I get the idea that, before long, the rest of the world might not have that hatred towards Americans any longer. They may actually start to feel sorry for us.

The Ugly American will be replaced with The Stupid American. Hmmmmm..........TSA. Good name for a film. This time it'll be a documentary.

I'm not sure which would be worse, Biden surviving until the end of his term, or Kamala taking over if he dies or becomes an invalid........Yes I know, he's ALREADY an invalid.

Just wait till the Effing nut job gets confirmed as head of the blm . By by everything because that granola eco twat thinks lHumans are terrorizing the earth . The only thing I have for a Democrat and all the rest of the liberals and whatever they call themselves is a ride head first into a wood chipper .

Just wait till the Effing nut job gets confirmed as head of the blm . By by everything because that granola eco twat thinks lHumans are terrorizing the earth . The only thing I have for a Democrat and all the rest of the liberals and whatever they call themselves is a ride head first into a wood chipper .
Not to mention they are still pushing the nomination of "The Waco Kid" David Chipman, the biggest anti-gun piece of Crap on Earth, to head ATF, errr... AFT.

Not to mention they are still pushing the nomination of "The Waco Kid" David Chipman, the biggest anti-gun piece of Crap on Earth, to head ATF, errr... AFT.
He can go straight thru the floor into a death ride on mr bone stripper . 
2 points if anyone can name the movie this is from . 

I'm not sure which would be worse, Biden surviving until the end of his term, or Kamala taking over if he dies or becomes an invalid........Yes I know, he's ALREADY an invalid.
Joe is just fine it's just his studder, Leave Joe alone. He has to stay in power until we can get Kameltowa out of that chair first

Yes it would be 10X worse if the Kamelhowa gets in to the big chair.

The right will not say a thing even if Joe goes full on left field at the State of the Union address until they can get Kameltoewa out of the on deck circle.

The sky is falling........ The sky is falling....... calm down everyone..... every generation goes through something where the world is coming to an end... 

I think it's all a Ruse to get the Brain Dead to realize how Eff'd up this world really is. When people stand up in mass and take this world back from the rulers all will be Good and the Evil Doers will be Gone..Once and For all.
