Veterans Day Gathering 2021


Shopping, Packing, Loading, Unloading, Towing and all that stuff 
That’s the part I like. Total freedom, put things where you want them and know right where everything is, and hear no bitching. But a partner with mechanical skills would be nice.... and the tool to go along with it. :biggrinangela:

That’s the part I like. Total freedom, put things where you want them and know right where everything is, and hear no bitching. But a partner with mechanical skills would be nice.... and the tool to go along with it. :biggrinangela:
All of that is sooooo true 🤭 especially the tool :sraptor:  oh I mean tools. You forgot the S right :lol:

I missed last year due to work issues, or lack therof, I'm looking forward to this year, but may miss it, due to work, but this time cause there is too much...  time will tell...

Has there been any progress on some sort of "transmitter"? 


That is awesome.   This is certainly one of, if not the best trip of the year, and this will make it much more enjoyable!!!  

As always thanks to everyone involved in this effort. 
