Vaccine Research

There is a website that shows all the reported problems with the vaccine. Sure looks like it takes some effort to get the data though


Look up natural immunity to smallpox vs. vaccinated. Thanks for proving my point.

An interesting observation during the smallpox scourge was that people who survived natural smallpox developed life-long immunity against the disease, but immunity following vaccination begins to wane in vaccine recipients 3–5 years after vaccination,[1] even though the majority of vaccine recipients retain some level of antibody up to 75 years after vaccination.[69] The mechanism of vaccine-induced protection is not clear, leaving a major gap in knowledge of the correlates of immune protection against smallpox that becomes relevant for efficacy evaluation of new-generation vaccines.
Interesting, but you can not dispute the fact it has been eradicated since the vaccine for Small pox has been given.  Fun fact - they made people get the small pox vaccine whether by choice or other means.  There is a Supreme Court case that upheld the states ability to do so.  

3 coworkers, last week went to a sport event, 1 Vaccine and the other 2 did not,  the person vaccinated, did not get sick, the other 2 did,  Dan was in the Hospital for about a week,  and Passed away today,  Dan you will be truly missed,   RIP Dan Peressini   

3 coworkers, last week went to a sport event, 1 Vaccine and the other 2 did not,  the person vaccinated, did not get sick, the other 2 did,  Dan was in the Hospital for about a week,  and Passed away today,  Dan you will be truly missed,   RIP Dan Peressini   
Sorry for your loss.

3 coworkers, last week went to a sport event, 1 Vaccine and the other 2 did not,  the person vaccinated, did not get sick, the other 2 did,  Dan was in the Hospital for about a week,  and Passed away today,  Dan you will be truly missed,   RIP Dan Peressini   
sorry for your loss

3 coworkers, last week went to a sport event, 1 Vaccine and the other 2 did not,  the person vaccinated, did not get sick, the other 2 did,  Dan was in the Hospital for about a week,  and Passed away today,  Dan you will be truly missed,   RIP Dan Peressini   
Sorry to hear this Jason, I didn't know it went that fast for some.  RIP Dan Peressini 

I got the vaccine due to some underlying health issues and my dad is 91.  No big deal

Does it's not the same type of vaccine mean anything to you?
Yes, but not enough to prevent me from potentially getting sick or worse, getting sick and passing it on to someone who may end up dead because I chose not to protect myself. . .

Why are we supposed to trust the FDA ? These are poeple that say cereal is healthy and part of a balanced breakfast, give me break. 

 Approval will not change my mind on this shot. They keep saying that the shot will NOT keep you from getting or spreading Covid only from getting very sick. They really need to make up thier mind if they want skeptics to buy in.

 My 83 year mom beat Covid like a moderate cold in Dec 2020. She had a positive antibody test so her Dr. advised her not to get the vaccine. She caved because of all the media buzz and chatter from her friends in that age group and did it anyway. Took the JJ shot and has been having chronic nausea nad gastro issues ever since. Has been in the ER 4 times and admitted twice. She now regrets taking the shot. Listen to your Dr. this is NOT a one size fits all shot. 

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P.S. I think it's very telling that you can't get an antibody test easily to see if you've had it. My doctor told me the only place he knows of is to go donate blood because they check.. If you knew you had already had it, would you get a shot? 
The antibody tests are pretty easy to get. You can even get them done at CVS. $38 and takes 10 minutes 

For me, I didn’t buy into the mass hysteria when this all started. The mask this just looked plain ridiculous to me (too many reasons to list). The daily scare and control of what seemed to be fake numbers and manipulated data. Then you get this BS election. I don’t believe anything from corporate or MSM.

 Now it seems like they will do anything to get a shot in any arm they can. No one is allowed to question the “science” without being cancelled or thrashed to oblivion by the media. I’ve been in the public the whole time. I’ve been sick a couple times, but never got tested. I just decided to keep living my life and staying as healthy as I can.

Less stress and state of mental peace is the main thing for me. I will not be getting the shot. Someone else’s safety is not my responsibility. That’s not a popular outlook these days.  This all feels like at spiritual battle to me. Stuff today and the trajectory we are on just looks like the worst parts of the Bible may be on the horizon. 

That’s all I got to say about that.

For me, I didn’t buy into the mass hysteria when this all started. The mask this just looked plain ridiculous to me (too many reasons to list). The daily scare and control of what seemed to be fake numbers and manipulated data. Then you get this BS election. I don’t believe anything from corporate or MSM.

 Now it seems like they will do anything to get a shot in any arm they can. No one is allowed to question the “science” without being cancelled or thrashed to oblivion by the media. I’ve been in the public the whole time. I’ve been sick a couple times, but never got tested. I just decided to keep living my life and staying as healthy as I can.

Less stress and state of mental peace is the main thing for me. I will not be getting the shot. Someone else’s safety is not my responsibility. That’s not a popular outlook these days.  This all feels like at spiritual battle to me. Stuff today and the trajectory we are on just looks like the worst parts of the Bible may be on the horizon. 

That’s all I got to say about that.

Well Said. I have to agree with ya. I'm Sorry for the loss of family members and friends here on the board. Peace 
