. He has to stay in power until we can get Kameltowa out of that chair first

Yes it would be 10X worse if the Kamelhowa gets in to the big chair.

The right will not say a thing even if Joe goes full on left field at the State of the Union address until they can get Kameltoewa out of the on deck circle.
Also remember if Kameltoe becomes President...... guess who becomes VP......... Nancy Pelosi

Hopefully the left has 'overshot' with their crazy socialist/communist ideaology and will lose in 2022 and 2024. No one is going to elect Kamala IMO.

There is hope for the future. My kids were indoctrinated and repeated all the leftist sh__ they learned in school. Starting looking at other points of view and both have totally flipped to be hard core conservatives. This is my 24 year old (son) and 22 year old (daughter). The 29 year old has always been (Christian) conservative. We'll see with my 15 year old... too soon to tell.

Oh did I ever mentioned my wife is a total bleeding heart liberal.. yeah we don't discuss politics in my house... at least not in front of her.


Also remember if Kameltoe becomes President...... guess who becomes VP......... Nancy Pelosi
The right has no chance to get rid of Kameltowa as long as the wicked witch of the west is in charge. 

So the first step is to have the house fall on top of the wick witch of the west.

Hopefully the left has 'overshot' with their crazy socialist/communist ideaology and will lose in 2022 and 2024. No one is going to elect Kamala IMO.

There is hope for the future. My kids were indoctrinated and repeated all the leftist sh__ they learned in school. Starting looking at other points of view and both have totally flipped to be hard core conservatives. This is my 24 year old (son) and 22 year old (daughter). The 29 year old has always been (Christian) conservative. We'll see with my 15 year old... too soon to tell.

Oh did I ever mentioned my wife is a total bleeding heart liberal.. yeah we don't discuss politics in my house... at least not in front of her.

I feel your pain.  My 12 year old is coming home from public school with feminist books the teacher has recommended.  Put the kibosh to that sh!t.  You wanna see strong women, talk to your mom, grandma, aunt, etc.  Seriously.... a book about Emma Watson standing up to toxic masculinity.  BTW, her net worth is a cool $80 million.  Guess that wage gap is a MF. 

The sky is falling........ The sky is falling....... calm down everyone..... every generation goes through something where the world is coming to an end... 
Beg to differ, never have we seen the type of assault  on our basic freedoms....there is NOBODY else, once the US falls, there is no other country to carry the torch.  This is a heavy duty effort by billionaires to destroy the US and it's working.  

The sky is falling........ The sky is falling....... calm down everyone..... every generation goes through something where the world is coming to an end... 
I've wondered about this as I certainly didn't pay much attention to Crap in my younger days. What are some similar events that previous generations went through?

I gotta admit, he has been in that seat for longer than I thought they were going to allow him to be there.....
Tactically , the longer "they" can prop that walking corpse up, the longer "they" can implement their agenda under the radar.. The real question is "who" is actually running the show,???   As it clearly is not Bidum.. It is no longer even being hid that there is a force at play behind the scenes, with an agenda to destroy and take down the USA as we all knew it as youngsters.. 

Beg to differ, never have we seen the type of assault  on our basic freedoms....there is NOBODY else, once the US falls, there is no other country to carry the torch.  This is a heavy duty effort by billionaires to destroy the US and it's working.  

Tactically , the longer "they" can prop that walking corpse up, the longer "they" can implement their agenda under the radar.. The real question is "who" is actually running the show,???   As it clearly is not Bidum.. It is no longer even being hid that there is a force at play behind the scenes, with an agenda to destroy and take down the USA as we all knew it as youngsters.. 
Agenda Agenda I believe the ultimate goal is to destroy our nation and every record of what this nation was founded on and has stood for throughout the years. Biden is just a puppet the money people are pulling the strings and this current situation is the most in your face we don’t give a $hit what the American people think display ever. I am hoping when push comes to shove they are underestimating the American people. I for one will stand side by side with with my fellow American’s when the stuff really hits the fan just hoping there is enough of us

I'm usually pretty agreeable with what you guys have to say. But not in this case. WTF.......do you like Eco-Freaks?

I'd put them in feet first.
Feet first and the chipper feeders on slowest setting. We want really small chips here

I've wondered about this as I certainly didn't pay much attention to Crap in my younger days. What are some similar events that previous generations went through?
WW2, Civil War, etc.... thats just 2 recent events here in the US. History is full of war, tyrants and empires falling

Beg to differ, never have we seen the type of assault  on our basic freedoms....there is NOBODY else, once the US falls, there is no other country to carry the torch.  This is a heavy duty effort by billionaires to destroy the US and it's working.  
Roman empire, Persian empire, etc said the same thing? Open a history book.. not being a smart ass. We are not going g anything new. History repeats itself. Just different times with the tech we have 

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We need to start with George Soros in the chipper.

Then every Liberal progressive District Attorney that he bankrolled. Starting with Gascon of LA County

Roman empire, Persian empire, etc said the same thing? Open a history book.. not being a smart ass. We are not going g anything new. History repeats itself. Just different times with the tech we have 
Those Empires went thru the same thing, as you say history repeats itself, but how did they fair, and where are those Empires now? I thi k that is the point trying to be made.

Those Empires went thru the same thing, as you say history repeats itself, but how did they fair, and where are those Empires now? I thi k that is the point trying to be made.
Yep, We still have a chance....but I think the clock is running faster than people know.  Once we are gone as a country, the whole world will suffer. 
