VP Debate


Forum Moderator
May 1, 2021
Didn't see a post... am I the only one watching?

The hosts seem just as biased but maybe more vicious than the last debate. My devil dog Vance seems to be holding his own quite well.
Just raises my blood pressure. Can't imagine anyone not knowing who they are voting for at this point. Walz is a POS.
Exactly right on all points. With how divided the country is right now I call BS on anyone that claims to not know who they are voting for. 6 months ago it didn't matter and people would have voted for a head of lettuce instead of Trump. As bad as Walz and Harris is it doesn't matter... he could shit his pants, bare-hand it from the back of his drawers, and eat it on live TV and they'd still get the same amount of votes.
As biased as the mainstream media is... how amazing is it that a conservative can get ever get elected to any office anywhere!
How less divided would this country be if they were better at hiding it!
"I've become friends with school shooters" - Tim Walz
I heard that this morning and thought that they said "pool shooters" as his being friends with "school shooters" could obviously not be immediately processed by my brain.
I was more disappointed in Vance fumbling all over himself to shockingly agree with Harris/Waltz on multiple occasions for some bizarre reason.
Didn't see a post... am I the only one watching?

The hosts seem just as biased but maybe more vicious than the last debate. My devil dog Vance seems to be holding his own quite well.

I watched. Those Biatches needed to STFU! Thought it was a good debate. Vance held his own. I think Walz didn't like the fact he had to say what his party wants him to say "Trump was bad for Democracy". Vance proved that wrong. STFU Girls, especially the one in pink. Peace
I watched a bit of it & have to say that I was impressed with the respectful debate & thought that they both did a very good job. while I was hoping that Vance was better prepared he did a much better job than Trump did. and Waltz............. I just dont understand how anyone can think the way the left does. WTF????
Walz was all slander.
I agree. The Dems are constantly lying and their allies in the media turn a blind eye to it and actually will amplify the lies to assist their candidate of choice.
One of the biggest lies is that the rich are the only ones that benefitted from the Trump tax cuts. Not true, the middle class on down benefitted the most and the data supports this.
I'm not a huge Vance fan, but he was the smartest guy in the room last night.

I can't stand walz. Just a liberal fucking turd.

Both candidates gave and performed pretty much as I expected. Vance smart, calm and direct. walz...emotional and insulting. He looks like a biden "lite". Older, dumb, emotional, exaggerates and lies.

The moderators were so biased. I knew they would be. They have spent the last 8 years of their careers hating Trump and anything Republican. Even when Vance "fact checked" them, they shut off his mic.
My wife and I were watching the debate. Of course, Jan 6 always gets brought up. BUT...Republicans need to start bringing up July 21, 2024...when democrats APPOINTED harris as their candidate...APPOINTED! Not voted on by the people. THIS...is stealing an election, THIS is overturning the will of the people.

We need to start reminding the people of this and demonize it. Yo....America...your choice was overturned and ignored!
Walz face just kept getting redder and redder the more JD would call out him and Harris. He kept writing stuff down and then it was like they switched his blue ink out with invisible ink before the debate because he would look at his notes and look up with the deer in the headlights gaze.
My wife and I were watching the debate. Of course, Jan 6 always gets brought up. BUT...Republicans need to start bringing up July 21, 2024...when democrats APPOINTED harris as their candidate...APPOINTED! Not voted on by the people. THIS...is stealing an election, THIS is overturning the will of the people.

We need to start reminding the people of this and demonize it. Yo....America...your choice was overturned and ignored!
i bring this up alot and so many people think that since she was the VP she had a right to the nomination since biden dropped (forced) out. its sad how little they actually know about how things work.
i bring this up alot and so many people think that since she was the VP she had a right to the nomination since biden dropped (forced) out. its sad how little they actually know about how things work.
The presidential nominating process is a political one, not a governmental one. Political parties are private entities and are generally free to set their own rules for how they select presidential and vice-presidential nominees.
The presidential nominating process is a political one, not a governmental one. Political parties are private entities and are generally free to set their own rules for how they select presidential and vice-presidential nominees.
and can change them at will, especially when there are billions of dollars they would have to give back to the people who made those donations.